

Tap O’Noth Community Council

Election of Community Councillors 2023 

The Returning Officer has pleasure in announcing that the following candidates have been duly elected to Tap O’Noth Community Council. 

Kate Beverly

Jake Williams

The Community Council’s AGM will take place on 26 June 2023, at 7.30pm, in The Tin Hut, Gartly.  For further information please contact: taponothcc@gmail.com 





Tap O Noth Community Council



Election of Community Councillors 2019

The Returning Officer has pleasure in announcing that the following candidates have been duly elected to Tap O Noth Community Council.

George Beverly (Rhynie)

James Matthew (Gartly)

Paul Manning (Clatt)

Verona Groves (Kennethmont)

The Community Council’s AGM will take place on Monday, 24June 2019 at 7.30pm in Clatt Village Hall.


Tap O Noth Community Council Elections


Nominations now open

Nominations are being sought to fill 9 vacancies on Tap O Noth Community Council (4 Rhynie, 2 Clatt, 2 Gartly, 1 Kennethmont).

Forms must be returned by 4pm on Monday, 3 June 2019 and an election will take place on Thursday, 13 June, 6-8pm if nominees outnumber the spaces available.

The Community Council’s AGM will take place on Monday, 24 June 2019 at 7.30pm in Clatt Village Hall.

Nomination forms are available from Janelle Clark, Returning Officer: marr@aberdeenshire.gov.uk

For further information contact marr@aberdeenshire.gov.uk or 019755 20400.



Tap O Noth Community Council


Election Results for the Gartly and Kennethmont Sub Divisions

The under mentioned persons have duly been elected to serve as members of the Gartly and Kennethmont Sub divisions of Tap O Noth Community Council


Mr Peter Johnston 32 Park Lane Gartly AB54 4QF


Mr John Drysdale Tra-Lee 5 Distillery Cottages Kennethmont AB54 4NH



Tap O Noth Community Council Elections


Gartly: 3 Vacancies

Kennethmont: 1 Vacancy

Rhynie: 2 Vacancies

For nomination forms and further details contact the secretary: janice.smith@gn107.co.uk or marr@aberdeenshire.gov.uk tel 019755 20400

Forms should be completed and returned via email to marr@aberdeenshire.co.uk or posted to Alford Area Office, School Road, Alford AB33 8TY by 4pm Thursday 7th June 2018.




Tap O Noth Community Council


Election Results for the Clatt Kennethmont and Rhynie Sub Divisions

The under mentioned persons have duly been elected to serve as members of the Clatt Kennethmont and Rhynie Subdivisions of Tap O Noth Community Council


Alistair Rennie Blairduff Clatt AB54 4PQ


David Grant Earlsfield Farmhouse Kennethmont AB52 6YQ

Janice Smith New Flinder Insch AB52 6YY


Maxwell Wallace 22 Main Street Rhynie AB54 4HB


Tap O Noth Community Council Elections


                                  Clatt:  1 Vacancy

                                 Gartly: 1 Vacancy

                      Kennethmont: 2 Vacancies

                                Rhynie: 2 Vacancies

For nomination forms and further details

Contact the Secretary on 01464 861670

Forms should be completed and returned to the Secretary by Friday 5th May 2017




Election Results

For the

Clatt and Rhynie

Sub Divisions

The under mentioned persons have duly been elected to serve as members of the Clatt and Rhynie Subdivision of Tap O Noth Community Council


Duncan Connon Broadmyre Clatt AB54 4QP

Paul Manning Hillhead Clatt AB54 4PA


George Beverly Cottage Croft Cottown Rhynie AB54 4LX

Colin Mumford Kenlea Essie Road Rhynie AB54 4GF





Nominations are sought from residents living in the Tap O Noth Community Council area.

There are currently 5 vacancies for Tap O Noth Community Council

                   Clatt    -           2 vacancies

Gartly   -          1 vacancy                  

Rhynie   -         2 vacancies

Nomination forms and information on those eligible for election are available from the Secretary on 01464 861670.

Nomination forms must be completed and returned to the Returning Officer below at the following address by mid-day on Friday 30th April 2016

Kate Hunter


The Shieling

Manse Road


AB54 4WA



2015 Election Results

The under mentioned persons have duly been elected to serve as members of the

Gartly Kennethmont and Rhynie subdivision of

Tap O Noth Community Council


Peter Johnston 32 Park Lane Gartly AB54 4QF

           James Matthew 30 Bogie Street Huntly AB54 8HE


John Drysdale 5 Distillery Cottages Kennethmont AB54 4NH


George McIntosh 15 Main St Rhynie AB54 4HB

Neil Muiry Leighlann Main Street Rhynie AB54 4HB


Election of Councillors


An election will take place to fill the vacant seat in the Kennethmont sub-division of Tap O Noth Community Council oThursday 4th June 6pm -  8pm iThe Rannes Hall

The following candidates are standing for election:

  1. Mrs Janice Smith, New Flinder, Insch AB52 6YY
  2. John Drysdale, 5 Distillery Cottages, Kennethmont AB54 4NH



An election will take place to fill the two vacant seats in the Rhynie sub-division of Tap O Noth Community Council on Thursday 4th June 6pm - 8pm iThe Community Centre Rhynie

The following candidates are standing for election:

1.George McIntosh, 15 Main Street, Rhynie AB54 4HB

2. Neil Muiry, Leighlann, Main Street, Rhynie AB54 4HB

3. Maxwell Scott Wallace, 22 Main Street, Rhynie AB54 4HB


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