26 November 2018
Minutes from 19th November

Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting

Draft Minutes of Meeting held at Rhynie Community Centre

Monday 19th November 2018

Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), Janice Smith (Secretary/Treasurer), Colin Mumford, Duncan Connon, George Beverly, Peter Johnston, James Matthew, Verona Groves

In Attendance: Councillors John Latham, Robbie Withey and Gwyneth Petrie.

1. Apologies: Maxwell Wallace, David Grant & Alastair Rennie

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting: Approved by George Beverly; Seconded by Colin Mumford.

3. Matters Arising:
       Resignation of Acting Vice Chairman & Nominations for Vice Chairman

Acting Vice Chairman David Grant wished to resign his post as it was always intended to be a temporary measure.

Nominations for Vice Chairman:
James Matthew: Proposed by Paul Manning; seconded by Duncan Connon

Colin Mumford: Proposed by Peter Johnston; seconded by George Beverly

Colin Mumford was voted Vice Chairman by 3 votes to 2

       Update on Wetlands/Mosswood

No further update so far. Messages have been left with Landscape Services at Aberdeenshire Council but no response back to date. Councillor Latham will make contact to expedite matters.

       Tap O Noth Community Council Website Update

There is now a permanent planning link in place which works well. Colin has tried to make contact with Marr Area Partnership to arrange a link with their website but has had no response back. Councillor Withey has offered to look into this.

       Outstanding issues ref Roads Dept

A list of outstanding issues had previously been emailed to Councillor Latham and Angela Funk. Councillor Latham went through the list with updates. Slow progress is being made. A discussion followed regarding using the Roads Dept online reporting tool and the lack of response when emailing the Roads Dept.

Colin Mumford has had no response to his letter regarding road closures in the area either.

After further discussion it was agreed that the Community Council should try and arrange a special meeting with Janelle Clark (Marr Area Manager) and a member of the Roads Dept team to discuss.

4. Correspondence:
       Snow Warden Winter Scheme:

Information on the scheme has now become available. It is unclear however whether a mechanical snow clearing device would be covered by Aberdeenshire Council’s insurance. Councillor Latham suggested he looks into this and will report back.

It was suggested that it would be very useful if this could be discussed further at the special meeting with Janelle Clark and the Roads Dept.

       Letter from John Drysdale re defibrillator equipment:

Community Councillors were in agreement in principal that a number of mini mannequins could be donated to Sandpiper. The final number will need to be confirmed.

5. Planning Applications: No Objections.

6. Individual Area Reports:

Nothing to report.


The surgery light has been reported as shining too brightly. Paul to contact the surgery to try and resolve this.


Nothing further to report other than the road diversions are continuing to cause a lot of problems.


Nothing to report.


Next Meeting:
Monday 7th January 2019 at 7.30pm

Clatt Village Hall 

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