


Record of Inaugral meeting at Clatt Village Hall 30/09/2024.
Cllr Goodall. Robin Baird, Andrew Beckley, David Grant, James Grant, Peter Johnston,
Tryphaena Jordan, Paul Manning, Janice Smith, Tony Smith, Sharon Stoneman
Meeting was welcomed by Cllr Goodall who would be the chair until officers were
appointed. Each member was asked to say who they were.
Sharon Stoneman was elected on a second vote to become the Chair and accepted.
Paul manning and David Grant declined to stand again. Tony Smith was other candidate.
Vice Chair to be Tony Smith. No other nominees
Secretary to be Tryphaena Jordan. Prop PM, Second AB, Janice Smith declined to stand .
No other nominees
Treasurer to be Robin Baird. Prop PM, Second JG. No other nominees.
S.S took over the meeting.
Adoption/approval of Constitution and Standing Orders.
Suggested that meetings should be monthly so the public would be aware of them and then
more likely to attend. This would mean that there was more opportunity to discuss
Planning Applications which have in the past been missed – some would still be out of time.
Possibly have to change Constitution – TJ to check and report back at next meeting.
Date for next meeting to be October 7 th at Rhynie. SS to contact Phyllis Beverly to book.
Apologies from D and J Grant as unable to attend. Nor on the Tuesday.
There had been correspondence from Andrew Dingwall Fordyce to speak at next meeting re
Craig Quarry. Cllr Goodall will send a reply inviting him to attend.
PM has kindly agreed to continue for now looking after the Defibrillators. He asked to
continue to personally pay for repairs/parts and then claim back from the Treasurer. This
would save time. Happy to continue with this arrangement. The Gartly defib’ had a fault
but now confirmed as sorted.
Vote of thanks Given by TJ to both Paul and Janice for their hard work over the years.
JS handed over all files and documents to SS.
Meeting closed.


Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Minutes of Meeting held at The Tin Hut, Gartly
on 8th July 2024.
Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), Janice Smith (Secretary/Treasurer), Morven Muirden,
Tony Smith, Peter Johnston, David Grant, Sharon Stoneman and Jake Williams.
In Attendance: Cllr Goodhall
Apologies: James Grant
Chairman Paul Manning informed the Community Council that former Community Councillor,
George Beverly, had sadly passed away after a short illness. George had served on the Community
Council for more than forty years and would be sorely missed by family and friends and everyone
in the community. His funeral will be held in Rhynie on Wednesday 10th July at 1.30pm with
everyone welcome.
Minutes of Previous Meetings: Proposed: David Grant; Seconded: Tony Smith
Community Council Constitution Changes:
The draft constitution was approved retaining the clause 6.1 (a)
The Community Council, at its first meeting after the initial and subsequent elections, shall elect
one of its members to be Chairperson and may elect one of its members to be Vice- Chairperson.
Neither office bearer may serve more than three consecutive terms.
Proposed: David Grant; Seconded: Tony Smith. All members in agreement.
Janice will send the draft constitution into the Marr Area Manager for prior approval. Constitution
to be formally adopted at the 19th August meeting.
Matters arising:
Kennethmont footpaths update:
Martin Hall has emailed an update. Mansefield Cottages footpath expected to
be completed around 26th July 2024. Work is progressing well.
The preliminary design work for the distillery footpath is expected to start in
August 2024 and the community and Community Council will be consulted
about this. Cllr Goodhall advised that at consultation the Community Council
and community needs to ensure that the crossing at the school is sufficient for
the needs of the community.
Cllr Goodhall advised that communities will be able to have their say
regarding speed limits across roads in Aberdeenshire. It has long been desired
by the community to have a 30 limit at the distillery area of Kennethmont.
Cllr Goodhall to make initial contact about this, along with speed restriction
at Gartly.
Roads & Landscape Services update:
Cllr Goodhall gave feedback regarding previous reported problems as
He advised that the issue of memorials on private land would be researched
by the council’s legal team.
Road sweepers still to be actioned for Rhynie.
The poor state of 6, Bogie Road, Rhynie still to be resolved.
The Clatt-Premnay road possible passing spaces-reported but no word back
from the Roads Dept.
Clatt Village Hall drainage problem still unresolved. Cllr Goodhall will
contact the Roads Dept again.
Community Resilience update:
Rhynie Charitable Trust is awaiting the outcome of their Clashindarroch
funding application for a mobile generator. They have received an award
from Marr Large Grant fund for half of the project costs.
Mains of Rhynie Forestry Proposal:
No further update.
Microgrant update:
Balance £2,338.13 remaining. Funding application for hall costs for
Community Council meetings to be considered at the next meeting.
Village Defibrillators:
There is a fund raising event at the Rannes Hall, Kennethmont on Saturday
13th July including a silent auction and use of defibrillators demonstration.
Other villages will be fund raising at a later date.
Paul highlighted that some of the defibrillators had been out of action when
he had checked them. There is a need for these to be checked on a regular
basis and each village should be responsible for doing this. Community
Councillors to make arrangements for this to be done.
Mosswood & Old Playing Field in Rhynie:
A meeting with Aberdeenshire Council members took place recently. Sharon,
Paul and Janice attended this. The possibility of creating a community
growing space was discussed. In the first instance this would be a minute of
agreement between the Community Council and Aberdeenshire Council. Paul
to contact neighbours of the site to discuss in the first instance.
Clatt School:
A meeting at Clatt Village Hall and subsequent online meeting have been
held to investigate the prospective community use of the village school. No
decision has been made and Matthew Smart will report back future progress.
Pop Up Bob:
Still awaiting delivery.
Community Council Inaugural meeting arrangements- Kirsty Macleod (Marr Area
Office) (Noted)
Planning Applications: No objections.
Individual Area Reports:
Gartly: Nothing further
Clatt: Nothing further
Kennethmont: Nothing further
Rhynie: Nothing further
Correen Hills Windfarm Proposal :
The information group CASHWIG has 2 public meeting dates: 16th July at 7pm at
Clatt Village Hall and 24th July at 7pm at the Rannes Hall, Kennethmont.
No further information from the developer. No information regarding a possible
survey across the Tap O Noth, Bennachie and Donside Community Council areas.
Craig Farm-processing of sand & gravel proposal: Nothing further.
Concerns have been raised regarding the speed lights at Kennethmont and Rhynie
being out of action. This is an unresolved problem originally reported at
Kennethmont many years ago. Cllr Goodhall to look into this as it appears to be an
Aberdeenshire wide issue.
Paul reported the 20mph signs littering the Cottown-Clatt road and in need of
Next Meeting:
19th August 2024 at 7.30pm
Fourteen, The Square, Rhynie



Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Minutes of Meeting held at Clatt Village Hall
15th April 2024 at 7.30pm

Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), Janice Smith (Secretary/Treasurer), Morven Muirden, Tony Smith, Jake Williams, Peter Johnston, Sharon Stoneman, David Grant, James Grant.
In Attendance: Cllr Goodhall
Apologies: George Beverly who after many years has retired from the Community Council.
Kate Beverly has resigned from the Community Council.
Vicky Briggs has moved out of the Tap O Noth area and therefore has also left the Community Council.
Minutes of Previous Meeting: Proposed: David Grant; Seconded: Morven Muirden.
Matters arising:
        Kennethmont footpaths update: Cllr Goodhall advised that there was no update. He would get in contact with Martin Hall about this.
        Roads & Landscape Services update:
The pothole outside Kennethmont School has been repaired but no other updates on
existing issues available.
George sent a report prior to the meeting regarding road defects etc which Janice will
forward on to Cllr Goodhall. In addition Rhynie War Memorial requires cleaning.
Other war memorials in the area are in need of attention too. Cllr Goodhall will
contact Aberdeenshire Council to check which of these in the Tap O Noth area are
maintained by the council.
        Community Resilience update:
Rhynie are applying for a fixed generator, planning application is submitted but not
yet determined, and funding sources identified. This is being handled by RCT.
For Clatt and Kennethmont the desired scope is still to be determined by discussion
with the hall committees. Action - Tony to keep in discussion via David and Morven
to progress as desired. Peter reported that Gartly were not prioritising this currently.
        Mains of Rhynie Forestry Proposal: No further update.
        Microgrant update:
Since the last meeting 1 micro grant has been approved:
£500 grant for the Kennethmont Community Cafe start up
Balance £3,018.13 remaining.
        Village Defibrillators:
Fundraising is needed as a matter of urgency to provide replacement pads and other
consumables for the 4 village defibrillators. Kennethmont is planning a fundraising
event alongside the new Community Cafe on the 2nd Saturday in June.
Janice to contact Foundation Scotland to see if this would be eligible for a grant. Cllr
Goodhall will check to see if this is eligible for any Marr Area grants.

The Community Council training event held in Kennethmont was attended by
several members of the community and was informative and helpful. The event held
in Rhynie also only had a few members of the public attending but again was
deemed informative.
        Community Council Elections:
After discussion over the implications of the change of election date to Sept/Oct and
the AGM date remaining the same it was decided that the Community Council would
put in a proposal to change the constitution so that office bearers would no longer be
elected at the AGM.
Janice to discuss further with Marr Area Office. Prospective changes to be put
forward at the beginning of the AGM for discussion/approval.
Peter proposes: David seconds and all in favour.
        Mosswood & Old Playing Field in Rhynie:
No word back from Aberdeenshire Council about the possible CAT or formal lease
agreement regarding the Mosswood and playing field.

        Clatt School Community Engagement Meeting:
Morven explained that unless 8 pupils from Clatt catchment area applied to attend
Clatt school by 15th May then the formal process of closing the school would begin.
A community meeting will be arranged as a priority in order to see what can be done.
        Feedback sought on Aberdeenshire Community Resilience framework   (deadline 3rd May 2024) (Noted)
        Aberdeenshire LDP evidence report topic papers (Noted)
        Marr Area Committee Grants 2024/25 (Noted)
Planning Applications:
ENQ/2024/0425 Craig Farm proposal of application notice for extraction and
processing of sand and gravel:
Little information available but public events forthcoming. Road access could be
cause for concern.
Public consultation events on Tuesday 16th April 3-8pm at Fourteen, Rhynie and
Monday 13th May 3-8pm at Lumsden Hall, Lumsden.
No comment on other applications.
Individual Area Reports:
11th May 10-12 sees the launch of the Rannes Community Cafe at Kennethmont.
There is also a free plant and seed giveaway being held at the same time in the back
Janice reported that the Rannes Hall Give & Take Community Hub had been erected
next to the hall and should be operational shortly.
        Rhynie: nothing further
Due to no further action regarding the water and mud coming into the hall carpark
from the road Cllr Goodhall to liaise with the roads dept to arrange a meeting with
Morven on site to progress this.

Accessing the A97 from Gartly is becoming difficult due to speeding vehicles on the
A97. Some signs or deterrent are needed before accidents happen. The Pop Up Bobs
could be very useful for this.

Correen Hills Windfarm Proposal :
Welcome to Mark Worsley from Bennachie Community Council. It was agreed that
the three Community Councils of Tap O Noth, Bennachie and Donside would have
more influence in achieving what their communities want if acting together.
Information regarding a possible community survey will be emailed across. The
whole Community Council agreed that the wind farm should not be allowed to go
ahead as this was very much against the wishes of the community.

Next Meeting:
27th May 2024 at 7.30pm
The Rannes Hall, Kennethmont


Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting

Minutes of Meeting held at Fourteen, Rhynie

4th March 2024 at 7.30pm


Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), Janice Smith (Secretary/Treasurer), Morven Muirden, Tony Smith, Jake Williams (later), Peter Johnston, Sharon Stoneman, David Grant.

In Attendance: Cllr Goodhall
Apologies: George Beverly, James Grant, Vicky Briggs, Kate Beverly, Diane Ord.

Minutes of Previous Meeting: Proposed: Tony Smith; Seconded: Peter Johnston.

Matters arising:
        Kennethmont footpaths update:

Cllr Goodhall advised that both footpaths were going ahead and were budgeted for but still no definite date. Martin Hall would be in touch to brief the Community Council.

        Roads & Landscape Services update:

No updates. Janice to send the list of outstanding issues to Cllr Goodhall in order to expedite. Concerns raised once more that the Community Council has no contact within the Council to flag up serious concerns. Some of the reported issues are not being resolved due to the lack of contact with relevant parties.

Waste collection has not been carried out at The Muirs, Rhynie. Cllr Goodhall to look into this.
        Community Resilience update:
Due to the costs of generators and restricted funding it was decided that smaller transportable generators would be the way forward for each of the halls. Each hall to look into their particular electric requirement. Tony to liaise with George and contact the halls in order to help progress this.

        Mains of Rhynie Forestry Proposal:

Kate had sent an update prior to the meeting. An extensive archaeological survey is now required. Forestry Scotland advised that there are other issues to be resolved.

        Microgrant update:
Since the last meeting 3 micro grants have been approved:

£500 grant for the Community Give & Take Hub at the Rannes Hall, Kennethmont.

£500 grant for the defibrillator fund.
£500 grant for Clatt Village Hall water heater.
2024 funding has been received from Foundation Scotland £3,353.43

Balance £3,518.13 remaining.

        Correen Hills Windfarm Proposal:

No further contact by the developer. There is a planning application pending decision for erection of a mast to gather windspeed data etc. Lighting on the mast MOD requirement.
Concerns raised about the pylons necessary to connect the site with the Clashindarroch wind farm.

        Village Defibrillators:

A free refresher training event has been arranged for Monday 11th March at the Rannes Hall, Kennethmont at 7pm.

Fundraising needed to ensure the 4 defibrillators can be maintained. No update from Vicky so far about this.
        Community Council Insurance:
Insurance renewal from Zurich is £97.20. All Community Councillors in agreement to renew. Proposed: Paul Manning ; Seconded: David Grant.

Marr Community Council Catch Up 13th March 7pm Microsoft Teams (noted) 

Email from Andy McDonald regarding waste collection and pot holes at The Muirs, Rhynie: Cllr Goodhall to look into the waste issue. This is a private road so unfortunately the potholes will need to be dealt with by local residents.
Email from Clare Newan regarding concerns about Edendiack woodland access onto the main road (noted)

Planning Applications:

Objection to be raised due to concerns about visibility onto the main road APP/2024/0130 Site to the North of Edendiack, Huntly AB54 4PT.

Individual Area Reports:


Deep pothole at the entrance into the school reported prior to the meeting by James. Janice to report.
Seed and Seed Tattie Giveaway events planned for Fourteen, Rhynie 9th March and The Rannes Hall, Kennethmont 16th March 10.30am-1pm


Peter sent thanks to the Council for the grit being cleaned off the pavements and street areas.
Morven reiterated the lack of progress by the Roads Dept regarding the flooding of the Village Hall car park, bridge repairs and potholes on the Clatt-Rhynie road. Cllr Goodhall to look into.


Sharon reported that the fencing next to the recycling bins opposite the school at Rhynie was broken. Janice to report this.
George reported prior to the meeting that there were potholes on the road from Mains of Lesmore to Mill of Lesmore upto the old school. Janice to send this information to Cllr Goodhall.

LDP Local Place Plan Sub Group Report:

Sharon reported that a meeting had been held at Fourteen, Rhynie on 29th February. Emma Storey (Aberdeenshire Council), Jake Williams, David Denoon, Amanda Reid and Sharon Stoneman (Community Council) attended.
Emma talked through the Local Place Plan requirements. The decision was made by the subgroup to form a group independent of the Community Council to develop a Local Place Plan for Rhynie.

The intention is to hold a variety of events to understand what the community wants. Deadline December 2024 for this. Funding to be applied for by the 31st March 2024.


Paul reported that a meeting with Nick Mardall of Aberdeenshire Council was to take place on 5th March with a view to looking into a Community Asset Transfer of the old football pitch and the Mosswood on the outskirts of Rhynie.

Members of the public raised concerns about the Correen Hills Windfarm proposal, in particular the enormity of the turbines, and the pylons required for the project. Public meetings specifically about pylons are to be held at Cairnie and Keith on 7th March and the Stewart Hall, Huntly on the 6th March.


Next Meeting: 15th April 2024 7.30pm

Clatt Village Hall.


Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting

Minutes of Meeting held at The Tin Hut, Gartly

22nd January 2024 at 7.30pm

Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), George Beverly (Vice Chairman), Janice Smith (Secretary/ Treasurer), Morven Muirden, Tony Smith, Jake Williams, Peter Johnston, Kate Beverly, Vicky Briggs, Sharon Stoneman, James Grant.

In Attendance: N/A
Apologies: David Grant, Diane Ord, Cllr Goodhall.

Minutes of Previous Meeting: Proposed: Kate Beverly; Seconded: Paul Manning.

Matters arising:
         Kennethmont footpaths update: No updates.

        Roads & Landscape Services update: No updates.
        Tap O Noth vegetation cutback: Booked and will be done once there is better weather.
        Community Resilience update: Awaiting update from Aimi Blueman regarding if funding is available. Tony to circulate once information received.
        Mains of Rhynie Forestry Proposal: No update.
        LDP Local Place Plan: Subgroup to be formed initially with Kate Beverly, Vicky Briggs and Sharon Stoneman. Subgroup to report back to the main Community Council at every meeting. Janice to contact Hilary English to progress this.
        Pop up Bob: Work in progress
        Clatt School: Morven reported that Learning Estates had not responded when a member of the public had tried to make contact with them regarding concerns over the upkeep and maintenance of the school. Janice to make contact with Learning Estates.
        Woodland Trust Free Saplings for Kennethmont: Booked for March delivery.

        Microgrant Update: Since the last meeting 2 micro grants have been approved. £100 to The Hedge Doctors and £500 to Kennethmont Primary School £1,664.70 remaining.
        Correen Hills Wind Farm Proposal: Cashwig website is up and running. No further information provided by the developer. Mast to be erected to gather windspeed data etc.
        Community Council Meetings: Discussion/decision deferred until after the AGM.


        Email from Hilary English ref Place Planning (noted)
        Planning Skills-Appeals Training with the DPEA (noted)
        Perennials for pollinators 2024 1st Feb Deadline (noted-Janice to resend to Kate)

        Email from Kirsty Macleod ref community council insurance (noted-Janice to arrange renewal on the current policy basis)

Planning Applications: No objections

Individual Area Reports:

Kennethmont: Nothing further
Gartly: Nothing further
Clatt: Very serious problem with lying water in the village hall car park. Janice to contact Cllr Goodhall to expedite. Serious concerns raised again about the lack of resolution on existing roads dept issues. The Clatt-Rhynie road is particularly poorly maintained with many potholes.
One of the mature trees in the square at Rhynie is in a dangerous condition especially with the recent high winds. Janice to contact Landscape Services to arrange a site visit.
Rhynie: Snow clearing of sections of the Rhynie Dufftown road reported as poor in the recent bad weather

AOCB:Vicky to fundraise for running costs of the 4 defibrillators. Janice to look into running costs of the last 3 years.
Gartly defibrillator needs to be checked regularly. Peter to arrange for this to be done.

Sharon reported local concerns that the Rhynie defibrillator was not working. Paul confirmed that it was fully operational. Paul to look into possible training for use of defibrillators.
Discussion regarding the Hill of Fare Windfarm information group request for Tap O Noth Community Council to object to the development. The decision was that this was not appropriate for the Community Council to comment on as it is outwith the area. However, Community Councillors may choose to comment on this on a personal level.

Next Meeting:
4th March 2024 7.30pm Fourteen, The Square, Rhynie.

Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting Minutes of Zoom Meeting

11th December 2023 at 7.30pm

Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), Janice Smith (Secretary/Treasurer), Morven Muirden, Tony Smith, Jake Williams, Peter Johnston, Kate Beverly, Vicky Briggs, Sharon Stoneman.

In Attendance: Cllr Goodhall
Apologies: James Grant, David Grant, Learning Estates Representatives.

Minutes of Previous Meeting: 30th October: Approved: Morven Muirden; Seconded: Tony Smith. Public Meeting 7th December: Approved: Tony Smith; Seconded: Paul Manning.

For the record it was stated that a private meeting had been held on 18th September 2023. No decisions were reached and no actions decided.

Finance Report:

The Treasurer reported that funding should be looked into as a matter of urgency as the Community Council has little income and unallocated funds are reducing year on year. The loss of the Rhynie toilet contract to RCT has had an impact. It was suggested that the Community Council should ask if the contract could be returned to the Community Council. George to be contacted to see if RCT would be in agreement. Any future projects will need to find funding elsewhere. Funding is urgently required to pay for defibrillator running costs. Vicky to look into this.

Matters arising:
        Kennethmont Distillery footpath update: No updates.

        Roads & Landscape Services update: No updates. Cllr Goodhall will look into this and send any feedback.
        Tap O Noth vegetation cutback: No update.
        Mains of Rhynie Forestry Proposal: No update.

        Community Resilience update: Tony reported that the way forward would be to look at electrical requirements and the design underwriting them. This is based on resilience feedback from Aberdeenshire Council. The generators are more expensive than planned and planning permission is required. An application for funding has been made to Aberdeenshire Council by RCT.

        LDP Local Place Plan: After discussion it was decided that the Community Council should have some level of involvement in this. Potentially a steering group could be created reporting back to the Community Council. The question was asked as to whether people external to the Community Council could be a part of this steering group. Janice to make contact with Hilary English.

        Clatt School: Disappointment was expressed that Learning Estates Representatives had not been able to attend the meeting or send any update about the situation regarding Clatt School. Promises were made to maintain the premises but unfortunately in the cold weather burst pipes had caused flooding in the school.

        Rhynie Man: RCT looking into a hall to house Rhynie Man. No further update.

        Pop up Bob: Work in progress

        Woodland Trust Free Saplings for Kennethmont: Work in progress.

        Correen Hills Wind Farm Proposal: The deadline for comment about the scoping EIA document from the Scottish Government is 15th December. Members were asked to read and comment as appropriate. Tony had already circulated comments for discussion at the meeting. His comments were as follows:

4.0 Landscape and Visual
Q4.4 Representative Viewpoints should be chosen within or around Clatt. This is the closest settlement to the proposed development, but appears to have been given no consideration. Viewpoints should be chosen specifically to judge the impact on residents, at their homes and within the village.

7.0 Cultural Heritage
Q7.3 We believe insufficient attention has been paid to the likelihood of significant prehistoric features within the proposed development's boundaries. This should be addressed by a specific archaeological survey, and the potential impact on any findings should be noted

8.0 Traffic and Transport
Q8.1 There should be a commitment to an absolute and legally enforced ban on construction vehicles, greater than a stated weight or size, passing through the village of Clatt. This is to address the likelihood of individual drivers choosing to take a "short cut" rather than following the designated route.

9.0 Noise
Q9.1 When making their assessment of background noise, the developer or their agent should be required to include regression analysis as show in ETSU-R-97 Appendix C. It is noted that this analysis is often omitted from applications and the background noise treated as a simple line or point, rather than accounting for the spread of data points and estimating the percentage of time during which noise might be expected to exceed limits.

Local consultation should be carried out when selecting sites for background noise measurements, to ensure that sites with atypical noise are excluded and the locations truly reflect the background noise to be expected at nearby residences.

Wheedlemont turbines should not be excluded from the cumulative assessment, as to do so means that amenity of residents near to the proposed development could be dependent on the Wheedlemont operators adhering to their conditions. It should be included to confirm that even without such restriction, noise from Wheedlemont cannot contribute enough for limits to be exceeded.

Other discussion included assessment of private water supplies and repairs to existing roads.

Chris Hamlet from Cashwig stated that ETSU-R-97 guidance for noise was not suitable for larger wind farms. He provided additional information to the Community Council. Concerns were also raised about the temporary bypass planned for Clatt- would it be temporary or become permanent. Cllr Goodhall offered to send hydrology information which could be incorporated into the Community Council response.

Thanks were given to Tony for the work provided.


LDP evidence report-topic papers- climate crisis and digital communications (noted) Grants of up to £5,000 for Marr Community Projects (noted- ended)

Planning Applications: None

Individual Area Reports:
        Gartly: Peter had not received the council housing criteria promised previously. Janice to look into.
        Kennethmont: No new issues.
        Clatt: A fire at the top of the Suie has glass melted into the tar at the top in one of the lay- bys. The Council needs to rectify this. This has already been reported but no action taken. The water running into the Clatt Village Hall car park needs to be rectified as a priority. Already reported and no action taken. Parapet repairs already reported but no action taken. Cllr Goodhall will look into these and feedback information.
        Rhynie: No new issues.


Public comment suggested that potential pollution of water courses and cumulative visual assessment were items worthy of comment on the scoping document.
Concern and disappointment were expressed by members of the public that Learning Estates Representatives were not able to attend the meeting and give feedback about the responses provided by the community in order for the school to remain open.

Next Meeting:
22nd January 2024 7.30pm at The Tin Hut, Gartly.


Minutes of Public Meeting
Clatt Village Hall
Thursday 7th December 2023 at 7pm
Correen HillsWindfarm Proposal

Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), George Beverly (Vice Chairman), Janice Smith
(Secretary/Treasurer), Tony Smith, Morven Muirden, Kate Beverly
Steven Park (Cavendish), Tim Wheeler (EDF), Andrew Smith (Force 9), Rhys Lewis
This public meeting was hosted by Tap O Noth Community Council to give an
opportunity for the developer to provide more information about the proposed
windfarm development, to answer questions from the public, and to hear any
concerns or comments made.
Andrew Smith kindly gave a presentation detailing the work done so far and the
expected timescales. The landowners are Littlewood Estate and FLS. The proposal
currently is for 14 turbines 200m high to blade tip.
An Environmental Impact Assessment will be required and there is a scoping
document in with the Scottish Government at this time. This asks what subject/s
should be covered and how they should be covered.
Expected timescale:
Design: December 2023-February 2024
Assessment: February -Summer 2024
Application in: Late Summer -Autumn 2024

The floor was opened to questions.

Members of the community raised numerous concerns and many questions were raised throughout the meeting:

Would bird, peat and wildlife surveys be made public?
It was stated that most will be made public at the application stage, unless
Grid connection and pylons.
The grid connection details ultimately would be decided by SSE. SSE should be
consulting the community about this shortly.
Visual Impact for residences.
The efficacy of the 3D software used was called into question. One property 2400m
away from the turbines was shown to have no visibility due to a line of trees. The property owner highlighted the fact that there were no trees. Therefore the software
used was flawed in this instance.
The software was described by the developer as an illustrative tool only. It does
however shed doubt on the accuracy of the process.
Archaeological importance of the area
This was touched on but no information given.
Validation of how the scoping document has been produced.
Background information was requested. Andrew stated that it was not normal practise
to share this information but he would consult and see if this could be shared in this
Noise Sensitive Receptors.
What methodology would be used to assess noise? ETSU R97 was stated as being
used. It was commented that this was developed in 1996 for use on smaller wind
turbines. There are unresolved noise nuisance cases in Aberdeenshire so there are
concerns about using old possibly unsuitable methodology.
It was confirmed that a 200m turbine would produce 106db at around 8m/s. Andrew
said that a data sheet would be provided.
Proposed access routes
Preferred route would be from Huntly to Kennethmont then to the windfarm via a
temporary bypass around Clatt.
Destruction of scenic site currently used by many walkers and cyclists- will they still be able to access the site?
During construction areas of the site will not be accessible due to health and safety
Community Benefit
The question of community benefit was raised. Suggestions were made that every
household in the locality of the windfarm should be given some tangible benefit
rather than a community benefit fund.
The developer stated that it was for the community to decide how to manage the
Construction and aviation lights
The developer stated that aviation warning lights would be needed if the turbines are
higher than 150m although not necessarily all turbines would need to be lit.
Why have large 200m high turbines been chosen?
It was stated that the height was not fixed at this point but that as a profit making
enterprise the larger turbines were required to achieve the best output and
consequently best profit.
How will the community be informed about the project?
This would be in the newspapers- Donside Piper and Herald and Press & Journal.
Amount of Community Benefit
This would be £5,000/MW installed capacity, index linked. The Scottish Government
endorses this.

After questions ended Chris Hamlet introduced himself and informed everyone that
he and others had formed an information group- Correen and Suie Hills Windfarm
Information Group.

Community Council Chairman, Paul Manning, thanked everyone for coming along
and then closed the meeting.



Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Minutes of Meeting
The Rannes Hall, Kennethmont
30th October 2023 at 7.30pm

Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), George Beverly (Vice Chairman), Janice Smith (Secretary/Treasurer), Morven Muirden, James Grant, Diane Ord, (left early), Tony Smith, Jake Williams, David Grant, Peter Johnston, Kate Beverly.
In Attendance: Cllr Goodhall, Hilary English (Marr Community Planning Officer)
Apologies: Sharon Stoneman, Vicky Briggs, Cllr Petrie
Minutes of Previous Meeting: Approved: George Beverly; Seconded: Tony Smith.
Matters arising:
        Rhynie Community Orchard/Mosswood Renovation:
Further work on the Mosswood has been delayed due to the poor weather. Work will
continue once the weather improves.
        Kennethmont Distillery footpath update:
No date scheduled for the distillery footpath. Mansefield Cottages footpath is still
scheduled for January 2024.
        Roads & Landscape Services update:
No priority email/number has been provided to enable escalation of important Roads
and Landscape Services’ issues. Issues should continue to be reported online and
sent to Councillor Goodhall to help expedite.
Janice went through the list of existing reported issues to ascertain which if any had
been completed. The updated list to be sent to Cllr Goodhall to expedite.
There are some serious unresolved issues which were emphasised by Community
The drain outside St Mary’s still remains blocked with the pipe needing clearing
despite work done and many reports of the problem.
Drainage issues at Clatt village hall- reported already but no response from the
Roads Dept.
Kennethmont flashing speed lights reported and no word of this being resolved. It is
several years now since this was originally reported.
         Tap O Noth vegetation cutback:
Community Councillors agreed unanimously to go ahead with this.
Welcome to Hilary English, Marr Community Planning Officer:
Hilary kindly attended the meeting and gave a talk about Community Action Planning and Local Place Plans. She explained the difference between the two and asked what the Community Council was looking to achieve in order to better understand the requirements of the community.
Should the Community Council decide on formulating a Local Place Plan then this would be registered with Aberdeenshire Council so that the Planning Dept is aware and there is a prescribed process in doing this. Funding is available in order to help with community engagement. Community Asset Transfers were discussed and Hilary will make enquiries/report back as to progress regarding Rhynie Charitable Trust’s Constitution issues.
Paul thanked Hilary for her contribution. There is a lot for the Community Council to
discuss and consider. Concerns were raised that if considerable effort was put into producing a plan it may never come to fruition. Community projects in the pipeline are taking an inordinate amount of time and effort to get underway or complete. Should the Community Council decide at a later date to undertake production of a Local Place Plan or Community Action Plan then there would need to be a separate steering group formed reporting to the Community Council. This will be discussed at a later date.
Matters arising (cont):
        Microgrant update:
£2264.70 available. Janice to advertise that funding is available on Social Media.
        Community Resilience update:
Tony and Janice attended the resilience conference at Aberdeen and Tony spoke
further with Aimi Blueman, Community Resilience Project Officer. Funding from
SSEN has closed and new funding may become available shortly. George has already
arranged for quotes for each of the halls to install generators. The next deadline for
funding from Foundation Scotland is 23rd January 2024 and this seems the best
option so far. Tony agreed to meet with George to try and work out a template of
information for Rhynie ready for future applications. This template could then
potentially be used by the other halls.
        Marr Log Bank:
Logs are available ready for distribution via referrals from Community or Ward
Councillors in line with Marr Area Partnership guidance.
        Mains of Rhynie Forestry Proposal:
Kate reported that Scottish Forestry is looking into the requirement for an
Environmental Impact Assessment. No further updates/timescale available.
        Rhynie Man:
George reported that a meeting between Community Councillors and RCT had taken
place. There are several options under consideration for housing Rhynie Man. The
Community Council will work alongside RCT in this. Cllr Goodhall has offered
support for this project and will advise how best to progress.
        LDP Local Place Plan:
Discussed at length earlier.
        Pop up Bob:
Discussion regarding the purchase of Pop up Bob speeding deterrents. James had
confirmed with Police Sgt Allan that the cheaper options would be appropriate and
that these figures would be moved around the community in particular for villages
where the speed lights were not functioning. This would run alongside a road safety
initiative which would involve the schools. Jake felt that the flashing speed signs
were a better deterrent and that the Pop Up Bobs would be ignored quite quickly.
Community Councillors voted on the subject and it was decided by majority to go
ahead with the project. It was agreed that a microgrant should be approved for this.
        Community Council Long Service Awards:
Three members of the Community Council have been awarded 20 year Long Service
Awards. George had received his award at the Aberdeenshire Council event. Cllr
Goodhall kindly presented Paul and David with their awards at the meeting.
        Community Summer Bedding Plants:
Order placed with Landscape Services.
        Kennethmont Football Pitch Goal Posts: James has looked into this and advised that they are structurally sound. Small portable goal posts may be more suitable and funding may be available. James to feed the information back. Hilary to send sports grant information across which might be of use.
        Woodland Trust Free Saplings for Kennethmont:
James to look into and order if available.
        Clatt School:
Morven reported that a well attended meeting had taken place and that a letter would
be submitted into the council by the 30th November. Concern was raised that the
Education dept was unable to attend this meeting and that they would only be
present at the December meeting once the deadline for correspondence had passed.
        Online/In person meetings and 2024 meeting dates:
The December meeting will be a trial online meeting via Zoom. Janice to arrange an
annual subscription for Zoom.
        New Noth Woodland Creation Consultation (noted)
        Aberdeenshire Council’s Networking Event 4th November (noted cancelled)
        Marr Area Partnership Community Forum (noted)
        Correen Hills Wind Farm proposal-scoping consultation (noted)
Planning Applications: No comment.
Individual Area Reports:
Gullies blocked at Ardmore cottages-Janice to report.
A fire at the top of Suie has glass melted into the tar at the top in one of the lay-bys.
The Council needs to rectify this. Janice to report. The water running into the Clatt
Village Hall car park needs to be rectified as a priority.
Peter asked what criteria were used in assessment for council house allocations and
why refurbishment of houses took years to complete. Hilary offered to provide the
relevant information.
Dangerous trees reported at the entrance to the Mosswood Football pitch. Janice to
report to Landscape Services.
Kate suggested that each Community Councillor wrote a brief paragraph about
themselves to be added to the Community Council website. These to be forwarded to
Paul reported that the defibrillators need to be regularly checked by each of the villages to ensure that they are fully operational. Individual villages to make arrangements to do this.

Next Meeting:
11th December 2023 at 7.30pm Online (Details to follow)


Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Minutes of Meeting
Clatt Village Hall
18th September 2023 at 7.45pm

Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), George Beverly (Vice Chairman), Janice Smith (Secretary/Treasurer), Sharon Stoneman, Morven Muirden, James Grant, Vicky Briggs, Diane Ord, Tony Smith, Jake Williams (left early).
In Attendance: Cllr Goodhall
Apologies: David Grant, Peter Johnston, Kate Beverly and Cllr Petrie
Chairman’s briefing:
Paul stated that a formal complaint had been received by the Community Council regarding the meeting held on 26th June 2023. During consideration of this complaint it became apparent that meetings will need to be more strictly chaired, in a change from the informal manner that had served in the past. Paul stated that he would need to intervene if discussions became inappropriate and he asked that all Community Councillors respect this and follow directions from the Chair. To resolve the issues raised in the complaint a private meeting was held on 14th August 2023. At that meeting it was unanimously agreed that all Community Councillors should be reminded of the need to comply with the published Code of Conduct. A copy of the Code of Conduct was sent to all members before this meeting.

Minutes of Previous Meetings-AGM and Meeting following on 26th June 2023:
Approved: George Beverly; Seconded: James Grant.
Matters arising:
        Rhynie Community Orchard/Mosswood Renovation:
Paul and George arranged a weekend work party and a lot of trimming and debris
has been cleared. Another weekend’s work to be arranged to complete.
        Kennethmont Distillery footpath update:
Work now scheduled for this and Mansefield Gardens for January 2024. Councillor
Goodhall has asked for a definite date and will report back.
        Tap O Noth vegetation cutback:
George has received a quote for £1200 to complete the necessary work. Grants to be
sought to fund this.
        Microgrant update: £2264.70 available.
        Roads & Landscape Services update:
No priority email/number has been provided to enable escalation of important Roads
and Landscape Services’ issues. Issues should continue to be reported online and
sent to Councillor Goodhall to help expedite.
Earlsfield Road at Kennethmont has had new drains put in along with temporary
road surface patches. The water runs down the opposite side of the road from the
drains. Some of the drains are uphill from the road. Additional work will be needed
to rectify these problems.
        Community Resilience update:
George has received quotes for each of the 4 halls to have generators installed. Due
to time constraints only Gartly has applied for the SSEN funding. The Community
Council has been advised that more funding should become available shortly so it is
important for the halls to gather information needed in order to apply. Peter had
raised the issue of planning permission being needed prior to the meeting. James advised that the size of the plinths should mean this would not be necessary. Tony
stated that a template should become available to help the villages create an
Emergency Plan which would be needed for the applications.
Quotes for the generators:
Rhynie: £8372.32
Gartly: £13881.14
Clatt: £14492.34
Kennethmont: £18724.76
If any shortfall in funding then the Community Council would help source additional
        Marr Log Bank:
39 bags of seasoned logs available for allocation.
        Mains of Rhynie Forestry Proposal:
No further information.
        Rhynie Man:
No further developments due to time constraints on other matters. Janice to contact Mike Davies to reinstate a meeting with RCT. Councillor Goodhall will contact Janelle Clark to see if funding is available for moving Rhynie Man back to Rhynie.
        LDP Local Place Plan
Janice to speak to Hilary English to see if she can attend a Community Council meeting to advise best next steps in developing this.
        Pop up Bob
James to make contact with local police with regards Pop up Bob initiative.
        Hybrid Meetings:
Discussion was reopened regarding Hybrid Meetings. It is entirely at the Community Council’s discretion how meetings are held, whether in person, virtual or hybrid. The Community Council has already trialled hybrid meetings and complaints were received when members of the public and Councillors could not hear everything that was being said. It was decided that this should not be repeated unless appropriate equipment could be purchased and all the halls had Internet provision.
Janice suggested to run virtual meetings as part of the rota meaning 1 in 5 meetings would be virtual with the remaining 4 being in person around the halls. After discussion it was decided to trial a virtual meeting for the December meeting with a possible view of holding winter meetings online.
Janice to look into costs for a Zoom subscription.
        Village Defibrillators:
Paul has negotiated a price including free delivery for the Paediatric pads needed for 3 of the defibrillators £472.80 total. Paul to arrange. Annual costs to be worked out so that a grant application can be applied for.
        New Noth Woodland Creation application (noted)
        Notification of sale of property-Black Middens (noted)
        Letter of thanks from Rhynie Gala committee (noted)
        Community Council Long Service Awards (noted)
        Dorenell Wind Farm Extension scoping (noted)
        Community Summer Bedding Plants 2024 (form completed-Janice to send)
        Red Craig Woodland Creation (noted)        

        Grampian Community Resilience Conference (Janice & Tony to attend)
        Notification of sale of property-Old Noth Quarry (noted)
Planning Applications: No comment.
Individual Area Reports:
        Rhynie: George reported that 45, Main Street, Rhynie was still not let despite the
renovations being completed a few weeks ago. Councillor Goodhall said that the hold up was due to problems with electric meters.
        Kennethmont: Sharon passed on a message to James regarding degrading goal posts on the football pitch. James to look into. James to order 30 saplings from the Woodland Trust when they are available for March delivery.
        Clatt: Nothing to report.
        Gartly: Nothing to report
AOCB: The future of Clatt School to be discussed at a meeting in October. Representatives from Learning Estates wish to attend the 30th October meeting.

Next Meeting:
30th October 7.30pm
The Rannes Hall, Kennethmont.


Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Minutes of Meeting
The Tin Hut, Gartly
26th June 2023 7.30pm

Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), George Beverly (Vice Chairman), Janice Smith
(Secretary/Treasurer), Tony Smith, Morven Muirden, Sharon Stoneman, David Grant,
James Grant, Peter Johnston, Vicky Briggs, Diane Ord, Kate Beverly and Jake
In attendance: Cllr Goodhall.
Apologies: Cllr Petrie.
Declarations of Interest: Kate Beverly declared an interest regarding the Mains of
Rhynie Forestry Proposal as she is a neighbouring farmer. This was deemed not a
substantial interest and therefore Kate would take part in the discussion.
Minutes of Previous Meeting: Proposed: Paul Manning; Seconded: Morven
Matters Arising:
        Rhynie Community Orchard/Mosswood renovation: George and Paul reported that the bridge had been reinstated. The grass has been cut. Volunteers are now needed to paint, rake and tidy up the area. Paul to advertise for volunteers.
        Kennethmont Distillery footpath update: No further update. Mansefield
Gardens’ footpath work to start in August 2023.
        Village Noticeboards: All noticeboards installed and operational. Possible key
safes to be used to enable access.
        Roads and Landscape Services Dept Update: No progress being made with
outstanding Roads and Landscape Services’ issues. There is a growing list of issues
reported by the community which are not being acted upon. Cllr Goodhall has not
received an update on the reported issues. Councillors have requested that a priority
email/number be provided in order to escalate important Roads and Landscape
Services’ issues.
        Tap O Noth vegetation cutback: George to obtain a price for the next
meeting. The vegetation can then be cut back once the nesting birds are away.
        Microgrant Update: The following microgrant has been approved: Rhynie Gala £500. Remaining funds £2,264.70
        Community Resilience update: Funding from SSEN has now been made
available. The deadline for applications is 31st July 2023. George will liaise with an
electrician and collate the technical information for generators for each of the 4 village halls. Tony will attend the Resilience Meeting on Wed 28th June for information gathering. The application may be a single application on behalf of the 4 village halls or there may need to be 4 individual applications.
        Marr Log Bank: Janice attended the Marr Area Partnership steering group
meeting. The intention is to collect around 75 bags of logs to season for the
forthcoming winter for the Tap O Noth area. It was decided that Community
Councillors could arrange referrals as well as Councillors if comfortable to do so.
        Mains of Rhynie Forestry Proposal: Paul, George and Vicky had attended a
site visit with David Hay of Forestry Scotland and reported back to the Community
Council. They were advised that the Mains of Rhynie scheme would be on the
register shortly as all the necessary information had been received from the applicant.
No member of the Community Council has heard of any member of the community
approving of the scheme. The Community Council decided to send a more detailed
email of objection. The deadline for comment is the 13th July 2023. There was a
great deal of disappointment that the application could not be viewed on the website
and that a special request had to be placed to Scottish Forestry in order to get the
information. In addition, when objections were placed online no confirmation of
submission was received back.
        Rhynie Man: An arrangement whereby Rhynie Man could be brought back
and displayed safely in the village of Rhynie was discussed. It was decided that the
way forward would be to arrange a joint meeting with RCT and also a public
meeting for the whole community.
        Tap O Noth Community Council elections: Paul welcomed Kate and Jake to
the Community Council.
        LDP/Local Place Plan: Clatt was discussed with a view to what the
community would like to see happen. Morven pointed out several sites around the
village which could be suitable for housing. His vision is for affordable homes to
encourage people to move to Clatt. Additional infrastructure such as buses, shop,
school etc are to be looked into further.
A letter looking for feedback about Clatt School was received by the Community
Council. After discussion it was decided that Janice should send an email confirming
the significant interest shown by local families to have their children return back to
Clatt School and for the mothballing of the school to come to an end.
        Email from Police Sergeant Graeme Allan regarding “Pop Up Bob”speeding deterrents. This was noted. Janice to reply to Police Sergeant Allan and
Sharon to investigate prices of “Pop Up Bobs”.
        Email from Mr & Mrs Reid requesting Community Council consideration
to hold hybrid meetings.
 The Community Council voted as to whether they wished
to continue as before with face to face meetings around the 4 village halls or if a
discussion should be re-opened to look into the possibility of holding hybrid or
wholly online meetings. The majority vote was to re-open the discussion on hybrid/
online meetings. Vicky to look into possible options for grants for equipment.

        Police Community Council Report 31st January-30th April 2023 (Noted).
        Community Council Induction/Planning Training 13th/27th Sept 2023 (Noted)
Planning Applications: No comments.
Individual Area Reports:
Rhynie: Sharon reported that the loss of the 231 bus on a Saturday Rhynie to
Huntly was of extreme concern to residents. A petition has been set up and Janice to
write to Councillors/Marr Area Manager to express hope that this service will
Kennethmont: Janice reported that a plant, seed and crop swap/giveaway
event would be held at the Rannes Hall, Kennethmont on Saturday July15th 10-12.
This would also be with Rhynie Seed Library.
Clatt: Morven reported that there was significant outstanding work to be done
in the area regarding potholes and flood water issues already reported. Cllr Goodhall
to see if he can get an update on these.
Gartly: Peter reported that the grit on paths and roads still needed to be cleared
and the potholes near the main road were degrading further. These have been reported
many times. Cllr Goodhall to see if he can get an update.

Next Meeting:
7th August 2023 at 7.30pm
Fourteen, The Square, Rhynie


Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Minutes of AGM
The Tin Hut, Gartly
26th June 2023 7.30pm

Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), George Beverly (Vice Chairman), Janice Smith
(Secretary/Treasurer), David Grant, Peter Johnston, Vicky Briggs, Tony Smith,
Morven Muirden, Sharon Stoneman, James Grant, Diane Ord, Kate Beverly and Jake
In attendance: Cllr Goodhall.
Apologies: Cllr Petrie.
Minutes of the Previous AGM: Approved previously by Tony Smith; seconded by
David Grant at the 18th July 2022 meeting.
Treasurer’s Report including the Annual Accounts: Verified accounts have been
sent out to the whole community council. The bank balance at 31st March 2023 is
£15,173.48 (includes Wetland Legacy £3,340.56, Microgrant Fund £4,614.70 and
Defib Fund of £1,063.58)
Accounts approved: Paul Manning; Seconded: George Beverly.
Election of Chair: Cllr Goodhall kindly ran the proceedings.
Paul Manning was proposed by David Grant and seconded by Tony Smith. Paul
accepted the position.
Election of Vice Chair: Tony Smith proposed George Beverly and James Grant
seconded. George accepted the position.
Election of Secretary/Treasurer: Paul Manning proposed Janice Smith and David
Grant seconded. Janice accepted the position.

Normal meeting followed immediately after the AGM


Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Minutes of Meeting
The Rannes Hall, Kennethmont
15th May 2023 7.30pm

Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), George Beverly (Vice Chairman), Janice Smith
(Secretary/Treasurer), Tony Smith, Morven Muirden, Sharon Stoneman, David Grant,
James Grant.
In attendance: Cllrs Goodhall & Petrie.
Apologies: Peter Johnston,Vicky Briggs.
Minutes of Previous Meeting: Proposed: Paul Manning; Seconded: Tony Smith.
Welcome to Sergeant Graeme Allan of Police Scotland:
Sergeant Allan who works in Huntly will be involved more with the community and
will send regular reports to the Community Council along with visits to meetings as
He explained that the Tap O Noth area is one of low crime with some neighbour
disputes, drug offences and thefts from rural properties. He is hoping to arrange a
visit to Kennethmont School to raise awareness of speeding.
Discussion around purchasing a “Pop-up Bob” speed deterrent. This is something
best used by the police. Funds agreed by the Community Council to enable this to
move forward.
Matters Arising:
        Rhynie Football Pitch/Community Orchard/Mosswood renovation and picnic benches: Janice and Tony have removed old rotten benches. George to arrange
a work squad and send further details.
        Kennethmont Distillery footpath update: No further update.
        Village Noticeboards: All noticeboards installed and operational. Community
Council meeting agendas, approved minutes etc to be put up on a regular basis to
keep the community informed.
        Roads and Landscape Services Dept Update: No further update from Brian Strachan. Janice to email issues to Cllr Goodhall to expedite concerns.
        Queen’s Jubilee Trees and Plaques: The saplings for Kennethmont have been planted. Specimen trees and plaques for consideration at a later date.
        Tap O Noth vegetation cutback: This will need to be delayed to avoid harm to nesting birds.

         Microgrant Update: The following micro grants have been approved:
Clatt Village Hall Dishwasher replacement £500
Rhynie School books £350
Gartly Toddlers £500
Rhynie Youth Club £500
Remaining funds £2764.70
        Community Resilience update: Tony reported that SSEN funding had not been updated but we should press ahead with plans for generators for each of the village halls. George has been in contact with an electrician and hall representatives will need to be contacted individually to ascertain the size of generator needed for each hall. It is anticipated that there will be annual maintenance costs to be factored in.
        King Charles Commemorative Medals: Paul presented these to the Kennethmont School children and George & Sharon presented to Rhynie School.
        Marr Log Bank: After discussion it was decided that the Community Council should press ahead with arrangements to pick up bags of logs ready for next winter. Janice and Tony to arrange to pick up and store these. Referrals from Councillors and Marr Log Bank would be distributed by the Community Council as needed.
        Mains of Rhynie Forestry Proposal: David Hay from Scottish Forestry has been in touch regarding the Mains of Rhynie Forestry Proposal which has recently been submitted to Scottish Forestry. Janice supplied further details as requested by him including Minutes of the Public Meeting, Minutes of the relevant Community Council Meeting and Letter of Objection sent to Treeline Forestry. David also requested a site visit with Community Council representatives. Paul and George will attend and George to phone to make arrangements.
        Rhynie Man: No further developments. George to find out from RCT what the current situation is and if the Community Council can help to get Rhynie Man back to Rhynie.

        Tap O Noth Community Council elections: There are 3 vacancies for the Community Council. Advertising these begins on 15th May. Nomination forms are available from the Aberdeenshire Council website. The deadline for nominations is 5th June. Posters to go on the village noticeboards etc.
        LDP/Local Place Plan: Discussion about developing local place plans. Decision to look at one village per meeting to discuss. Janice to send out the information prior to the meeting. Clatt will be the first village for consideration.

         Community Group Notice: Former Gartly School-Opportunity for community groups to re-use surplus furniture. Wed 17th May 10-12 2023.(Noted)
        Community Council Catch-Up 10th May 2023: Tony attended the online meeting. Discussion regarding winter gritting of roads and pathways and priority
routes. 20mph speed limit discussion. 

Planning Applications: N/A
Individual Area Reports:
Rhynie: Sharon reported serious concern by the community about the Rhynie
Medical Practice being handed back to Aberdeen Health & Social Care Partnership.
Cllr Petrie reported that this was now out to tender and potentially may be split into
3- Rhynie, Inverurie and Kintore or could remain as a whole. The service is to remain
“as is” until September. Telephone numbers and details on the information sheet
reported as updated.
George and Paul reported that Landscape Services had not got back in touch
regarding numerous outstanding issues in Rhynie. Janice to email to expedite.
Kennethmont: James reported that the Commemorative Medals presented to
the school were appreciated. The school is looking to purchase planter/raised beds to
encourage outdoor plant growing. He has recommended they contact Rhynie Seed
Library for seeds.
Janice suggested that another seed and plant giveaway could be arranged this time in
Kennethmont at the Rannes Hall. The event at Fourteen, Rhynie was well received
and worked well combining with the Noth Parish Church coffee morning. David to
look into if there are any coffee mornings coming up at the Rannes Hall for the seed/
plant giveaway to combine with.
Large pothole in Kennethmont village reported by David has been repaired.
Clatt: The bridge in the middle of Clatt needs repointing in one corner on the
mill side. Janice to report this.
Gartly: No representation.
AOCB: Paul reported that Auchindoir cemetery is in poor condition with weeds and
rubbish. Janice to report this.
Potholes in Manse Road, Rhynie have now been repaired privately as this was not
completed by the council.
Clatt Defibrillator batteries have run flat and there are concerns that these may have
been tampered with. Paul has replaced the batteries.

Next Meeting: AGM & Normal Meeting after
26th June 2023 at 7.30pm
The Tin Hut, Gartly.


Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Minutes of Meeting
Clatt Village Hall
3rd April 2023 7.30pm

Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), Janice Smith (Secretary/Treasurer), Tony Smith,
Peter Johnston, Morven Muirden and Diane Ord.
In attendance: Cllr Goodhall
Apologies: George Beverly, Vicky Briggs, Sharon Stoneman, David Grant, James
Grant, Cllr Petrie.
Minutes of Previous Meeting: Proposed: Tony Smith; Seconded: Paul Manning.

Welcome to Piers Blaxter and Fiona Reid from Aberdeenshire Council who
updated the Community Council with regards the Local Development Plan
The LDP was adopted in January 2023 and Piers and Fiona explained the procedures
involved and the changes that would take place with the new LDP 2028. Radical
changes have been encouraged by the Scottish Government. Communities are being
encouraged to develop a Local Place Plan specific to their community highlighting
the areas they feel should be developed and protected and specifying aspects that
matter at a local level.
Community Councillors raised concerns that some of the policies assumed the
provision of public transport and other infrastructures were already in place when
they are in fact completely absent in some villages.
Paul thanked Piers and Fiona for their thought provoking presentation and kindly
offer to return at a future date.
Matters Arising:
        Rhynie Football Pitch/Community Orchard/Mosswood renovation and
picnic benches: 
Janice and Tony to remove any old rotten benches and tidy up some of the fallen and part-fallen branches. George had specified to Janice before the meeting that the bridge would now be repaired as the weather had improved.
        Kennethmont Distillery footpath update: No further update.
        Village Noticeboards: Clatt, Rhynie and Gartly noticeboards have all been
erected and are functional. Some structural issues to be resolved for the Kennethmont
        Roads and Landscape Services Dept Update: Philip Leiper has now taken over as Aberdeenshire Council Roads Manager. Janice to send the list of Roads and Landscape Services’ issues for resolution.

        Queen’s Jubilee Trees and Plaques:
The saplings for Kennethmont have arrived. After discussion it was decided to delay
any purchase of specimen trees until a later date.
        Tap O Noth vegetation cutback:
This will need to be delayed until the end of June to avoid harm to nesting birds.
        Microgrant Update: £4614.70 funds available.
        Community Resilience update: Tony explained that SSEN grant allocation for 2023 was not yet available. George to provide quotes for provision of generators for each village hall.
        King Charles Commemorative Medals: These have now been received. Paul will present these to the Kennethmont School children and George/Sharon will present to Rhynie School.
        Marr Log Bank: Janice and Tony gave an update. The scheme will run for another year. Referral scheme to be looked into.
        Mains of Rhynie Forestry Proposal: Planning Applications APP/2023/0121 and 0042 have been withdrawn. No further update available.

        Pictish Scotland story for the Guardian: Mike Davies of RCT has replied regarding Rhynie Man. Discussion about possible relocation back to Rhynie. Janice to contact George and Mike to see if the Community Council can help in bringing
this to fruition. A perspex kiosk could be a possibility and there is funding from Marr
        Red Craig & Glen Burn Woodland Creation (Noted)
Planning Applications: No comment.
Individual Area Reports:
Gartly: Peter reported that a lot of grit needed to be swept off both the
pavements and the roads around Gartly. Janice to report this.
Clatt: Water and mud has been running into the Clatt Village Hall carpark
from the road. Janice to see if the hump at the edge of the car park could be extended
to divert the water and mud away or if a new drain could be installed.
Kennethmont: Nothing further
Rhynie: Nothing further

AOCB: Janice reported that the Rhynie Seed Library event that had taken place in
Fourteen, The Square, Rhynie had been very successful. Plans were to hold a seed,
seedling and plant giveaway/swap on 29th April again at Fourteen. It was agreed that
the Community Council would fund the hall fees for the community giveaways.

Next Meeting 15th May 2023
Rannes Hall, Kennethmont at 7.30pm.



Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting

Minutes of Meeting
Fourteen, The Square, Rhynie.
20th February 2023 7.30pm

Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), George Beverly (Vice Chair), Janice Smith (Secretary/Treasurer), Tony Smith, Peter Johnston, David Grant, Sharon Stoneman, James Grant, Morven Muirden.

In attendance: Cllr Goodhall                                                                                   Apologies: Vicky Briggs, Diane Ord, Cllr Petrie.
Minutes of Previous Meeting: Proposed: George Beverly; Seconded: Tony Smith.

Matters Arising:
        Rhynie Football Pitch/Community Orchard/Mosswood renovation and picnic benches: Bridge middle section still to be repaired once weather improves.

        Kennethmont Distillery footpath update: Options under consideration were provided by Cllr Goodhall. After discussion, option 1 was the preferred option of the Community Council if a safe crossing across the road was provided along with street lights. Janice to send an email to Cllr Goodhall to highlight any concerns.

        Village Noticeboards: Clatt and Kennethmont noticeboards have not yet been installed. Rhynie and Gartly noticeboards now in service. Once these are in operation then agendas and approved minutes of Community Council meetings will be provided for the noticeboards. David/James will deal with Kennethmont; Morven-Clatt; George/Phyllis- Rhynie and Peter- Gartly.

        Roads and Landscape Services Dept Update: Brain Strachan is the new Roads Manager at Aberdeenshire Council. Unfortunately he was unable to attend the meeting. After discussion and updates as given by Community Councillors a list was compiled of outstanding issues. Janice to send an email report highlighting these issues.

        Queen’s Jubilee Trees and Plaques: Janice to look into a specimen tree each for Kennethmont, Gartly and Clatt.

        Tap O Noth vegetation cutback: George to action once the weather improves.

        Local Development Plan Update: Invitation to be sent out to a member of the LDP team to attend the next Community Council meeting in order to give an update.

        Microgrant Update: Foundation Scotland has sent the next grant instalment of £3012.15 making a total of £4614.70 available for micro grants. Sharon to advertise this on Facebook and provide a poster for the noticeboards.
David suggested that some funds could be allocated to provide pop up speed deterrents for the villages. James to look into this.

        Community Resilience update: After the recent power outages the Community Council discussed the possibility of getting funding for generators for each of the 4 village halls in order to provide a warm space and food and drinks for the community. Communication was wiped out with little or no mobile coverage and it was felt that the village halls could play key rolls in providing a haven through the worst of the weather. Janice and Tony to attend the meeting in Alford on 21st February for more information. George to price a complete package of diesel generators and installation costs for the halls to enable grant applications to go forward.

The provision of Welfare vans was discussed. The vans were allocated to areas with power rather than those without power so didn’t target those people in need. Vans were located in Insch and Huntly where most of the community still had power. There was also confusion as to whether the van was to be eventually located in Clatt or Kennethmont. It was a confused picture and does need to be improved on. Janice to report to Aberdeenshire Council on this.

        Marr Log Bank: Janice and Tony to attend the meeting in Alford on 21st February where more information will be available.

        Defibrillator Update: Gartly defibrillator has now been installed. Paul will look after this along with the ones for Clatt, Kennethmont and Rhynie.

        Mains of Rhynie Forestry Proposal: After discussion by email and consensus reached by Community Councillors an email has been sent to the planning department outlining concerns of the community regarding the applications APP/2023/0121 and 0042.
No reply has been received back from the planning department.
No application has been lodged to Forestry so far.

Correspondence: All correspondence circulated to Community Councillors via email as normal and duly noted.

Planning Applications: No comment.

Individual Area Reports:
Kennethmont: Nothing further
Clatt: Nothing further
Rhynie: Concerns regarding out sourcing of services at Rhynie Surgery. Elderly residents are having to travel to Inverurie and Huntly in order to get blood tests taken. This is very difficult when there is poor public transport available. Janice to contact the Health and Social Care Dept to see what can be done.

Gartly: The entrance off the A97 to Gartly as far as the bridge needs to be relaid. This was reported and work agreed by Angela Funk of Aberdeenshire Council several years ago but still has not been carried out. Janice to add this to the report to the Roads Manager.

AOCB: Rhynie large black bin next to the bus stop has been removed/blown away. Janice to contact the waste dept at Aberdeenshire Council.

Next Meeting 3rd April 2023

Clatt Village Hall at 7.30pm.




Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Minutes of Meeting
The Tin Hut, Gartly
9th January 2023 7.00pm

Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), George Beverly (Vice Chair), Janice Smith
(Secretary/Treasurer), Tony Smith, Peter Johnston, Vicky Briggs
In attendance: Cllrs Goodhall and Petrie
Apologies: Morven Muirden, David Grant, Diane Ord, Sharon Stoneman and James
Minutes of Previous Meeting: Proposed: George Beverly; Seconded: Peter
Matters Arising:
        Rhynie Football Pitch/Community Orchard/Mosswood renovation and picnic benches:
Bridge middle section still to be repaired once weather improves.
        Kennethmont Distillery footpath update and Roads/Landscape Services’ issues reported to Cllrs Goodhall and Petrie:
Kennethmont Distillery footpath hopefully to be completed next year.
Mansefield Cottages footpath should be completed in the first quarter of 2023
Digital copy of the details to be sent by Cllr Goodhall to Janice for distribution.
Aberdeenshire Council has agreed to maintain Gartly playing field starting in the
Spring. Cllr Petrie to check that Marr Area Manager is clear that it is the whole of the
area that is to be maintained.
Gartly defibrillator still to be re-installed. This should happen within the next two
weeks, weather permitting.
Roadworks’ signs have been left lying on the roadsides for long periods. Many roads
issues are not being resolved despite repeated online reporting. Councillors to look
into a contact for the Community council in order to expedite issues.
        Village Noticeboards:
Clatt and Kennethmont noticeboards have not yet been installed. Rhynie and Gartly
noticeboards now in service.
        Additional Textile Bank for Kennethmont:
Salvation Army textile bank newly installed in the Rannes Hall car park. This will
hopefully stop bags of textiles overflowing into the car park.

        Queen’s Jubilee Trees and Plaques:
James had confirmed to Janice that 15 free saplings have been ordered to be delivered
in March 2023. A specimen tree will need to be sourced and ordered shortly. Interest
was expressed that Gartly, Rhynie and Clatt might also wish to do this- to be
discussed at a later date.
        Tap O Noth vegetation cutback and plans for mirror to address blind spot:
George is looking into the cost of cutting back the vegetation once the weather
improves. Mirror has now been installed.
        Local Development Plan Update:
Councillor Goodhall has sent a link to the draft 2022 LDP. 2 surveys are to be
completed to help future planning. Janice to send answers out to the Community
Councillors prior to survey submissions on behalf of the Community Council.
        Microgrant Update:
Balance remaining: £1602.55. The Microgrant report for 2022 has been submitted to
Foundation Scotland. The next funding instalment is due shortly.
        Community Resilience webinar update:
George and Vicky stated that this may be of interest for Fourteen, Rhynie and Clatt
Village Hall possibly with regards purchasing generators. Tony to resend the
information. Portable gas stoves and gas canisters may also be useful resources.
        Marr Log Bank:
19 bags of logs have been delivered so far. The wood unfortunately is not well
seasoned so has been stored undercover to dry out. Hopefully more will become
available. A distribution policy needs to be devised once the logs are seasoned and
ready for burning. Councillors will follow up regarding the log bank resources.
All correspondence circulated to Community Councillors via email as normal
and duly noted.
Planning Applications: No comment.
Individual Area Reports:
        Rhynie: George reported many roads issues which have been reported
time and time again. Janice to send Cllr Goodhall this list. No progress is being made
and the Roads’ Dept issues are increasing and not being dealt with. The Community
Council needs a contact with the Roads Dept as a priority in order to stop the
situation worsening.
Potholes: Richmond Avenue/Terrace, The Square, Rhynie- especially beside the
church. All in need of attention and reported many times.Potholes at Cottown Workshop and beyond. Also, Cottage Croft, Cottown and beyond.
Large pothole at the end of Barflat/Bogieside Farm road end on the Rhynie-Clatt road
Water gushing out beside St Margaret’s Church, Bogie road. Reported by the
Community Council and others many months ago. This is still a problem and a
serious issue when there are icy conditions.
Water gushing down the road beside Earlsfield Farm, Kennethmont- again very
dangerous in icy conditions.
These issues need to be addressed as a priority.
        Gartly: Peter reported that yet again council houses at Gartly have been left
vacant waiting to be refurbished etc for months/years at a time. Cllr Petrie reported
that energy efficiency issues, supplies’ issues, staff shortages etc all were affecting the
        Clatt: Vicky reported that there had been no bin collections at Clatt for 6
        Kennethmont: Nothing further.
 AOCB: Paul will be taking over responsibility for the Clatt defibrillator. Pads will be
required to be purchased shortly.

Mains of Rhynie Forestry Proposal Request to Speak by Representatives from
Treeline Forestry.

Representatives from Treeline Forestry requested the opinion of the Community
Council with regards the proposed forestry development.
After discussion it was decided that due to the strength of community opinion the
Community Council should oppose the development as it currently stands.
Vicky proposed the objection and George seconded it and all Community Councillors
in agreement. Janice to send an email to Treeline Forestry and Aberdeenshire

Next Meeting 20th February 2023
Fourteen, The Square, Rhynie at 7.30pm.


Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Minutes of Meeting
Rannes Hall
21st November 2022 7.30pm

Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), George Beverly (Vice Chair), Janice Smith
(Secretary/Treasurer), Tony Smith, James Grant, Sharon Stoneman, David Grant,
Peter Johnston,
In attendance: Cllr Goodhall.
Apologies: Morven Muirden, Vicky Briggs, Cllr Petrie
Minutes of Previous Meeting: Proposed: David Grant; Seconded: James Grant.
Matters Arising:
         Rhynie Football Pitch/Community Orchard/Mosswood tidy up and picnic

Fallen trees have been removed. Apple trees have been relocated. 6 picnic benches
have been installed. Paths are still to be cleared. The mainstay of the bridge has
collapsed and needs to be repaired. George and Paul to look into this.
        Kennethmont Distillery footpath update and Roads/Landscape Services’ issues reported to Cllr Goodhall:
No further update so far regarding the Kennethmont Distillery footpath.
Rhynie overgrown Holly hedge has been reported once more.
Flashing lights not working in Kennethmont- reported again.
Blocked drain near St Mary’s church reported again. This has been reported many
times by several individuals and the Community council and has yet to be resolved.
The recent bad weather has resulted in a much worse situation due to the lack of
The problem of falling tree branches near Richmond Terrace in Rhynie has not been
resolved so far.
Cllr Goodhall has asked for a progress report of the path at Mansefield Gardens in
Kennethmont. This has been ongoing for many years.
Gartly School playing field maintenance is being looked into.
Access is needed to Gartly School in order to remove the defibrillator. Cllr Goodhall
to arrange.
Discussion followed as to how these problems can be dealt with in a timely fashion.
Community Councillors are aware that there are staff shortages within Aberdeenshire
Council and that financial resources are limited but many of the issues discussed have
been reported many times to no effect.

        Village Noticeboards:
All the new village noticeboards have been delivered except Clatt. George and
Morven to liaise on this.
Rhynie noticeboard has been installed. Cement costs to be funded by the Community
Council. George will kindly supply this.
        Roads and Landscape Services Dept Updates:
Trees on the verge near Black Middens on the Cabrach road have been reported as a
safety issue. This has been forwarded on by the Roads Dept to Forestry to deal with.
Trees in Rhynie Square to be pruned back. This was reported to Landscape Services.
        Additional Textile Bank for Kennethmont:
Discussion regarding the need for an additional textile bank to be situated in the
Rannes Hall car park. The Salvation Army could provide an additional bank which
would be regularly emptied to reduce the likelihood of bags of clothing being left
outside the existing bank. Proposed by James and seconded by David. Janice to
progress this further.
        Queen’s Jubilee Trees and Plaques:
James has confirmed that free saplings are available in March 2023 and that he will
shortly order these using the link to the Woodland Trust community trees’ website.
        Tap O Noth vegetation cutback and plans for mirror to address blind spot:
George is looking into the cost of cutting back the vegetation. RCT will deal with the
        Hall Funding for Tap O Noth Community Council meetings:
£200 microgrant already agreed at the last meeting.
Cheques for £50 to be issued to each of the 4 parish halls. This is to cover the period
1st January 2023- 31st December 2023. Janice to arrange this.
        Local Development Plan Update:
Janice has emailed Marr Area Manager but no word back about the possibility of a
Council Officer attending a Community Council meeting or a paper copy being
provided. Cllr Goodhall will look into this.
        Microgrant Update:
Balance remaining: £1602.55
        Mains of Rhynie Forestry Proposal:
No further update.
        Community Resilience webinar update: 

Tony attended the webinar on behalf of the Community Council. This was to ascertain how prepared communities are for emergency situations and generally.
Grants are available to help with this. The village halls have been used recently in
emergency situations and it was felt that grants for generators and generator servicing
would be extremely valuable ongoing. Tony to circulate information.
Concerns were also raised that during a recent emergency Gartly Hall had been
commandeered by the council without discussion. Tony to look into this situation.
        Marr Log Bank:
No further information available.

        Clashindarroch Windfarm extension online consultation (noted)
Planning Applications: No comment.

Individual Area Reports:
Gartly: Nothing further
Rhynie: Sharon has ordered the perennials for the Mosswood from
Greenspace. Janice to check the orders are all through for bedding plants.
Concerns were raised about a car with flat tyres left halfway down Richmond
Avenue. Janice to look into reporting this.
Clatt: Janice relayed information from Morven that the perennials had been
ordered from Greenspace for Clatt.
Kennethmont: Nothing further.
AOCB: Paul reported that when the A944 road was closed at Mossat recently wrong
diversion signs had been implemented . The signs were removed only recently. There
are numerous signs left on verges throughout the area and not being removed by the
council. Cllr Goodhall will look into this.

Next Meeting 9th January 2023
The Tin Hut, Gartly at 7.30pm.




Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Minutes of Meeting
Clatt Village Hall
10th October 2022 7.30pm

Present: George Beverly (Acting Chairman), Janice Smith (Secretary/Treasurer),
Tony Smith, James Grant, Sharon Stoneman, David Grant, Peter Johnston, Morven
In attendance: Cllrs Goodhall and Petrie.
Apologies: Paul Manning, Diane Ord, Vicky Briggs
Minutes of Previous Meeting: Proposed: James Grant; Seconded: Tony Smith.

Welcome to Stephanie Wilson speaking about Rhynie Seed Library:
Stephanie kindly agreed to come to the meeting to speak about the Rhynie Seed
Library. With the cost of living crisis and lack of public transport in the local area she
feels that providing seeds free or with a small charge will enable the community to
grow fruit and vegetables for free. Flower seeds may be available also. She is hoping
that this will be ready to start for Spring 2023.
The seeds will be available from several locations in Rhynie and hopefully this can
be extended to include the other villages. A seedling and produce swap may also be
introduced in due course. George suggested that a box for the seeds could potentially
be added to the new notice boards in the villages. This would give access at any time.
Matters Arising:
         Rhynie Football Pitch/Community Orchard/Mosswood tidy up and picnic benches:
Rhynie Charitable Trust is in the process of changing its constitution in order to
enable an asset transfer request for the Mosswood and Community Orchard.
Apple trees planted in the orchard to be moved to a more suitable area in Oct/Nov.
6 picnic benches have been delivered for the area. £1440 shortfall to be deducted
from the Legacy fund held by the Community Council meaning that the remaining
funds amount to £3460.56. All in agreement.
George to look into making an extension for some picnic benches to enable
wheelchair access.
Paul to be contacted with a view to getting the Mosswood tidy up organised/started.

         Kennethmont Distillery footpath update: Cllr Goodhall is awaiting a
progress report. The land ownership still needs to be determined. He has asked for
plans of the possible routes and a timescale.

         Village Noticeboards: 4 new village noticeboards have been received from
Marmax. George to make contact regarding delivering these to the villages.
Installation to be organised by each village:
George will deal with Rhynie
David and James-Kennethmont
Peter- Gartly
George will check out the type of lock on the noticeboards. Each village to decide
how to deal with the information to go onto the noticeboards and whether these will
be locked.
Peter indicated that the old Gartly noticeboard was in very poor repair so immediate
replacement would be advised. The Gartly Defibrillator to be moved to near the
noticeboard and the electric connection has now been resolved to enable this to take

         Roads and Landscape Services Dept Updates:
Cllr Goodhall has not received word back yet regarding a dangerous tree dropping
branches at Richmond Terrace, Rhynie.
Flashing speed signs at Kennethmont still ongoing. Janice to email Cllr Goodhall
with outstanding roads and landscape services issues.
The textile bin in the Rannes Hall carpark is overflowing. This is an ongoing problem
despite calls from the school to arrange emptying. Janice to look into the possibility
of an additional textile bin from a different source to help resolve the problem.
         Queen’s Jubilee Trees and Plaques:
Janice to send James the link to the Woodland Trust community trees’ website.
         Tap O Noth vegetation cutback and plans for mirror to address blind spot:
George to look into funding from Rhynie Charitable Trust to purchase a mirror.
Cutting back the vegetation is a major job and a quote will be needed to arrange for
this to be done. George to arrange this.
         Hall Funding for Tap O Noth Community Council meetings:
After discussion George proposed that a £200 microgrant be awarded for one year’s
hall fees to be split between the 4 halls where meetings take place. Tony seconded
this. All in agreement.
         Local Development Plan Update:
No word back so far to arrange for an Aberdeenshire Council representative to speak
at a Community Council meeting. It would be helpful if a paper copy of the LDP
could be provided. Janice to make contact about this.
         Microgrant Update:
The following microgrant application has been approved:
Rhynie Seed Library £500 Community Council Meeting Hall Funding £200
Balance remaining: £1602.55
         Mains of Rhynie Forestry Proposal:
No further update.
Perennials for Pollinators: Morven and Sharon to send requirements back to Janice
as soon as possible. Janice to resend the information.
Bedding Plant Order 2023:
George to check with Phyllis that this has been completed.
Remembrance Sunday: wreath laying ceremonies:
Wreaths given to George by Cllr Goodhall- 2 for Kennethmont, 1 for Gartly, 1 for
Rhynie and 1 for Clatt. Councillors will be attending these events. George to see if a
piper is available.
Planning Applications: No comment.
Individual Area Reports:
         Clatt: N/A
         Kennethmont: N/A
         Gartly: N/A
         Rhynie: Road safety issue regarding self seeding trees in the verge on the
Cabrach road past the Black Middens carpark.
Trees in the square in Rhynie in need of pruning.
Janice to report these issues.
Sharon has received an anonymous letter which is in relation to a matter outwith
Community Council control. This has been noted.

Next Meeting 21st November 2022
Rannes Hall, Kennethmont at 7.30pm.


Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Minutes of Meeting
Fourteen, The Square, Rhynie
29th August 2022 7.30pm

Present: David Grant (Acting Chairman), Janice Smith (Secretary/Treasurer), Tony
Smith, James Grant, Sharon Stoneman and Vicky Briggs.
In attendance: Cllrs Goodhall and Petrie.
Apologies: Paul Manning, George Beverly, Peter Johnston, Diane Ord, Morven
Minutes of Previous Meeting: Proposed: Tony Smith; Seconded: David Grant.
Minutes of 2nd August Public Meeting (Amended): Proposed: Sharon Stoneman;
Seconded: Tony Smith.
Matters Arising:
        Rhynie Football Pitch/Community Orchard: Update at the next meeting.
        Kennethmont Distillery footpath update: Cllr Goodhall is awaiting a progress report. The land ownership needs to be determined.
        Village Noticeboards: 4 new village noticeboards have been ordered from
Marmax. Additional funding will be required to make up the shortfall. Janice to look
into possible grants.
        Roads and Landscape Services Dept Updates: Cllr Goodhall to see what can be done regarding reports of a dangerous tree dropping branches at Richmond Terrace, Rhynie. Knockespoch road repairs have been completed. Flashing speed signs at
Kennethmont still to be repaired. This appears to be a problem in other villages. Cllr
Petrie will investigate and report back as to what the council are intending to do.
        Poster re Aberdeenshire Council contact phone number for safe disposal
of discarded syringes: 
Vicky supplied a poster for Kennethmont and an additional
poster will be left for George in the Corner Shop at Rhynie.
        Mosswood renovation/tidy-up/picnic benches
The bridge has been repaired and the adjacent field is to be topped. An application is
in to Marr for a 50% grant for picnic benches for the area.
David has suggested additional picnic benches be purchased which have extended
tops. These are suitable for wheelchair access. One for each village was suggested.
Janice to look into costs of these. Further discussion once costs have been

        Queen’s Jubilee Trees and Plaques: David met with Ailsa Cunningham of Landscape Services to determine the best positions for the saplings and specimen trees in Kennethmont. James to place the order with the Woodland Trust who will supply free saplings and bamboo canes and tree guards. It was suggested that 3 Urban Tree packs containing a mix of Rowan, Crab Apple and Hazel should be ordered. These should be delivered in November.
Additional stakes and better guards may need to be ordered to protect the saplings. A
specimen tree, possibly Rowan, will need to be purchased separately.
        Concerns regarding proposed increase in officer-delegated powers-Aberdeenshire Council Planning delegation report: Cllr Goodhall has circulated
the published document.
        Local Development Plan Update:
Discussion regarding how to make changes if areas are marked as protected and the
community deems this protection unnecessary. A representation can be made to
reverse this. Landowners may not be consulted specifically on changes to the LDP
including any designated protected areas. Janice to contact Aberdeenshire Council to
arrange for an officer to come to a meeting as has been done in the past to discuss the
LDP with relation to the villages of Rhynie, Gartly, Kennethmont and Clatt.
        Microgrant Update:
The following microgrant applications have been approved:
Rhynie Gala £450
Friends of Guiding £250
Kennethmont School Bikeability £286.20
Kennethmont School Music Workshop £500
Remaining funds £2302.55
        Mains of Rhynie Forestry Proposal:
Drop In Session has been arranged for Tuesday 6th September 2022 at 2-6pm at
Fourteen, The Square, Rhynie.
Kate Beverly has received documents between Alexander Burnett and Treeline
Forestry to be forwarded on to the Community Council.
        Perennials for Pollinators: Janice to make contact and see if an extension can be made so that this can be discussed at the next meeting.
Planning Applications: No comment.
Individual Area Reports:
Kennethmont: A thank you was reported back from Kennethmont School for
the microgrants.
Clatt: Nothing further.
Gartly: No representation.
Rhynie: Rhynie Gala reported as well attended and busy.

AOCB: Awareness was raised that the forestry proposal for Mains of Rhynie may be submitted before the next Community Council meeting on the 10th October with a limited time for responses. Should this be the case then it was decided that a Special Meeting would be called in order to deal with this.

Next Meeting 10th October 2022
Clatt Village Hall at 7.30pm.


Minutes of Public Meeting
Fourteen, The Square, Rhynie
Tuesday 2nd August 2022 at 7.30pm
Forestry Proposal at Mains of Rhynie

Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), George Beverly (Vice Chairman), Janice Smith
(Secretary/Treasurer), Tony Smith, Sharon Stoneman and Morven Muirden.
In attendance: Councillor Goodhall, Iain Anderson and John MacKay (Treeline
Forestry Ltd.)
This public meeting was hosted by Tap O Noth Community Council to give an
opportunity for Treeline Forestry to provide more information about the proposed
development at Mains of Rhynie, to answer questions from the public, and to hear
any concerns or comments made.
Iain Anderson of Treeline Forestry Ltd kindly introduced the proposed forestry
scheme for Mains of Rhynie which is in close proximity to the village. Maps and
information had been made available at the meeting venue.
Iain explained the background of government policy which is to plant trees to
counteract climate change using land rated 3.2 or worse. He went on to say that the
proposal was at an early stage with research and surveys still to be completed. The
type of tree species was as yet not determined.
Scottish Forestry regulate the process. Research and fact finding start the process and
then it is publicly documented. Treeline Forestry speak to the public and research
bodies and then facts are collated and submitted.

The floor was opened to questions.

Members of the community raised numerous concerns and many questions were
raised throughout the meeting:
Impact on water supplies: Iain stated that investigations had been carried out and
results show there should be no affect on water supplies.
Surveys to take place: Bird surveys are almost complete having been carried out
between April-August. Mammal surveys may be carried out after a walk through to
determine whether or not this is required.
Has any preparatory work been completed to date: It was confirmed that no
preparatory work had been carried out as this was not allowable.
What are the benefits to the local area: As a part of the Local Development Plan
2017 woodland creation has been noted to benefit the public. Community members expressed doubts that there would be any jobs created by the proposed venture. Concerns were raised about heavy lorries impacting the local area.
Comment was made that the proposal was all about taking things from the
community rather than any benefits.
It was asked whether this proposal was to do with carbon credit and it was confirmed
that this was definitely on the plan. Iain confirmed that the owner of Mains Of
Rhynie had taken steps to improve their carbon footprint by installing a biomass
Archaeology concerns: Serious concerns were raised about the impact of the
proposal on any archaeological remains as yet undetected as well as already known.
The Rhynie area has a wealth of archaeology the extent of which is only just
becoming apparent. Treeline Forestry were directed to make contact with Dr Gordon
Noble to gain further information. Kate Beverly to supply contact details at the end of
the meeting. Dr Noble has carried out a lot of research and conducted numerous
archaeological digs in the area. Treeline Forestry explained that there was a process
to follow contacting Aberdeenshire Council and Historic Environment Scotland to
ensure that there would be no impact on the underlying archaeology.
Rights of Way: Iain reported that there were no rights of way through the area.
Re-instatement of land: If trees are felled in the future then there would need to be a like for like replacement planted.
Impact on neighbouring properties: Iain stated that there would be a buffer zone
around neighbouring properties. Normally this would be an area of native
broadleaves on the edge within 2 m of the fence. This was described by community
members as aggressive proximity especially for those properties already impacted by
a shortage of light in the winter months. Iain stated that mitigation may be possible
by leaving open ground of approximately 20m with a further 25-30m of broadleaves.
Concern was also raised about property values being negatively impacted by the
Timber transportation route agreed as A97.
Timescale for the application: This is expected to be ready August- September
2022. The application would be sent to Scottish Forestry and from there to the public
register. This is then open for public comment for 28 days.
Disruption to wildlife during the surveying period: Concern was raised that
agricultural practice of spraying and flailing would disrupt wildlife and birds during
the surveying period. This would lead to inaccurate surveying.
Seller accountability: Comment was made that regulations should be in place to
hold any sellers accountable to avoid this type of development practice.
Tree Density: Concerns raised about the density of tree planting in the proposed
development with relation to wildlife habitat and fire risks. Iain stated a planting
density of 1.8-2m apart. He went on to state that studies show that even Sitka
plantations have a wide biodiversity.

Further discussion took place regarding the buoyancy of the forestry industry in
general. In recent years and with government policy tree planting has become popular
and is taking off in all areas including Aberdeenshire.

Once the application goes live Kate Beverly confirmed that she would flag this up on Facebook Rhynie Online.

At the end of questions and answers Paul Manning (Chairman) confirmed that the
Community Council is always open to ideas and any concerns the community might
have. This forestry proposal would be on the agenda for the next Community Council
meeting on the 29th August to be held at Fourteen, The Square, Rhynie at 7.30pm.
At the end of questions Paul Manning thanked both Iain and John from Treeline
Forestry Ltd and all members of the public for coming along and then closed the


Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting

Minutes of Meeting
The Tin Hut, Gartly
18th July 2022 7.30pm

Present: George Beverly (Vice Chairman), Janice Smith (Secretary/Treasurer), David Grant, Peter Johnston, Tony Smith, Morven Muirden, Diane Ord.

In attendance: Cllr Goodhall.
Apologies: Paul Manning, James Grant, Sharon Stoneman, Vicky Briggs and Cllr Petrie.

Minutes of Previous Meeting:
AGM: Proposed: Tony Smith; Seconded: David Grant
Normal meeting (after AGM): Proposed: George Beverly; Seconded: Tony Smith

Matters Arising:
        Rhynie Football Pitch/Community Orchard: Discussion regarding cutting the area to tidy it up. George will look into this. Moving the apple trees into one area in the Autumn to be considered. Possible presence of Giant Hogweed in the area which George will check out.
George reported that the bridge planks of the Mosswood have now been replaced. 3 or 4 picnic benches are proposed for the area. Janice to approach Aberdeenshire Council to see if funding is available for this. There is a special promotion on pallets of 3 picnic benches from Marmax. Janice also to contact Marmax and see how long this promotion will continue for.

       Kennethmont Distillery footpath update: Cllr Goodhall is awaiting a progress report.

       Village Noticeboards: Foundation Scotland has awarded a grant of £5,995.20 to replace/refurbish the village noticeboards. After discussion it was decided that the way forward would be to replace all 4 noticeboards. The preference was for Marmax recycled noticeboards which would require minimal maintenance and be extremely durable. Janice to contact Foundation Scotland to advise them of the situation.

        Roads and Landscape Services Dept Updates: Janice reported that she had made contact with Anne Buchan of the Roads Dept after having no response to emails or phone calls to Angela Funk and the Roads Dept. The restructuring within the council has meant the loss of 6 experienced staff and means that it will not be possible to hold regular meetings with the Community Council. All issues need to be reported online and reference numbers noted. Progress can then be monitored. Janice to send Cllr Goodhall specific issues that need to be expedited including the Knockespoch collapsed road issue. He will also look into the reasons for the long detour the Clatt road closure will create and reasons for closure as opposed to traffic lights.

        Poster re Aberdeenshire Council contact phone number for safe disposal of discarded syringes: Vicky has put posters in the Rhynie shop and Clatt noticeboard. Vicky to arrange to get additional posters to George for him to distribute further.

       Queen’s Jubilee Trees and Plaques: Still awaiting a response from Landscape Services as to approval of the planting plans. Janice has emailed Landscape Services but no response back so far.

       Concerns regarding proposed increase in officer-delegated powers- Aberdeenshire Council Planning delegation report: Cllr Goodwill will report back about this.

       Village Defibrillators: All the village defibrillators have been registered with the Scottish Ambulance Service.

       Proposed Mothballing of Clatt School: Morven reported that a meeting had been held and that it had been accepted that nothing further could be done at the moment. The community wants to look into the future of the school building should it not reopen in the future. The council will still maintain the building. The school equipment and technology have all been retained in the school.

       Village Post Office Concerns: The outreach post office services have been reported as poor due to equipment and wifi issues. It was agreed that the ongoing situation should be monitored.

        Census Forms: Further reports of difficulties completing these although a leaflet has been provided in order to support this. Further information is required as to the nature of the problem.


Mains of Rhynie- Woodland Creation Consultation: Adjacent landowners as well as the Community Council have been informed about this. After discussion about the scope of the project, possible impact on the community, archaeological sites etc it was decided to contact the developer in order to arrange a meeting to discuss the proposal and get more information and views.

Craig Watch Wind Farm Planning Update (noted)

Planning Applications: No comment.

Individual Area Reports:

Kennethmont: Nothing further to report.
Clatt: Nothing further.
Gartly: Gartly school has been vandalised and Peter is in correspondence with Marr Area Manager regarding this. Concerns raised that memorabilia may be damaged or stolen and that entry has now been requested in order to remove this to a safe location.

Rhynie: Unsafe tree on Richmond Avenue which is shedding branches and is cause for concern amongst residents. Cllr Goodhall will report this and see what can be done.

AOCB: Funding for holding Community Council meetings in the village halls to be added to the agenda for the next meeting.
Local Development Plan Survey 2027 not yet completed. It was decided to look into holding a Special Meeting if time allowed in order to discuss and complete the survey.

George suggested we look into fitting a mirror opposite the entrance to the Tap O Noth car park as visibility is poor in both directions with no likelihood of this being improved. Cllr Goodhall will send information about this.
Tap O Noth paths- George to contact the landowner with regards the possibility of cutting back vegetation and likely costs.

Payment of £60 approved for gate repair. New gate also needed near the plantation further up Tap O Noth.

Next Meeting

29th August 2022

Fourteen, The Square, Rhynie at 7.30pm


Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting

Minutes of Meeting
Rannes Hall, Kennethmont.
6th June 2022 7.30pm

Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), George Beverly (Vice Chairman), Janice Smith (Secretary/Treasurer), David Grant, Peter Johnston, Vicky Briggs, Tony Smith, Morven Muirden, Sharon Stoneman,

In attendance: Cllrs Goodhall and Petrie
Apologies: James Grant and Diane Ord
Minutes of Previous Meeting: Proposed: Paul Manning; Seconded: David Grant

Matters Arising:
       Rhynie Football Pitch/Community Orchard: George reported that despite Rhynie Charitable Trust requesting consultation over the planting of the orchard, the planting has gone ahead regardless and the trees have been planted inappropriately. This means that the area is not useful for anything else. It was agreed that the trees should be replanted in the autumn in a better location. Janice to find out who to contact at Aberdeenshire Council and to liaise with George.

       Kennethmont Distillery footpath update: Cllr Goodhall will find out what progress has been made and report back.

       Kennethmont School Benches: Now in position and in use.
       Village Noticeboards: Grant application is in with Foundation Scotland. 

       Roads and Landscape Services Dept Updates: Continued problems trying to make contact with these departments. Paul has tried to speak to Landscape Services and has left a message but no reply. Cllr Petrie suggested emailing Derek Murray directly at Aberdeenshire Council.

       Queen’s Jubilee Medals for Local Schools: Now distributed.

       Poster re Aberdeenshire Council contact phone number for safe disposal of discarded syringes: Vicky to put up in the noticeboards.

       Mosswood renovation/tidy up: Paul and Sharon to meet up to discuss. George will repair the broken planks in the bridges.

       Greenspace Provision of Perennial Plants: Plants finally received.

       Queen’s Jubilee Trees and Plaques: Still awaiting a response from Landscape Services as to approval of the planting plans. Janice to make contact.

       Rhynie Jubilee Celebrations: Rhynie celebrations including the beacon on Tap O Noth were all well attended and enjoyed.

       Microgrant Update: £500 grant was awarded to RCT for jubilee celebrations, £300 was awarded for exterior pointing work at Clatt Auld Kirk. Balance remaining in the fund is £3,788.75 Vicky to advertise on Facebook that there are grants available for the Tap O Noth community.

       Village Defibrillators: Paul confirmed that all defibs were registered. No further relocation plans for the Gartly defib which is currently at Gartly School. Annual costs to maintain the defibs need to be estimated with a view to looking into grants to cover these costs.

       Proposed Mothballing of Clatt School: Further discussion along with a request to speak by local resident Russell Rennie. He confirmed that all the parents of the school children affected by the closure of Clatt School had been contacted by Aberdeenshire Council and had been offered places in a choice of schools. A possible public meeting may be arranged as it was felt that the school closure affects the whole community.


       Community Grant Allocation (noted)

       Police Report (noted)
       Rhynie Chert letter from the BBC (noted)

Planning Applications: No comment.

Individual Area Reports:

       Clatt: Collapsed verge/road at Knockespoch and open drain cover near Mains of Seggieden. Vicky to take photos of both and send to Janice to escalate where necessary.

       Gartly: Grit has not been cleared by the roads dept.
       Kennethmont: Nothing new to report.
       Rhynie: Pothole near the halt sign in Rhynie which has been reported many times. Drain blocked at St Mary’s also reported many times. Sharon and George to send the reference numbers to Janice so that these can be expedited. Drain blocked outside Rhynie toilets- new action.
Holly hedge at 16, The Square, Rhynie now encroaching the pavement- new action. AOCB: 

Census forms reported as difficult to complete but unfortunately nothing further can be done about this.

Next Meeting 18th July 2022 The Tin hut, Gartly at 7.30pm



Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Minutes of AGM
Rannes Hall, Kennethmont
6th June 2022 7.30pm

Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), George Beverly (Vice Chairman), Janice Smith
(Secretary/Treasurer), David Grant, Peter Johnston, Vicky Briggs, Tony Smith,
Morven Muirden, Sharon Stoneman.

In attendance: Janelle Clark (Marr Area Manager), Cllrs Goodhall and Petrie

Apologies: James Grant and Diane Ord

Minutes of the Previous AGM: Approved previously by James Grant; seconded by
Tony Smith at the 27th September 2021 meeting.

Treasurer’s Report including the Annual Accounts: Verified accounts have been
sent out to the whole community council. The bank balance at 31st March 2022 is
£21,260.54 (includes Wetland Legacy £4,900.56, Microgrant Fund £5,088.75 and
Rhynie Defib Fund of £1,595.18)
Accounts approved: George Beverly; Seconded: Paul Manning

Election of Chair: Janelle Clark (Marr Area Manager) kindly ran the proceedings.
Paul Manning was proposed by David Grant and seconded by Tony Smith. Paul
accepted the position.

Election of Vice Chair: David Grant proposed George Beverly and Morven Muirden
seconded. George accepted the position.

Election of Secretary/Treasurer: George Beverly proposed Janice Smith and David
Grant seconded. Janice accepted the position.

Normal meeting followed immediately after the AGM


Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Minutes of Meeting
Clatt Village Hall
25th April 2022 at 7.30pm

Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), Janice Smith (Secretary/Treasurer), David Grant,
Peter Johnston, Tony Smith, Morven Muirden, Sharon Stoneman, James Grant, Diane
In attendance: Cllr Petrie (later)
Apologies: George Beverly, Vicky Briggs
Minutes of the Previous Meeting: Approved: Tony; Seconded: Morven
Matters Arising:
        Rhynie Football Pitch/Community Orchard: The community orchard has
now been planted with apple trees.
        Kennethmont Distillery Footpath: No Further update.
        Kennethmont School Benches: George and Paul will arrange for these to be
delivered to the site. James will organise installation.
         Village Noticeboards: An application has gone in to Foundation Scotland for a
grant to renovate and replace these. This will be decided mid June.
         Gartly School Future Plans: No further news.
         Roads and Landscape Services Dept Update: Flashing lights at Kennethmont: Problem still ongoing. Problems with the supply of parts in order to repair them.
Rhynie potholes: Reported.
Paul reported that there were considerable problems contacting the Roads Dept by
         Queen’s Jubilee Medals for Local Schools: 142 medals have been ordered
and should be delivered during May. Any school closure dates should be forwarded to
Janice to relay on to the supplier.
         Issues of Dog Mess in Rhynie: No further progress at the moment.
         Poster re Aberdeenshire Council contact phone number for safe disposal
of discarded syringes:
 Vicky advised by email that these had been printed and
laminated. These can now be put up on the village noticeboards.
         Planning Application APP/2021/2259 Application under Section 42 for
Formation of Quarry for Extraction and Processing of Hard Rock Including
Formation of Bund and Access Without Compliance with Conditions 3 (Noise)
and 8 (Blasting) of Planning Permission Reference APP/2018/267:

This went to Marr Area Committee and has been approved.

         Tap O Noth Community Council Website update of arrangements for
Admin access:
 Vicky sent an email with an update. Access is still not available and
there are no concrete plans as to how this can be resolved. The Community Council
voted by majority to reinstate the old website and to mothball the new.
         Rhynie School Boiler problems: Sharon reported that a new boiler has been
installed and is working.
         Mosswood renovation/tidy up: This is work in progress. Some bridge planks
were reported as missing. Paul and Sharon to meet on site to discuss.
         Greenspace provision of perennial plants: These have not yet been picked up from the depot. Paul to sort out.
         Queen’s Jubilee Trees and Plaques: Some confusion as to who will need to
authorise the planting of the saplings in the Kennethmont area. Janice to contact
Landscape Services again for clarification.
         Rhynie Jubilee Celebrations: A variety of events are being planned for the
celebrations in all of the villages. Further details to follow.
         Empty properties in Rhynie and Gartly: Cllr Petrie reported that the Gartly
property in question still had insulation work to be completed before it would become
available. The Rhynie property has people moving into it shortly.
        Concerns regarding proposed increase in officer-delegated powers-
Aberdeenshire Council Planning delegation report: Cllr Petrie confirmed that this
was being discussed at the Thursday meeting and that changes had been incorporated
into it. Further updates will be available after this meeting.
        Revised Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils now
available on Aberdeenshire Council’s Website (Noted)
Planning Applications: No comments.
Individual Area Reports:
         Gartly: Peter raised the issue of the school football pitch/outside area
which is in a poor condition once more. This needs to be routinely cut and
maintained. Janice to report this to Landscape Services.
         Kennethmont: Potholes on the Duncanstone road- James to report online.
         Clatt: Considerable concern about the mothballing of Clatt School after
the summer. The school has been running for 170 years. Discussion followed about
the way this has been implemented with no consultation and very poor
communication. The Community Council will consult and write to the Head of
Education in this regard.
         Rhynie: Nothing further to report

Defibrillators: Confirmation from Paul that all the village defibs have been
registered with the ambulance service. Paul confirmed that he will continue to look
after the defibs. No further news as to where the Gartly defib will be relocated to.

Next Meeting:
Monday 6th June
AGM followed immediately by the normal Community Council meeting
The Rannes Hall, Kennethmont at 7.30pm


Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting

Minutes of Meeting
The Tin Hut, Gartly
14th February 2022 at 7.30pm

Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), George Beverly (Vice Chairman), Janice Smith (Secretary/Treasurer), David Grant, Peter Johnston, Tony Smith, Morven Muirden, Sharon Stoneman, Vicky Briggs.

In attendance: Cllr Petrie.
Apologies: Diane Ord, James Grant
Minutes of the Previous Meeting: Approved: George; Seconded: Peter.

Matters Arising:
Rhynie Football Pitch/Community Orchard: No further update.
Tap O Noth Footpath: George reported that the water had been drained and

there was a big improvement already. The invoice for the work would be sent shortly.

Clatt Kirkyard Wall: Now repaired.
Kennethmont Distillery Footpath: No Further update.
Kennethmont School Benches: James has now completed the bench bases

ready for the picnic benches to be installed.
Village Noticeboards: George declared an interest as he was quoting for the

noticeboard repairs/new noticeboards for all four villages. The quote is £5,995.20 incl VAT. It was agreed that the Community Council would look into the possibility of getting a grant for this. Janice to arrange this.

Gartly School Future Plans: Cllr Petrie reported that the consultation process was continuing and an in person meeting was arranged for 15th March at 6.30pm at The Tin Hut, Gartly.

Roads and Landscape Services Dept Update:
     Flashing lights at Kennethmont: Problem still ongoing.
     Cemetery tap: This has now been fixed and the water has been turned off for the Winter.
     Rhynie School Car Park Fence: This is in the process of being fixed.
     Potholes on Richmond Avenue, Rhynie and Gartly Road Repairs: No update.             Land on Richmond Avenue: No update. Cllr Petrie will chase this up with Environmental Health.

Queen’s Jubilee Medals for Local Schools: Accurate figures need to be confirmed as soon as possible.

Issues of Dog Mess in Rhynie: Paul has been in contact with the dog warden to resolve this. More information from the community is required to help sort this out. Details such as specific times, dates, breed and colour of dogs, names etc would be very helpful so that this can be reported appropriately.

Poster re Aberdeenshire Council contact phone number for safe disposal of discarded syringes: Vicky to email this to George for laminating and distribution.

Greenspace Provision of Perennial Plants: Janice to make contact to get more information.

Planning Application APP/2021/2259 Application under Section 42 for Formation of Quarry for Extraction and Processing of Hard Rock Including Formation of Bund and Access Without Compliance with Conditions 3 (Noise) and 8 (Blasting) of Planning Permission Reference APP/2018/267:
Cllr Petrie informed the Community Council that this was recommended for approval but going to Marr Area Committee this month.

Police Report (noted)

Concerns regarding proposed increase in officer-delegated powers- Aberdeenshire Council Planning delegation report: Cllr Petrie said that generally Councillors were not in favour. She will keep the Community Council updated.

Planning Applications: No comments.

Individual Area Reports:
Clatt: Concern expressed about the possibility of the school closing. 

Kennethmont: Dangerous potholes near Kennethmont on the road towards Duncanstone to be reported. No news still about the wall at Mansefield Cottages. 

Gartly: Peter raised the concern about a house left empty for more than a year.

Peter to supply the address and Cllr Petrie will find out more.
Rhynie: Properties in Rhynie also empty. Addresses to be sent to Cllr Petrie

for investigation. Sharon reported that there have been boiler problems at the school. She will supply dates so that Janice can report this.


For the record the decision was made between meetings by email and phone to hold this meeting face to face. 8 Community Councillors voted for face to face, 2 voted for a remote meeting and 1 did not respond. This was a clear majority vote for a face to face meeting.

Website Issues: A lot of discussion regarding content, timely updating, and lack of access for the office bearers which had been previously agreed at the September meeting but had not been implemented so far. Vicky to supply a login as a matter of urgency so that Janice can access and amend the website as required to avoid future issues.

Hybrid Meetings: How to move forward with this was discussed at length. The Community Council wishes to continue with in person meetings. It was decided in the first instance to investigate whether or not the 4 halls would be interested in

internet provision. Tony said that Number Fourteen in Rhynie would likely need an upgrade to be useable for hybrid meetings. Clatt has a new internet connection and this should be checked out. Kennethmont and Gartly currently have no internet. It was thought that the Community Council could help support the installation/ upgrades. Huntly Community Council are expecting to run hybrid meetings shortly. Paul and Tony hope to attend in person and others could trial the meeting online. This would be a good start to see how it would work in practice.

Mosswood renovation/tidy up:

Paul consulted Sharon regarding the possibility of the Rhynie children helping with cleaning and tidying the Mosswood area. This is to be discussed further.

Queen’s Jubilee Trees and plaques: Janice to look into this as David is interested in tree planting in Kennethmont.

Rhynie Street Party and beacon: RCT is planning a street party in Rhynie for the jubilee and there may be plans to light a beacon. Further discussion at the next meeting.

Next Meeting:
Monday 14th March 2022

Number Fourteen, Rhynie at 7.30pm.


Tap O Noth Community Council AGM

Minutes of Skype remote meeting held on

Monday 13th Sept 2021 at 7pm

Present: Janelle Clark (Marr Area Manager) Paul Manning, Janice Smith, George Beverly, Peter Johnston, David Grant, Diane Ord, Morven Muirden, Sharon Stoneman, Tony Smith, Victoria Briggs, James Grant.

In Attendance: Councillors Gwyneth Petrie and John Latham.

Apologies: Diane Mathieson

1) Welcome and introductions Janelle Clark from Aberdeenshire Council welcomed everyone to the AGM of the re-established Tap O Noth Community Council.

2) Election Results:

The following have been elected as Community Councillors for the Tap O Noth area:

Diane Mathieson, George Beverly, Paul Manning, Tony Smith, David Grant, Janice Smith, Peter Johnston, Victoria Briggs, Diane Ord, 
Morven Muirden
, Sharon Stoneman,
 James Grant.

3) Election of Office Bearers

Election of Chair: Paul Manning was nominated by George Beverly and seconded by Peter Johnston.

Election of Vice Chair: George Beverly was nominated by David Grant and seconded by Janice Smith.

Election of Secretary/Treasurer: Janice Smith was nominated by Paul Manning and seconded by George Beverly.

4) Adoption of Constitution:

After discussion the constitution was agreed. Please see Tap O Noth Community Council Constitution document provided separately for details.

5)  Financial Arrangements:

Tap O Noth Community Council needs to set up a bank account. Janice to look into this. Once opened, funds held by Aberdeenshire Council can be transferred. Funds held from the previous community council- £21,546.34.

2021/22 Admin grant in addition of £540

6)  AOCB


David Grant questioned whether insurance should be extended to include cover for legal representation, based on past issues and the level of support received from Aberdeenshire Council. Janelle confirmed that such cover would need to be funded by the Community Council.

This will be discussed at the next meeting.

Website and Social Media:

The existing website is in need of improvement. Suggestions were put forward to create a new website and Facebook pages. Vicky to look into this and report back. Janice raised the issues of getting correspondence with attachments onto the existing website. This has been a significant issue in the past. This will be discussed at the next meeting.

Mosswood area:

To be discussed at the next meeting.

7)  Date of Next Meeting:

Monday 27th September 7.30pm at No 14, The Square, Rhynie.

This will be a face to face meeting with additional remote access being trialled.

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