27 January 2019
Minutes from 21st January

Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting

Minutes of Special Meeting held at Clatt Village Hall

Monday 21st January 2019 at 7.30pm

Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), Janice Smith (Secretary/Treasurer), Colin Mumford (Vice Chairman), Duncan Connon, George Beverly, Peter Johnston, James Matthew, Verona Groves, Maxwell Wallace, Alastair Rennie, David Grant.

In Attendance: Councillor Latham
Visitors: Janelle Clark (Marr Area Manager), Angela Funk & Ralph Newlands (Aberdeenshire Council Roads Dept)
1. Apologies: Councillor Ingleby
2. Working relationship between the Community Council and Aberdeenshire Council: Advice required regarding response times:

Angela Funk replied that there is no set response time within which the Roads Dept would normally reply to emails etc. This is due to a change of systems and the large volume of emails that now come into the dept. Everything now needs to be prioritised. Generally the Roads Dept would hope to respond within around 28 days.

3. Roads Dept Issues:
        a) Outstanding Issues:

There are currently a lot of outstanding issues with regards pot holes, overgrown hedges etc. A list was compiled and sent to Angela Funk and Cllr Latham and a small amount of progress has been made. A significant number of these issues have been ongoing for several years without resolution.

It was explained that the lack of budget and lack of manpower had caused problems but that new people had now been recruited and trained. Also, there were problems in locating some of the issues and it would be helpful if a map reference could be supplied in future.

The decision was made that one of the Community Councillors would meet with Angela Funk on a monthly basis at the Alford Office in order to go through any Roads Dept issues and supply map references, details etc. It would be helpful if they could also meet with road inspectors/engineers at that meeting also.

A discussion followed about the numerous issues that have been causing concern in the area:

1) Manpower reported as idle -sitting in vans for significant periods.

Community Councillors to report this to the Roads Dept including van registration number, area, date and time so that this can be monitored.

2) Road signs set up for roadworks but no work being done.

It was explained that if surface dressing was being done then signs are set out in advance as this is a fast moving process. Sometimes in hot weather signs are left out because there is no grip on the road so this is for safety reasons.

3) Road signs abandoned -laid flat on road sides after the work has been completed. Community Councillors to please report any signs so that the Roads Dept can collect.

4) Numerous roads in the area all closed at once with a large detour signposted.

Colin Mumford raised this point and called for better co ordination of road closures and better communication in future. Significant hardships had been endured in the local area due to this. Even if the closures could have been staggered by 2 weeks it would have made a big difference.

It was explained that money had suddenly become available which needed to be used in a short timescale hence all works being carried out altogether. This was communicated to the Councillors but not to the Community Councillors. It was noted that this needs to be communicated to the Community Council in future. Once the programme of road closures has been decided then this will be communicated to the Community Council.

If safety standards can be met then traffic lights are used rather than closing the roads.
Social media such as Facebook and Twitter now have information ref Aberdeenshire Council

        b) New (re-occurring) items:

Concerns have been raised again about the provision of a safe path to Kennethmont School from houses near the distillery and also about a review of the speed limit.

Angela Funk explained that there was a meeting arranged for Wed 23rd January to look into the design and route. Further information will be communicated to Councillor Latham and the Community Council once this has taken place.

As regards the speed limit, it is the police who trigger this process. Once the path has been planned then the speed limit would be looked into.

If the 20 school limit could be extended out then this might be a helpful option. This will be looked into by the Roads Dept.

4) Snow Warden Scheme:

This is a scheme looking for community involvement to help with snow clearing. The Community Council was informed that using a mini tractor would not be allowed because of insurance and legal issues. Ralph Newlands will make enquiries as to whether or not the Community Council would have adequate insurance cover for mechanical snow clearing.

Salt, grit bins, spreaders etc can all be provided.

The Community Council was assured by the Roads Dept that there is still the same commitment to clear the snow but that the scheme is intended to help clear areas sooner rather than later. Pavements classed as F3 would be last to be cleared by the Council whereas any classed as F1 or F2 would be cleared first. It was considered that Snow Wardens should possibly check which pavements are classified as F3 and concentrate on clearing these.

The Roads Dept agreed to provide a grit bin for Rannes Hall, Kennethmont. One is also required at Clatt Village Hall.


A few further local issues were discussed with the Roads Dept :Recently resurfaced roads in the area were reported as having drainage and surface issues. These will be inspected.

Chairman Paul Manning thanked Janelle Clark, Angela Funk and Ralph Newlands for kindly attending the meeting.

Next Meeting:
Monday 18th February 2019 at 7.30pm

Tin Hut Gartly 

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