Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Minutes of meeting held at Clatt Village Hall
Monday 29th January 2018
Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), James Matthew (Vice Chairman), Maxwell Wallace, Duncan Connon, Alastair Rennie, George Beverly, Colin Mumford, David Grant, Peter Johnston, John Drysdale, Janice Smith (Secretary).
In Attendance: Councillors John Latham and Robbie Withey
Apologies: N/A
Minutes of Previous Meeting: Approved by George Beverly; Seconded by David Grant.
Police Report: Police report for November-3/1/18 received. Police Scotland working group next meeting 5/2/18.
Matters Arising:
To raise awareness that Microgrants of upto £500 are available for the Tap O Noth community it was decided to add information on Facebook rather than advertise in the local press.
2 grants were approved for payment:
Rhynie Parent & Toddler Group £150
Rhynie Community Facilities Development Charitable Trust £500
Roads’ gritting policy and A97 Road Traffic Accidents update:
No update so far regarding gritting policy. Angela Funk (Principal Roads Engineer) has looked into the road traffic accidents on sections of the A97. The co-efficient of friction is deemed low through the bends in the road in question. Consequently this location will be added to the list of prospective surface dressing sites for next year.
Grant application for defibrillators:
3 forms have now been completed ref BHF. No further update.
Finance Report:
Business account: £5104.60 + £2427.76 (Microgrant fund)= £7532.36
Mosswood account: £4991.76
Investment account: £7676.46 (Decision made to continue re investing)
Balance of £20,200.58
- Aberdeen City Region Strategic Transport Appraisal (noted)
- Leith Hall Felling Proposal (noted)
- Scottish Parliament North East Workshops (noted)
- Teacher visiting specialists (noted)
- Service transfer- libraries etc (noted)
- Insurance renewal (noted)
- A96 East of Huntly to Aberdeen Community Council Forum (noted)
- Natasha Pawlukiewicz- various (noted)
Planning applications: No applications for this area.
Individual Area Reports:
Pavements being worked on but still potholes in the roads to be dealt with.
Failed lighting has now been fixed.
Housing at Richmond Gardens is now vacant or becoming vacant but there appear to be delays in reallocating this housing. Max is chasing this up. The delays may be due to the housing needing to be upgraded.
Fence on Manse Road collapsing- Janice to report this.
Gartly: Nothing new to report
Councillor Latham to report back about the railings/footpath at Manse Cottage.
Road disintegrating at the cemetery area- John Drysdale to report.
Pothole at Law Farm- Janice to report.
Broom between Hillhead and Boghead still to be dealt with.
School entrance painted lines have still not been removed. Janice to find out what is happening.
Public Question Time: N/A
Draft minutes of Local Development Plan meeting on 18th December have not been received as of yet. Janice to make enquiries.
Next Meeting:
Monday 12th March 2018 at 7.30pm
Tin Hut Gartly