12 January 2019
Minutes from 7th January

Tap O Noth Community Council

Minutes of Meeting held at Clatt Village Hall

Monday 7th January 2019 at 7.30pm

Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), Janice Smith (Secretary/Treasurer), Colin Mumford (Vice Chairman), Duncan Connon, George Beverly, Peter Johnston, James Matthew, Verona Groves, Maxwell Wallace, Alastair Rennie, David Grant.

In Attendance: N/A
1. Apologies: Councillor Latham

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting: Approved by George Beverly; Seconded by Colin Mumford.

3. Matters Arising:
           Microgrant Awards

Gartly PTA were awarded £300 towards outdoor clothing and Gartly Community Association received £500 towards boundary fencing works. The balance remaining is £587.85. The grant due is £2508.19. Last year’s report has now been sent to Iain Catto of Foundation Scotland.

           Update on Wetlands/Mosswood

No further update so far.

The bridge needs some attention and has been reported as slippery to walk on. George will look into this with a view to adding some galvanised wire netting to improve traction.

           Tap O Noth Community Council Website Update

The website is up to date. Colin has requested that Community Councillors for Gartly, Kennethmont and Clatt supply local information, telephone numbers etc so that this can be added. Rhynie information has already been supplied. Information about the Microgrants that have been awarded will also be added in future.

There was a discussion as to how long general information should be retained on the website. Colin will contact Aberdeenshire Council to get advice on this.

           Outstanding issues ref Roads Dept

No update available.

Concerns were raised about the standard of the finished surface of the newly repaired areas Rhynie to Gartly and Clatt to Kennethmont.

           Defibrillator Equipment ref donation to Sandpiper Wildcat.

Paul will contact John Drysdale to discuss further.

4. Correspondence:

Email detailing concerns over the lack of provision of a safe pathway to Kennethmont School from houses near Ardmore Distillery.

Discussion took place as to the possibility of providing a safe pathway via a sensible route between the houses and the school. Community Councillors are going to have a look at the area first hand. No response has been received back from Angela Funk or other members of the Roads Dept. This is concerning as Councillor Latham had explained at the previous meeting that a response should be forthcoming within a 14 day time frame.

5. Planning Applications: N/A

6. Individual Area Reports:


There is a very large pothole in Rhynie Car Park around the drain opposite the school. Also broken railings have been reported on the corner in front of the church.

The A2B bus was discussed and it was generally accepted that there is a need to raise public awareness of its existence and when it can be used. The information is on the website and has been put on the noticeboards.


Nothing to report.


A pothole close to Law Farm on the Ardlair road was reported online and was repaired within 10 days. Thanks are due to Aberdeenshire Council for a timely resolution.

David Grant stated that attempts to source funding to have a car park created next to Kennethmont Kirkyard have proved fruitless as Foundation Scotland have indicated funding from them would be well down their list of priorities and would therefore be unlikely.

He also indicated disappointment that no Aberdeenshire Councillors had offered help/ assistance/support when 10 years of work to provide rural housing and business units in Kennethmont was on the verge of collapse back in October.

David raised the suggestion for a bench or something suitable to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Armistice Day. After discussion it was decided that George would look into getting 4 plaques, costs etc.


The entrance to the road has now been measured so hopefully repairs will be undergone shortly.

There are reports of numerous potholes along the Tillythrowie to Braes of Gartly road alongside the Tin Hut. Also there are overgrown hedges and bushes between Duns Croft and Valley View bungalow.

           Path up to Tap O Noth

George has spoken to the new landowner to gain agreement to renovate the path. Some fencing will be required and the signage to be completed also.

           Garden Competition

George and Verona have kindly agreed to coordinate the garden competition for 2019. Janice to email details of previous years.

Next Meeting: Special Meeting

Monday 21st January 2019 at 7.30pm

Clatt Village Hall 

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