
Useful Telephone Numbers

NHS 24 Helpline  -   111

Police Scotland    -   Emergency Number 999

                                 Non Emergency Number 101      


Anti-Social Behaviour Hotline - 0800 389 1105 (24 hours)


Community Warden Service - 0141 584 2677

Due to a restructure within the Community Warden Service, the team is now split into two distinct services. The original warden role remains the same however there have been a number of changes in terms of added responsibilities and resources to provide an enhanced and improved service. The wardens now have the power to issue fixed penalty notices for littering and dog fouling as part of targeted initiatives. There has been a change in shift patterns to working at peak times of disorder including weekends and they now have access to two CCTV vehicles.

Mediation Services - 0141 2667 or 2665

Our mediation service offers help in the following areas: Community disputes, young people facing homelessness because of a family dispute and anti-social behaviour.

Environmental Services - 0303 123 1015

Environmental Health deals with Food Safety and Health and Safety at Work issues such as premises inspection and complaint and accident investigation. The section also deals with nuisance investigation and control including noise, pollution monitoring, pest control, dog warden service and investigation and remediation of contaminated land. Other functions include domestic water sampling, food poisoning investigation and licensing of certain types of premises such as houses in multiple occupation and pet shops, riding establishments etc.

Victim Support   Phone 01698  301 111

The service offers: Free, confidential and independent support by telephone, home visits or office appointments - whatever suits your best time to talk, supporting you while you work through the emotions you are experiencing.

Information about the role of other agencies and the procedures involved in the Criminal Justice System and anti-social behaviour.
Support while you talk to other agencies.
Help with completing CICA (Criminal Injuries Compensation Awards) and support in court for witnesses, including a pre-trial visit to the court.



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