Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Minutes of meeting held at Rannes Hall, Kennethmont
Monday 6th November 2017
Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), James Matthew (Vice Chairman), Maxwell Wallace, Duncan Connon, David Grant, Peter Johnston, John Drysdale, Janice Smith (Secretary).
In Attendance: Councillor John Latham, Councillor Robbie Withey
Apologies: George Beverly, George McIntosh, Colin Mumford.
Minutes of Previous Meeting: Approved by Duncan Connon; Seconded by Maxwell Wallace.
Police Report: No police presence but report for October emailed in.
Matters Arising:
Roads’ gritting policy:
Derek Murray (Roads & Landscape Manager) and Angela Funk (Principal Roads Engineer) kindly attended the meeting to give information regarding road gritting policy. Concerns were raised that local roads were not being treated appropriately in the first instance and that snow ploughs were not clearing adequately or ploughing early enough in the morning. Certain roads were remaining untouched. Replies were given that the roads dept is now receiving better information about conditions which should in turn improve overall efficiency. Derek Murray will look into the route covering Seggieden to see if additional coverage can be achieved and report back. He will also provide an update regarding provision of grit and grit bins. Any roads’ issues need to be reported tel no. 03456 081205 or email roads@aberdeenshire.gov.uk
Discussion into the roads’ policy regarding overhanging trees and vegetation followed on. Ongoing matters reported previously at Headhouse, Clatt, Pinetree Howe, Bridgend and others still unresolved. Derek stated that more work needs to be done in this area.
Clashindarroch 11 windfarm shared ownership meeting:
Peter Johnston and Janice Smith attended a meeting in Huntly. This was a brief introductory meeting and very little detailed information was available at that time.
Wheedlemont wind turbine community fund:
George Beverly to give an update at a later date.
Grant Application for defibrillators:
No decision as yet.
Remembrance Day wreaths: All in order.
Finance Report:
Business account: £5198.69
Mosswood account: £4991.76
Investment account: £7676.46
Balance of £17,866.91
Natasha Pawlukiewicz- various (noted)
New Scheme of Establishment for Community Councils-from Joanne Warnock of the Press & Journal (noted)
Bedding Plant Orders ( completed)
Consultation surveys on town centre parking (noted)
Presentations from Community Council event (noted)
Local Development Team discussion meeting date confirmed- 18th December 2017.
Guidance on requesting to speak at Marr Area Committee (noted)
Planning applications: No comment.
Individual Area Reports:
Nothing new to report
Collapsed manhole now resolved.
Vacant site at the end of Richmond Avenue needs to be tidied up. Max to make contact.
A few instances of minor crime reported so there is a need to be vigilant.
No new issues to report
No new issues to report
Public Question Time:
Community hall repairs- no update as of yet.
Trees overhanging the bridge near the cemetery- Paul to investigate.
Next Meeting:
Monday 18th December 2017 at 7.30pm
Community Centre, Rhynie.