Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Minutes of meeting held at Clatt Village Hall
Monday 14th August 2017
Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), James Matthew (Vice Chairman), Alistair Rennie, Peter Johnston, David Grant, Maxwell Wallace, Janice Smith (Secretary)
In Attendance: No councillors present
Apologies: George Beverly, George McIntosh, Colin Mumford
Minutes of Previous Meeting: Approved by Peter Johnston; Seconded by James Matthew.
Police Report: No police presence. Max to contact and get update.
Matters Arising:
Finance Report:
Business account: £5233.69
Mosswood account: £4991.76
Investment account: £7667.27
Balance of £17,892.72
Invitation to the celebratory opening of the Greenmyres Community wind turbine (noted)
Natasha Pawlukiewicz- various (noted)
Glasgow Caledonian University- research on renewable energy- response on an individual basis.
Wendy & Roy Allan- email regarding 2017 gardening competition (noted)
Entrust-landfill grant eligibility. (noted)
Scottish Natural Heritage letter noting the renewal of SSSI status of Rhynie Chert.
Planning applications: No comment.
Individual Area Reports:
Hedges at Bridgend overgrown. Councillor Latham has been contacted to help resolve.
There have been some issues of white paint spraying graffiti in the village. Need to be vigilant to avoid further instances.
Visibility problems at Mill O Noth bridge. Max to contact the council ref possible suitable signage or other possible resolutions
Discussion regarding the need for suitable infrastructure for the new housing planned for Kennethmont. At present the sewage system needs to be upgraded and this is holding back the planned work. Await outcome of meeting on 31st August.
Pothole at Ardlair in the process of being repaired. Online reporting system has been reported as faulty.
Overhanging trees at Pine Tree Howe reported- awaiting outcome.
Overhanging trees at Headhouse
Wall near Kirk dyke now deteriorating.
Public Question Time: Nothing to report.
The post office in Rhynie has not been open as usual on several occasions in the last month. Janice to make contact and find out what is happening.
Potholes on Back Lane, Bogie Road junction, Rhynie. Reported by Paul and to be followed up.
Defibrillators for Clatt, Gartly and Kennethmont will cost £6,600 including VAT. Several quotes have been arranged and all similar prices. Paul and Peter to complete an application for a grant from Vattenfall Clashindarroch Community fund. Deadline is 11th Sept.
Microgrant application received from Huntly area. Janice to send a response.
Next Meeting Monday 25th September 2017 at 7.30pm
Tin Hut Gartly