09 June 2018
Minutes from 23rd April 2018

Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting

Minutes of meeting held at Rannes Hall Kennethmont

Monday 23rd April 2018

Present:  Paul Manning (Chairman), James Matthew (Vice Chairman), Alastair Rennie (unable to attend the whole meeting), George Beverly, David Grant, Peter Johnston, Janice Smith (Secretary), Maxwell Wallace, Colin Mumford, John Drysdale.

In Attendance:  Councillor John Latham

Apologies: Duncan Connon, George McIntosh

Minutes of Previous Meeting: Approved by David Grant; Seconded by Alastair Rennie.

Police Report: Police report received for February.

Matters Arising:

    Tap O Noth Community Council Elections/Constitution

Discussion took place regarding elections and the new constitution. The Community Council agreed that the area sub divisions should be retained in the new constitution and that a meeting should be arranged to discuss other matters  further. Date to be confirmed once contact made with Aberdeenshire Council.

    Update on Wetlands/Mosswood

Ongoing problems mean that new plans now need to be made. General discussion about what the new plans might entail. One possibility discussed was to drain the existing area. 

    Roads’ dept ongoing issues:

Discussion regarding Clatt School parking and access. No reply from the Roads’ Dept regarding the white lines. Letters received from Mr Humphries have been sent to the Roads’ Dept for comment.  

    Grant application for defibrillators:

The debrillators and cabinets have all been received but they need to be checked to make sure all the equipment is present.

Finance Report:

Business account:    £7411.28

Mosswood account: £4991.76

Investment account: £7679.02

Balance of £20,082.06


    Bank Closures: Impact on local businesses, consumers and the Scottish economy  inquiry. (noted)

    Volunteers sought to join Aberdeenshire Local Licensing Forum (noted)

    Clashindarroch land management plan scoping (noted)

    Home Energy Scotland- attending galas or community events

    (Paul has forwarded this to Kate and it has been confirmed they will be 

    attending Rhynie Gala 2018)

    Huntly: Room to Thrive Project (noted)

    Celebrate Community Councils- Twitter campaign (noted)

    Consultation seeking views on the update of the Licensing (Procedure)    (Scotland) Regulations 2007 (noted)

    Community Council Funding (noted)

    TV Licence Refund Notification Scam (noted)

    Doorstep Crime Awareness (Group working door to door)

    Road closure notices (noted)

    Aberdeenshire Council’s “Call for Sites”-Local Development Plan Bids     (noted)

    Natasha Pawlukiewicz- various    (noted)

    Thank you letter from Rhynie Gala Committee ref micro grant (noted)

There was a discussion as how best to get the information contained in the correspondence across to the community as a whole. Janice to look into putting this on the Tap O Noth Community Council website.

Planning applications: 

There is an application in ref Ardmore Distillery, Kennethmont APP/2018/0742 for 12 LPG Gas Tanks. Concerns were raised regarding proximity to housing and a play area. John to look into and report back.

Individual Area Reports:


A letter has been sent to Mrs Cockburn, Easter Bogieside with regards getting her hedge cut back from the roadside. The hedge has not been dealt with yet. Councillor Latham will contact the council about this.

Boards on the bridge at Mosswood are needing attention. Paul will examine/investigate further.

Colin to make contact regarding unscheduled changes to the NHS service since the changeover from Rhynie to Inverurie. No change was promised but this is not the case.


Nothing new to report


Gutter cleaning has been completed but the pavements need attention. Hedges still to be dealt with.


Nothing new to report

Public Question Time:

The question was asked if there was a further update regarding Aberdeenshire Council’s obligation to clear pavements of snow and ice. An email has been sent to Derek Murray regarding this but no update available so far.

AOCB: Microgrant applications to be discussed after the meeting

Next Meeting:

 Monday 4th June 2018 at 7.30pm

Community Centre Rhynie

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