18 July 2018
Minutes from AGM 25th June 2018

Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting

Minutes of AGM held at Rannes Hall, Kennethmont

Monday 25th June 2018

Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), Alistair Rennie, David Grant, Peter Johnston, Janice Smith (Secretary), Maxwell Wallace, Colin Mumford, Duncan Connon.

In Attendance: Councillor John Latham, Councillor Robbie Withey
Apologies: George Beverly
Minutes of Previous Meeting: Approved by Colin Mumford; Seconded by Duncan Connon.

Police Report: No further news.

Matters Arising:

      Update on Wetlands/Mosswood

No further progress

      Progress ref installing defibrillators

Defib installed at Clatt. Kennethmont defib to be installed shortly. Aberdeenshire council due to visit Gartly to determine how to instal.

      Tap O Noth Community Council Website

Colin has upgraded the existing website and has added Rhynie information to it. He now requires information from Kennethmont, Gartly and Clatt so that this can also be added onto the website.

The website is working much better but there are still some teething troubles to be resolved.

Election Results:

The following members were duly elected:
Gartly                Peter Johnston
Kennethmont      John Drysdale (Since resigned on 24th June 2018)

Treasurer’s Annual Report:
Accounts are now to end on 31st March as per the new constitution.

Business account: £7411.28
Mosswood account: £4991.76
Investment account £7679.02
Balance @ 31st March 2018: £20,082.06

Election of Office Bearers

Councillor Latham conducted the election.


Paul Manning: Proposed by Colin Mumford. Seconded by Alistair Rennie

Acting Vice Chairman:

David Grant: Proposed by Alistair Rennie. Seconded by Peter Johnston

David Grant accepted this on a temporary basis.

Janice Smith: Proposed by Paul Manning. Seconded by Duncan Connon

Finance Report:

Business account: £6642.61

Mosswood account: £4991.76

Investment account: £7681.55

Balance of £19,315.92


Invitation to Marr Community Forum- Natasha Pawlukiewicz (noted)
Invite to AWPR/B-T project update briefing 26th June 2018-Aberdeenshire Council (noted)

Road closure notice B9002- Roads Dept (noted)
Economic Development Update and various funds- Natasha Pawlukiewicz (noted)
Letter from Scottish Country Dancing, Rhynie micro grant thank you letter (kindly noted)

Email from Iain Catto Foundation Scotland regarding a meeting on 16th July (noted)

Planning applications: No objections

Individual Area Reports:


There is still an issue with mud on the road after the recent landslide. Councillor Latham will contact Aberdeenshire Council regarding this.


The main street is shortly to be reworked. Now would seem a good opportunity to make progress regarding the ongoing issues with the walls. Councillor Latham will progress this.

No news back yet regarding the car park for the cemetery.


There are 2 heaps of snow clearing grit and rubble in the car park at Rhynie which need to be removed.


Clatt cemetery stand pipe tap is in need of attention. Alistair will contact George to resolve the issue.

Public Question Time:

Members of the public asked about a recent communication. There will be a response sent out by the Community Council in due course.


Councillor Withey will supply information regarding a new campaign to raise awareness about Scottish Wildcats.

Max is researching GDPR-ref policy and registration.

Tap O Noth Community Council new constitution:

Everyone was in agreement that the draft constitution as displayed on the website should be adopted. Janice to confirm this with Aberdeenshire Council.

Next Meeting:
Monday 16th July 2018 at 7.30pm

Village Hall Clatt 

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