Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Minutes of meeting held at Rhynie Community Centre
Monday 4th June 2018
Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), James Matthew (Vice Chairman), Alastair Rennie (arrived later), George Beverly, David Grant, Peter Johnston, Janice Smith (Secretary), Maxwell Wallace, Colin Mumford, John Drysdale, Duncan Connon.
In Attendance: Councillor John Latham
Apologies: George McIntosh, Councillor Robbie Withey
Minutes of Previous Meeting: Approved by George Beverly; Seconded by Colin Mumford.
Police Report: Police report received for April. Additional update from Max regarding instances of stolen cars in the area and the need to keep outbuildings and sheds secure.
Matters Arising:
Tap O Noth Community Council Elections/Constitution
Agreement has been reached with Aberdeenshire Council to retain the sub divisions within the constitution. Elections are now going ahead and the AGM is set for Mon 25th June 8pm at the Rannes Hall Kennethmont.
Update on Wetlands/Mosswood
No news from Aberdeenshire Council. The boards of the bridge have now been attended to. The shelter and paths are in need of attention. New avenues will be investigated regarding draining the water away, possibly using a pump.
Progress ref installing defibrillators
Work in progress.
Tap O Noth Community Council Website
The website is limited for what the community council is now trying to achieve. Some correspondence has been uploaded but there are problems regarding the size of pages and functionality. Colin to look into this and see if an upgrade or new service provider would be necessary.
Discussion followed about further ways to get information across to the community. Community Council Meeting Agendas from now on to be placed on the area notice boards: George Beverly to arrange this for Rhynie, David Grant for Kennethmont, Paul Manning for Clatt and Peter Johnston for Gartly.
Finance Report:
Business account: £7411.28
Mosswood account: £4991.76
Investment account: £7681.55
Balance of £20,084.59
All correspondence has been emailed out to community councillors and uploaded onto Tap O Noth Community Council website as appropriate.
Correspondence has been noted but no items were requested by community councillors for discussion.
Planning applications: No objections
Individual Area Reports:
A letter has been sent to Mrs Cockburn, Easter Bogieside with regards getting her hedge cut back from the roadside. The hedge has not been dealt with yet.
There are issues regarding a stand pipe at Rhynie Cemetery.
Councillor Latham will contact the council regarding these two issues.
Update required for what is happening with Rhynie Hall. Max to get an update and report back. No information has been received since November 2017.
Direction sign for Tap O Noth is in need of attention. The Trig point on Tap O Noth is deteriorating. Janice to make contact with Historic Scotland.
Flowers have now been delivered and George Beverly will arrange for a compost delivery.
The road through Kennethmont is in poor condition -no progress so far.
Gartly: All flowers have now been planted.
Clatt: Nothing new to report
Public Question Time:
Concerns were raised about how best to get information across to members of the community in a timely manner. The decision was made to press ahead with dealing with the website problems as soon as possible. Until the website problems are resolved it was proposed by John Drysdale and seconded by David Grant that correspondence be listed on the meeting agenda. This was agreed by all. Notice is however to be given prior to the meetings of any items requested for discussion.
Information needs to be collated regarding GDPR. Max to research this and report back.
Councillor Latham advised that planning application APP/2018/0742 ref LPG tanks at Ardmore Distillery which the community council had lodged an objection to had been approved.
Next Meeting:
Monday 25th June 2018 at 8.00pm
Rannes Hall Kennethmont.