Minutes May, July & Aug 2024
Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Minutes of Meeting held at Fourteen, Rhynie on 19th August 2024.
Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), Janice Smith (Secretary/Treasurer), Morven Muirden, Tony Smith, Peter Johnston, David Grant, Sharon Stoneman and James Grant.
In Attendance: Cllr Goodhall
Apologies: None
Minutes of Previous Meetings: Proposed: David Grant; Seconded: Tony Smith
Community Council Elections: The timescale for the elections was discussed and clarification given as to where to source nomination forms.
Matters arising:
Kennethmont footpaths update:
Mansefield Cottages footpath not yet complete but is looking good.
No further update on the distillery footpath.
Roads & Landscape Services update:
The Clatt-Premnay road possible passing spaces-reported but no word back from the Roads Dept. Morven reported that the level of traffic on this road was becoming increasingly dangerous.
Clatt Village Hall drainage problem still unresolved. Cllr Goodhall will contact the Roads Dept again about both these issues.
No update about the Kennethmont speed lights which have not worked for a great many years and have been reported continually with no resolution in sight. Other lights in the area have been replaced. Cllr Goodhall will find out what the current position is.
Community Resilience update:
The next round of SSEN funding is to be launched shortly but is for Net Zero projects. Rhynie Charitable Trust has secured the remainder of the funding needed to go ahead with the provision of a generator for Fourteen, Rhynie.
Mains of Rhynie Forestry Proposal:
No further update.
Microgrant update:
Balance £2,338.13 remaining.
Village Defibrillators:
Recent fundraising and successful grant applications have secured funds for the maintenance of the Community Council defibrillators in the villages of Kennethmont, Rhynie, Gartly and Clatt. Grateful thanks go to the Rannes
Hall Management Committee, Gartly Community Association, the Glens of Foudland Windfarm Community Trust, RCT Wheedlemont fund along with members of the Community Council and the wider community. More fundraising is planned in Rhynie with a coffee morning or soup & sweet event.
Mosswood & Old Playing Field in Rhynie:
A poster to be arranged to inform the community of the possibility of a community growing space at the old playing field in Rhynie and seek feedback in the first instance. Paul has received mixed responses from immediate neighbours. Cllr Goodhall will provide information from other groups in the area.
Clatt School:
No definite news regarding Clatt School. Awaiting word from Aberdeenshire Council and Learning Estates. A meeting with Learning Estates will be happening shortly.
Pop Up Bob:
These have now been received and will be used shortly.
Email re Annies Nursery Insch ( noted)
Thank you message from Phyllis Beverly (noted)
Planning Applications: None Individual Area Reports:
Gartly: It was reported that the entrance to Gartly has now been tidied up but that communication with the council has been very limited.
Rhynie: Nothing further
Clatt: Bridge parapet still in need of repair.
Stolen property from local farms reported to the police but disappointing police attendance. Centralisation of police services meant that reporting of the incident went to Inverness and no word from Huntly. Concerns raised regarding this. Kennethmont: Nothing further.
Craig Farm- processing of sand & gravel proposal: No update.
Correen Hills Windfarm Proposal :
Requests to speak from Robin Baird and Jan Weilbacher and subsequent discussion.
After discussion it was decided that the survey questions circulated would be used in a Community Survey to ascertain the feeling of the community with reference to the proposed wind farm. Proposed by James Grant; seconded by Paul Manning. Janice to make contact with Bennachie Community Council and Donside Community Council to work collectively with the surveys. Timescale for when the surveys will be released yet to be agreed.
Tap O Noth Community Council
Minutes of the Special Meeting
Monday 19th August 7.30pm
Fourteen, The Square, Rhynie
Normal business meeting followed immediately after.
Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), Janice Smith (Secretary/Treasurer), James Grant,
David Grant, Morven Muirden, Tony Smith, Peter Johnston and Sharon Stoneman.
In Attendance: Cllr Goodhall
Apologies: None
Revised Constitution of Tap O’Noth Community Council
The proposed constitution and standing orders discussed and agreed at 8th July
2024 meeting with prior approval given by Marr Area Manager, Janelle Clark
were formally adopted on 19th August 2024.
Proposed: Tony Smith; Seconded: Paul Manning.
These changes largely relate to the new single election and co-option
arrangements implemented by Aberdeenshire Council
Next Meeting:
Inaugural meeting of the new Community Council
30th September 2024 at 7.30pm Clatt Village Hall
Minutes of Meeting held at The Tin Hut, Gartly
on 8th July 2024.
Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), Janice Smith (Secretary/Treasurer), Morven Muirden,
Tony Smith, Peter Johnston, David Grant, Sharon Stoneman and Jake Williams.
In Attendance: Cllr Goodhall
Apologies: James Grant
Chairman Paul Manning informed the Community Council that former Community Councillor,
George Beverly, had sadly passed away after a short illness. George had served on the Community Council for more than forty years and would be sorely missed by family and friends and everyone in the community. His funeral will be held in Rhynie on Wednesday 10th July at 1.30pm with everyone welcome.
Minutes of Previous Meetings: Proposed: David Grant; Seconded: Tony Smith
Community Council Constitution Changes:
The draft constitution was approved retaining the clause 6.1 (a)
The Community Council, at its first meeting after the initial and subsequent elections, shall elect
one of its members to be Chairperson and may elect one of its members to be Vice Chairperson.
Neither office bearer may serve more than three consecutive terms.
Proposed: David Grant; Seconded: Tony Smith. All members in agreement.
Janice will send the draft constitution into the Marr Area Manager for prior approval. Constitution to be formally adopted at the 19th August meeting.
Matters arising:
Kennethmont footpaths update:
Martin Hall has emailed an update. Mansefield Cottages footpath expected to
be completed around 26th July 2024. Work is progressing well.
The preliminary design work for the distillery footpath is expected to start in
August 2024 and the community and Community Council will be consulted
about this. Cllr Goodhall advised that at consultation the Community Council
and community needs to ensure that the crossing at the school is sufficient for
the needs of the community.
Cllr Goodhall advised that communities will be able to have their say
regarding speed limits across roads in Aberdeenshire. It has long been desired
by the community to have a 30 limit at the distillery area of Kennethmont.
Cllr Goodhall to make initial contact about this, along with speed restriction
at Gartly.
Roads & Landscape Services update:
Cllr Goodhall gave feedback regarding previous reported problems as
He advised that the issue of memorials on private land would be researched
by the council’s legal team.
Road sweepers still to be actioned for Rhynie.
The Clatt-Premnay road possible passing spaces-reported but no word back
from the Roads Dept.
Clatt Village Hall drainage problem still unresolved. Cllr Goodhall will
contact the Roads Dept again.
Community Resilience update:
Rhynie Charitable Trust is awaiting the outcome of their Clashindarroch
funding application for a mobile generator. They have received an award
from Marr Large Grant fund for half of the project costs.
Mains of Rhynie Forestry Proposal:
No further update.
Microgrant update:
Balance £2,338.13 remaining. Funding application for hall costs for
Community Council meetings to be considered at the next meeting.
Village Defibrillators:
There is a fund raising event at the Rannes Hall, Kennethmont on Saturday
13th July including a silent auction and use of defibrillators demonstration.
Other villages will be fund raising at a later date.
Paul highlighted that some of the defibrillators had been out of action when
he had checked them. There is a need for these to be checked on a regular
basis and each village should be responsible for doing this. Community
Councillors to make arrangements for this to be done.
Mosswood & Old Playing Field in Rhynie:
A meeting with Aberdeenshire Council members took place recently. Sharon,
Paul and Janice attended this. The possibility of creating a community
growing space was discussed. In the first instance this would be a minute of
agreement between the Community Council and Aberdeenshire Council. Paul
to contact neighbours of the site to discuss in the first instance.
Clatt School:
A meeting at Clatt Village Hall and subsequent online meeting have been
held to investigate the prospective community use of the village school. No
decision has been made and Matthew Smart will report back future progress.
Pop Up Bob:
Still awaiting delivery.
Community Council Inaugural meeting arrangements- Kirsty Macleod (Marr Area Office) (Noted)
Planning Applications: No objections.
Individual Area Reports:
Gartly: Nothing further
Clatt: Nothing further
Kennethmont: Nothing further
Rhynie: Nothing further
Correen Hills Windfarm Proposal :
The information group CASHWIG has 2 public meeting dates: 16th July at 7pm at
Clatt Village Hall and 24th July at 7pm at the Rannes Hall, Kennethmont.
survey across the Tap O Noth, Bennachie and Donside Community Council areas.
Craig Farm-processing of sand & gravel proposal: Nothing further.
Concerns have been raised regarding the speed lights at Kennethmont and Rhynie
being out of action. This is an unresolved problem originally reported at
Kennethmont many years ago. Cllr Goodhall to look into this as it appears to be an
Aberdeenshire wide issue.
Paul reported the 20mph signs littering the Cottown-Clatt road and in need of
Next Meeting:
19th August 2024 at 7.30pm
Fourteen, The Square, Rhynie.
Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Minutes of Meeting held at The Rannes Hall, Kennethmont
27th May 2024 immediately after the AGM
Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), Janice Smith (Secretary/Treasurer), Morven Muirden, Tony Smith, Peter Johnston, David Grant, James Grant
In Attendance: N/A
Apologies: Jake Williams, Sharon Stoneman.
Minutes of Previous Meeting: Proposed: David Grant; Seconded: Morven Muirden.
Matters arising:
Kennethmont footpaths update: No update available regarding the distillery footpath. Mansefield footpath work starting shortly
Roads & Landscape Services update: No update available.
Community Resilience update: Rhynie Charitable Trust is awaiting the outcome of funding applications for a mobile generator. Aimi Blueman (Aberdeenshire Council) has been asked by Huntly Community Council if there is any information which can be shared about resilience plans within neighbouring CCs, particularly at Gartly. Peter advised that Gartly Community Association is not prioritising this at the current time.
Mains of Rhynie Forestry Proposal: No further update.
Microgrant update: Since the last meeting 2 micro grant have been approved/paid: £500 grant for the Gartly Toddlers and £180 for Pop Up Bob speed deterrents. Balance £2,338.13 remaining.
Village Defibrillators: Paul confirmed that a grant application to Glens of Foudland Windfarm Community Trust of £750 had been successful. More fund raising and grant applications need to be made. Grant application to be made to Greenspan.
Mosswood & Old Playing Field in Rhynie: A meeting with Nick Mardall of Aberdeenshire Council is scheduled for the end of June.
Clatt School: Morven reported that he had spoken to many parents in Clatt regarding saving Clatt School from closure. It now looks likely that the school will sadly close permanently as the number of pupils (8) has not been achieved.
Pop Up Bob: James advised that these had been ordered and awaiting delivery.
Police Report 01/01/24 to 12/05/24 (Noted)
Dorenell Extension Wind Farm and Biodiversity Enhancement Plan (Noted)
Planning Applications: No objections.
Individual Area Reports:
Speeding vehicles problematic and Pop Up Bob to be used to help deal with this.
Morven reported that more memorials are being erected on top of Suie Hill. Janice to contact Cllr Goodhall to find out the legal position.
Flooding in Clatt Village Hall car park ongoing. Janice to contact Cllr Goodhall for progress as this has been reported constantly over the last few months.
Morven reported that the Clatt- Premnay road is becoming increasingly busy. Provision of passing places is urgently needed. Janice to contact the Roads Dept and also Bennachie Community Council.
A litter pick has been scheduled for Saturday 8th June.
Moss Road from the church to the wetlands requires the road sweeper as this was not completed when the rest of the village was dealt with.
No 6 Bogie Road in need of tidying as it is now derelict and rubbish is being distributed in the wind.
Correen Hills Windfarm Proposal :
Very little further information at this time. Janice to contact Bennachie CC and Donside CC regarding prospective survey and survey questions. The suggestion was made that the developer should carry out the survey comprising questions agreed by the Community Councils. The Community Council agreed that further consultations should be delayed until after the school holidays. Janice to reply to the developer to this affect.
Craig Farm-processing of sand & gravel proposal:
2 public drop in presentations. No further information.
AOCB: Janice to check when the village bedding plants will be delivered.
Next Meeting:
8th July 2024 at 7.30pm The Tin Hut, Gartly.
Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting Minutes of AGM
The Rannes Hall, Kennethmont 27th May 2024 7.30pm
Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), Janice Smith (Secretary/Treasurer), David Grant, Peter Johnston, Tony Smith, Morven Muirden, James Grant.
In attendance: N/A
Apologies: Jake Williams, Sharon Stoneman
Minutes of the Previous AGM: Approved previously by George Beverly; seconded by James Grant at the 18th Sept 2023 meeting.
Proposal to change the constitution of Tap O’Noth Community Council
The proposed change affects constitution item Appendix 1, item 1.3 Annual General Meeting, to remove 1.3.1(g) “The election/re-election of any Office Bearer”
Proposed: Tony Smith; Seconded: James Grant. Change to the constitution carried unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report:
Balance@1st April 2023 £15,173.48
Balance@ 31st March 2024 £10,068.41
Janice reported that funding would need to be sought for any current and future projects due to little income and significant expenditure. The village defibrillators had cost £1,736.80 to keep them properly maintained for the 23/24 accounting year. For future defibrillator maintenance fundraising will be needed along with sourcing grant funding. Paul applied successfully for funding from The Glens of Foudland Windfarm Community Trust and £750 has been awarded. Local village fundraising would be extremely welcome.
Accounts 2023/24 Approved: Paul Manning; Seconded: David Grant.
Normal Meeting followed immediately after the AGM