
About Halfway Community Council

This website has been designed and constructed to provide, what the Community Council hope, will be a valuable resource for our residents.

It is hoped that the information provided through this site will enable the community of Halfway to  understand better the role of a community council and community councillors.  As the site develops we hope it will become the local access point for information about what Halfway has to offer and that visitors will benefit from the useful and informative content. Halfway Community Council is, like other Community Councils in Scotland, a statutory organisation, made up of volunteers who give time to, and have a genuine interest in, the well-being of the Halfway community.

The Community Council members are residents of the area who act on behalf of local people to help to make local authorities and other public bodies aware of the opinions, needs and preferences of  the local communities that they represent. We try and preserve those aspects of the community that the community believes are worth retaining, while also encouraging developments which will benefit the community and ensure that it will continue to thrive.

The Community Council consists of up to 18 members together with various ex-officio members including our local Councillors. Unlike Councillors, MP and MSP's, Community Councillors are elected or co-opted for their four-year term as individuals, without bias towards any political party.

Party politics play no part in Community Councils.

Community Councils were introduced through the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973. The Act states : "In addition to any other purpose which a community council may pursue, the general purpose of a community council shall be to ascertain, co-ordinate and express to the local authorities for its area, and to public authorities, the views of the community which it represents, in relation to such matters for which those authorities are responsible, and to take such action in the interests of that community as  appears to it to be expedient and practicable".

We also liaise with the community police team to highlight the fears and concerns of residents. Police officers attend all of our meetings.More Information

The Community Council is mainly made up from members of local tenants/residents associations, local groups and churches but would welcome individuals from areas not currently represented. Ideally we are looking for enthusiastic individuals who are keen to try and improve the area for the benefit of the community. 

If you have any ideas to improve our website, or the Cambuslang East area in general, we'd love to hear from you, either via our FEEDBACK page or come along to one of our meetings you'd be very welcome.

We usually  meet on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7.00pm in Particip8 - HUB, Halfway (except July and August) though this can change due to school holidays. Check our CALENDAR page for details.






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