Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Minutes of meeting held at Tin Hut Gartly
Monday 12th March 2018
Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), James Matthew (Vice Chairman), Alastair Rennie, George Beverly, David Grant, Peter Johnston, George McIntosh, Janice Smith (Secretary), Maxwell Wallace (unable to attend the whole meeting)
In Attendance: Councillors John Latham, Robbie Withey and Gwyneth Petrie
Apologies: Colin Mumford and John Drysdale
Minutes of Previous Meeting: Approved by Maxwell Wallace; Seconded by George Beverly.
Police Report: No police report. New system starts in April.
Matters Arising:
Micro grants:
Several micro grant applications have been received and will be considered at a separate meeting immediately after the community council meeting.
Roads’ dept update:
Ongoing issues regarding potholes and vegetation- Janice to contact the Roads’ Dept to get an update.
Grant application for defibrillators:
3 forms have been completed ref BHF. Still awaiting final confirmation.
Police Scotland Working Group:
The first report will be in April. A list of contacts for the different areas will also be made available.
Finance Report:
Business account: £7513.23
Mosswood account: £4991.76
Investment account: £7679.02
Balance of £20,184.01
The Big Recycling Challenge (noted)
Aberdeenshire Sports Awards Evening (noted)
Community Council Briefing Note (noted)
Scottish Fire & Rescue Community Asset Register (noted)
A96 Duelling east of Huntly to Aberdeen-availability of community development funding (noted)
The Baird Family Hospital & The Anchor Centre Project (noted)
Local Development Plan 2021 Development Plan Scheme (noted)
Police Short Life Working Group (noted)
Big Things- Community Councils we need you (noted)
Culture & Sport Strategy for Consultation (noted)
Inspiring Aberdeenshire (noted)
Tap O Noth Community Council Constitution (noted)
Community Resilience event (noted)
Community Council Training (noted)
Request from Aberdeen Evening Express for Community Council Police Reports (noted)
Natasha Pawlukiewicz- various (noted)
Planning applications: No comment
Individual Area Reports:
The possibility of purchasing a machine for pavement snow clearing in Rhynie was raised. George McIntosh to look into this.
Potholes and tree trimming to be reported online.
Mosswood- Councillor Latham is following this up.
Gartly: Nothing new to report
Clatt: Ongoing issues with potholes and vegetation
Pothole at Law Farm has been reported online.
The subject was raised as to possible funding to purchase land to develop into a car park next to the cemetery. Costs of the land and the necessary additional works are needed. David to report back.
Public Question Time: The question was asked as to what the Council’s obligation was to clear pavements to a safe and reasonable level. Janice to contact the Roads’ Dept to clarify.
Next Meeting:
Monday 23rd April 2018 at 8pm
Rannes Hall Kennethmont