Tap O Noth Community Council
Minutes of Meeting held at
The Community Hall, Rhynie
Monday 3rd July 2017
Present: Paul Manning (Chairman) James Matthew (Vice Chairman) George Beverly Janice Smith Max Wallace Alistair Rennie Colin Mumford George McIntosh Peter Johnston & John Drysdale
In Attendance:
Apologies: Cllr John Latham, Cllr Robbie Withney, Duncan Connon, David Grant
Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Approved by Max Wallace
Seconded by George Beverly
Police Report:
NTR, no Police presence and no e-mail update from the constabulary.
Matters Arising:
Max Wallace has sent a response in regarding the 20Mph Members Bill consultation stating that it is not supported.
Treasurers Report 03/07/17:
Business Account: £5233.69
Mosswood Account: £4991.76
Investment Account: £7667.27
Balance @ 03 July 2017 £17,892.72
Approved by Paul Manning
Seconded by George McIntosh
Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan (noted)
Climate Fund open for applications
Community Council working group
Community Council Scheme of Establishment (noted)
Climate Challenge fund is opened BRAW
Community Council Grant
Wheedlemonmt Wind Farm
Planning applications for Marr
McRobert Hall Tarland
Focus Group Particiapnt Recruitment
Funding WEBINAR environmental volunteering
Tap O’Noth Community Council Festive Light requirements
Contact details
This is a list of all the correspondence sent to the Community Council representatives since the last meeting which was held on the 29th May 2017.
J Drysdale a member of the group said he had not received so these to be forwarded onto him.
Planning Applications: No objections
A letter was received regarding the Dispensary at Rhynie Surgery, although the letter intimated that the serve would continue there was to be a meeting and an announcement on the 6th July so we will wait for the outcome of that.
Individual Area Reports:
The Flagpole in the square requires a new flag and a weight. George Beverly to source.
Wooden bridge at the wetlands has been subjected to vandalism. George Beverly to investigate and repair
A question was asked regarding the new retaining walls on the council owned properties on Bogie Road as to why they were no all being done. Understanding that the privately owned properties were not included in this?
BT Manhole still open in the Main Street, Colin Mumford said he would chase this.
Speeding through the village was brought up again and it was felt that there was an improvement with the lorries or their numbers had reduced, however large agricultural vehicles now causing concern. To be monitored.
A note book is to be placed in Mackay Court so any of the residents can leave any points they want raising in there.
Pothole at Ardlair has been reported through the Council’s electronic system and directly to Graham Wilson.
Trees at Pine Tree Howe very over grown and encroaching on the road.
Speed sign at Rannes Hall not operating. John Drysdale going to investigate.
Grit Bins for Station Road , new ones required, Paul Manning to write an official letter for replacements.
Central Schools Collethie and Quinachie Roads all affect by a hedge
More recent motor vehicle accidents at Culdrain
East Lodge Druminnor trees and braches overgrown.
Layby at the West Lodge Druminnor
Meeting was opened up for any public questions
No questions form the public just a comment on speeding vehicles in Rhynie
A discussion was held on Defribulators and their purchase. A cost had been supplied to the meeting of £1450.00 plus VAT and for the cabinet £399.00 plus VAT. Three being required for Kennethmont Gartly and Clatt. Individuals from these areas are going to discuss where they would like them. There is a possibility of a grant from the British Heart Foundation for these. Another option is to try Foundation Scotland for a grant. It was thought that another quote woulkd also be a good idea.
Next Meeting
Monday 14th Aug 2017
Village Hall, Clatt
Tap O Noth Community Council
Minutes of AGM held at
The Rannes Hall Kennethmont
Monday 29th May 2017
Present: Paul Manning (Chairman) James Matthew (Vice Chairman) David Grant George Beverly Janice Smith Max Wallace Alistair Rennie Colin Mumford George McIntosh Peter Johnston Duncan Connon Kate Hunter
In Attendance: Cllr John Latham Cllr Robbie Withey
Apologies: John Drysdale
Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Approved by George Beverly
Seconded by James Matthew
Police Report:
- 10 speeding offences whereby the driver was reported to court due to excess speeding in a 60mph region, 2 reports of vandalism - one to hay bales at Kennethmont and the other was a report of damage to a vehicle in Huntly
- Numerous instances of anti-social behaviour were reported following the Marquee Dance in Huntly on Friday 19th May
The following issues were raised
Cyclists riding three abreast on narrow roads during the King of the Mountain Road Race
Heavy goods lorries speeding through Rhynie
The legalities of overtaking a slow moving vehicle on a broken lined chevron
Matters Arising:
Craighall Path The farmer has removed the stones leaving the path clear
Election Results:
The following members were duly elected
Clatt Alistair Rennie
Kennethmont David Grant
Janice Smith
Rhynie Maxwell Wallace
Treasurers Annual Report:
Business Account: £4212.19
Mosswood Account: £5123.54
Investment Account: £7664.75
Balance @ 30th April £17000.48
Approved by Paul Manning
Seconded by David Grant
Election of Office Bearers
Councillor Latham conducted the election
Paul Manning: Proposed by George Beverly Seconded by Alistair Rennie
Vice Chairman:
James Matthew: Proposed by Paul Manning Seconded by George Beverly
Secretary/Treasurer: This position remains vacant
George McIntosh volunteered to record the minutes of the next meeting Paul will deal with the mail and finance payments
Peter proposed that community councillors should report faults that occur in their area thus reducing the secretarial work
Councillor Latham suggested that Janelle Clark Marr Area Manager be invited along to talk on the new Scheme of Establishment
- Village of the Year (noted)
- 20mph Members Bill Consultation: This was discussed and the members agreed that Max should respond on their behalf by giving reasons why they are against the 20 mph speed limit
- Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan (noted)
- Natasha Pawlukiewicz Various (noted)
- Rhynie Community Hall Cllr Latham will contact Janelle Clark to ask if she can arrange a meeting to discuss the future of the hall
- Community Council Scheme of Establishment (noted)
- Community Run Public Toilet Insurance request (noted)
- Marr Area Committee Budget (noted)
- Aberdeenshire Council Supplementary Guidance (noted)
- Mosswood Rhynie Ken Regan has agreed to speak to property services regarding the issue of access to adjacent land in order to carry out the drainage required
- Revision of Local Bus Services (noted)
- Community Council Grant 2017: Tap O Noth Community Council will receive £501.45
Planning Applications: No objections
Individual Area Reports:
- Pothole at Ardlair
Gartly outstanding issues
- Network Rail fence repair
- Repair of the road surface between the A97 and the bridge is being monitored and will be repaired when works are carried out on the Kirkney road
- Repairs to Kirkney road Inspection has been carried out and a works order will be issued
- Broom at Duff Schools Works order has been issued
Following the recent motor vehicle accidents at Culdrain it was suggested that it might be necessary to erect slow signs
- Complaints have again been received regarding the vehicles belonging to the tenant at 16 Richmond Gardens
- Notice board in the Square to be repaired or replaced Proposed by George McIntosh seconded by Colin Mumford
Rhynie Flower Beds: George McIntosh volunteered to prepare the beds ready for planting
Next Meeting
Rhynie Community Centre
Monday 3rd July
Minutes of meeting held at
The Tin Hut
Monday 10th April
Present: Paul Manning (Chairman) James Matthew (Vice Chairman) John Drysdale Peter Johnston George Beverly Kate Hunter (secretary)
In Attendance: Councillor John Latham
Apologies: George McIntosh Duncan Connon Colin Mumford Lynne Staples Scott
Councillor Margo Stewart
Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Approved by George Beverly
Seconded by James Matthew
Police Report: Nil
Matters Arising:
Duff School Junction Broom Council will approach the landowner for access and will cut it back
Ardmore Distillery will not be classed as a conservation area
Finance Report:
Business Account: £4212.19
Mosswood Account: £5123.54
Investment Account: £7664.75
Mike Rumbles MSP Newsletter (noted)
Howe of Alford Survey – Peter attended the meeting £28000 will be available from the Scottish Government for projects in the Glenkindie, Lumsden Rhynie Gartly areas Marr area committee will apply for a grant to upgrade paths between Corgarff and Huntly Castle
Community Council Survey completed
Civil Ceremony Fees (noted)
Scottish Community Councils Twitter Hour Feedback (noted)
Capacity Grants (noted)
Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan 2017
Natasha Pawlukiewicz – Various
HDDT Newsletter (noted)
Letter from David Coursey regarding the boulders blocking the lane at Craig hall John Drysdale to speak to the landowner
Query from Colin Rennie regarding the ownership of Rhynie playing field Advised to contact Aberdeenshire Council
Micro - Grant Thank you letters (noted)
Planning Applications: No Comment
Individual Area Reports
Kirkney Road - Verge subsiding on both sides
Surface crumbling on the road between the A97 and the bridge entering the village
Concern was raised regarding the danger to motorists crossing the A97 at the Coynachie junction
· Cemetery pillar needs pointing and gate needs replacing
Broom overhanging onto the carriageway at the Kennels Druminnor
Broken fence at the Council shed between the bridge and the river Bogie
Path at Tap O Noth car park George and Paul will speak to the landowner
Complaint received regarding the poorly fitted door at Bogie Road Councillor Latham will talk to Aberdeenshire Council Clerk of Works
Broom blocking visibility between Hillhead and Boghead
Flowering shrub blocking visibility at Headhouse
Secretary/Treasurer - The committee agreed to increase the annual honorarium from £500 to £600 and expenses to be paid on receipt
Proposed by John Drysdale Seconded by James Matthew
Secretary will prepare a job description and list of contacts
Community Council Election: The vacancies will be advertised locally and in the Huntly Express Closing date for applications will be Friday 5th May
Next Meeting
Monday 3rd July
Rhynie Community Centre
Minutes of meeting held at
Clatt Village Hall
Monday 27th February 2017
Present: Paul Manning (Chairman) James Matthew (Vice Chairman) Alistair Rennie John Drysdale George Beverly Duncan Connon David Grant Kate Hunter (Secretary)
In Attendance: Councillor John Latham Councillor Margo Stewart
Apologies: George McIntosh Peter Johnston Lynne Staples Scott Colin Mumford
The committee agreed to grant Colin a three-month leave of absence for health reasons
Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Approved by George Beverly
Seconded by Duncan Connon
Police Report: Nothing to report
Matters Arising:
- Scottish Water/ Fire Service Scottish Water informed us that the Fire Service is responsible for checking the fire hydrants A representative from the Fire Service confirmed this and took note of our concerns regarding the low water pressure He also added that the fire engines carry a supply of water
- Duff School Junction Following the meeting Councillor Stewart contacted Angela Funk who informed her that a works order has been prepared and the roads inspector will contact the landowner for permission to access his land to carry out the work
- Manse Road The roads department have given Landscape Services a quotation to patch 12 sq metres of potholes This work has been completed
Finance Report:
Business Account: £5618.07
Mosswood Account: £5123.54 - A grant of £1000 was donated from Dummuies Windfarm fund to assist with the draining of the area
Investment Account: £7664.75
- Blackhillock to Kintore Power line will not be going ahead in the near future
- Marr Area Bus Forum Thursday 23rd February Alford Public Hall (noted)
- Participatory Budgeting Mini Public Trial - Scottish Sculpture Workshop Wednesday 1st March 6.45pm Peter will attend
- Tree Charter Survey (noted)
- Ardmore Conservation Area Revised Boundary After discussion it was decided to contact Steven Gray regarding the conservation area The members felt that Ardmore Cottages should not be included in the proposed plan
- Road Closures (noted)
- Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan (noted)
- Scheme of Establishment will be presented to Aberdeenshire Council for approval on Thursday 27th April
- Natasha Pawlukiewicz Development Officer –Various (noted)
- Lynne has decided not to stand for re election in May
- Letter from Hilary Ridge regarding the Scottish Government proposals for Scottish Planning System This was discussed with the Councillors Stewart and Latham who explained the various proposals Interested parties are urged to respond to the consultation document before the 4th April https://consult.scotland.gov.uk/planning-architecture/a-consultation-on-the-future-of-planning
Planning Applications: No Comment
Individual Area Reports
- Potholes at Kirkney and Tillathrowie
- Potholes at Kirkhill
- White line in front of school gate needs to be painted out
Public Comments
- It is good to see the railings round Rhynie Square have been painted
- Suie hill road repairs are now complete members commented on the lay-bys being placed on the left hand side of the road coming uphill and why the road had to be shut twice in order to complete the job
Tap O Noth Commuinty Council Micro Grants
The following grants were awarded
Clatt Auld Kirk to purchase a dehumidifier £289
Tap O Noth Trampers to purchase catering equipment £250
Ist Rhynie Brownies to purchase craft materials £300
Rhynie Gala to purchase a portable insulated storage box £360
Next Meeting
Tin Hut Gartly
Monday 10th April
Minutes of meeting held in
New Classroom Rhynie School
Monday 15th January 2017
Present: Paul Manning (Chairman) James Matthew (Vice Chairman) Colin Mumford John Drysdale George Beverly Peter Johnston Duncan Connon Alistair Rennie George McIntosh Kate Hunter (Secretary)
In Attendance: Councillor John Latham Councillor Margo Stewart
Apologies: David Grant Lynne Staples Scott Councillor Ingleby
Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Approved by James Matthew
Seconded by George McIntosh
Police Report:
Nothing to Report
Police were made aware that HGV’s speeding through the village is causing concern to residents of Rhynie
Matters Arising:
- Cost of repairs to the road at Coynachie Gartly: Councillor Latham reported that costs will be much less than reported and that the Timber Haulage Association will pay a percentage of the costs
- Manse Road Rhynie: Councillor Latham to discuss this further with the roads department
It was suggested that if the council provided the materials local residents might be able to carry
out the repairs
Finance Report:
Business Account: £5690.05
Mosswood Account: £4123.54
Investment Account: £7662.19
Members decided to leave the money in the investment account for another term
- Winter Services 2016/2017 (noted)
- Marr Community Ward Forums (noted)
- Budget Proposals for 2017/201(noted dead line for reply was 23rd December)
- Online Survey part of the follow-up of the independent review of the Scottish planning system 9noted(
- Vattenfall Clashindarroch Wind Farm Community Fund Awards (noted)
- Aberdeenshire Council Licence Increase: Members were advised to complete the online survey regarding the massive increases as this will have an effect on local fund raising
Planning Applications: No Comment
Individual Area Reports
- Blocked drains between Gartly and Culkdrain
- The centre of the road is cracking near the bridge at the entrance to the village from the A97
- Road surface at the Gartly Layby has been damaged following the lorry fire
- Roads between Clatt and Kennethmont are not gritted in the morning
- Broom on the A97 near Duff School is obstructing motorists vision
- Members were concerned about the low water pressure experienced recently and concern was raised regarding the pressure in the water hydrants and who is responsible for checking this
- Secretary/ Treasurer No applications have been received for the post
- Micro Grant Applications should be submitted by 1st March 2017
Next Meeting
Monday 27th February
Clatt Village Hall
Minutes of meeting held at
Rannes Hall Kennethmont
Monday 5th December 2016
Present: Paul Manning (Chairman) James Matthew (Vice Chairman) Peter Johnston George McIntosh Alistair Rennie Lynn Staples Scott David Grant Kate Hunter (Secretary)
In Attendance: Councillor John Latham Councillor Margo Stewart
Apologies: George Beverly Colin Mumford John Drysdale Councillor Moira Ingleby
Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Approved by James Matthew
Seconded by Alistair Rennie
Police Report: No Report
Matters Arising:
1 Costings for repair of Coynachie Road - Councillor Latham to make inquiries
Finance Report:
Business Account: £5867.22 (this includes £2341.99 from Foundation Scotland Micro- Grant 2016 -2017)
Mosswood Account: £4123.54
Investment Account: £7662.19
Planning Applications: No Comment
- Payphone Removal Consultation - Our objections to the removal of the Rhynie payphone has been acknowledged and will be forwarded to BT
- Marr Area Bus Forum Minutes (noted)
- Emergency Services Network Proposed base station at Mains of Collithie Gartly (noted)
- Scottish Community Councils Hour on Twitter (noted)
- Sports Award Evening Friday 17th March 2017 Local skiers were mentioned and Peter will get further information
- Indoor mobile coverage for rural community hubs -Vodafone UK are inviting rural pubs and village halls to apply to their 3G mobile Community Indoor Sure Signal programme to receive more reliable indoor coverage
- Bags for help funding (noted)
- Natasha Pawlukiewicz – Various (noted)
- Donald Boyd Commissioning of Greenmyres Community Turbine- The final commissioning tests were successful and the turbine went into operation on Friday 25th November 2016 It was agreed that the committee may consider investing in this project should the opportunity arise
- Letter from Colin & Amanda Reid regarding the minimum amount of meetings and /or consecutive meetings a community council member has to attend in any year As this is not documented in the constitution we were advised by Aberdeenshire Council that we have to refer to the Scheme of Establishment for Community Councils which states when a member of a community council has failed to attend three successive meetings of that Community Council a casual vacancy is deemed to arise unless leave of absence has been granted or other good reason accepted by that Community Council
We were also advised that all questions should be addressed through the chair
- Letter from Neil Muiry tendering his resignation from the Community Council The committee would like to thank Neil for being an active member over the past seven years and wish him well
Public Question Time:
- Concern was raised regarding the occupant of 16 Richmond Gardens Rhynie who is parking vehicles on axle stands on the street He is also reported to be trading from a council property This has been reported but is still causing concern
Individual Area Reports
- Faulty street lights
- Trees on the roadside between the viewpoint and Denburn on the Suie Hill Report to Forestry Commission
- Ditch opposite the entrance to Bankhead Has not been dug up and left open
- Potholes on the Clatt Road at West Lodge Druminnor
Trees overhanging onto the carriageway on the B2009 at Weets catching high- sided vehicles
Footpath update Due to a hold up in the legal process work cannot begin until this is has been resolved
Potholes in Manse Road As this is an unadopted road Aberdeenshire Council are not obliged to carry out maintenance but has agreed to fill the potholes when they are next working in the area
- Post of Secretary /Treasurer: There was no response to the advert in the Huntly Express It will be re-advertised in January and placed on social media
- Mosswood The drainage will be carried out when an agreement has been reached with the landowner
- Rhynie Dispensary Consultation: The consultation period is now closed and an announcement will be made at the end of March 2017
- Foundation Scotland Micro-Grant: Groups and individuals will be invited to apply for grants in January to be considered in March
Next Meeting
Rhynie Community Centre
Monday 16th January 2017
Minutes of meeting held at
Tin Hut Gartly
Tuesday 25th October 2016
Present: Paul Manning (Chairman) James Matthew (Vice Chairman) George Beverly Alistair Rennie Duncan Connon Kate Hunter (Secretary)
In Attendance: Councillor John Latham Councillor Margo Stewart
Apologies: Peter Johnston, Lynne Staples Scott, David Grant, Colin Mumford Councillor Ingleby
Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Approved by Paul Manning
Seconded by Alistair Rennie
Police Report:
There has been reported housebreaking in the area with electrical items stolen
There has also been reports of people seen wandering around properties Residents are urged to be vigilant and secure houses and outbuildings
Matters Arising:
Broom at Old Noth / Duff School. - Ralph Singleton has asked the roads inspector to check the broom and gorse to see if the landowner will either cut it back or agree to having it cut back
Signage at Rhynie- Ralph Singleton is happy to any suggested wording which could be used on supplementary plates to be added below the signs but such wording would have to be specific to Rhynie The costs of this would have to be met by the community council Suggestions will be sought from local residents
Network Rail- Paul met with a Network Rail representative who inspected the broken fence near the monitoring station south of Gartly who recommended the broken fence should be replaced
Rhynie Dispensary Consultation. – Groups and individuals have been invited to make representations or presentations to the members of the Review Group on Friday 18th November in Fourteen The Square Rhynie between 1.30pm and 6pm
Anyone wishing to do so must contact NHSG by email nhsg.involve@nhs.net or by writing to Freepost NHS Grampian Kate will make a representation on behalf of Tap O Noth Community Council
Finance Report:
Business Account: £4775.22
Mosswood Account: £4123.54
Investment Account: £7662.19
Payphone Removal Consultation- The committee felt that we should write to Janelle Clark stating that Rhynie meets the stated criteria and as there has been 60 calls made in the past year there is still a need for keeping our local payphone The defibrillator had been placed nearby the payphone for convenience in an emergency
West Aberdeenshire Against Pylons public meeting in the Rannes Hall (noted)
AWPR update meeting (noted)
Coynachie Trails Consultation (noted)
Road Closure C79S Mains of Gartly (noted)
Education Governance Review session 24th November at Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre
Natasha Pawlukiewicz – Various (noted)
Raggnar Installation Proposition Rhynie- Providing the Scottish Government can persuade The UK Government to ring fence renewable energy and the like. Raggnar will install the system, including laying Fibre to the house for FREE and guarantee the running cost will be LOWER than oil Unfortunately the project for the moment is on hold because the Westminster Government has not ring fenced the finance for this type of project. This leaves the Scottish Government the problem to finance the various schemes.
Rhynie Community Centre – Still awaiting quotes on the different options available for a floor replacement. Hazel McLaren, Area Project Officer is trying to arrange an open meeting with members of Aberdeenshire Council and local residents to discuss the future of the hall
Marr Community Ward Forums November 2016 (noted)
Review of Scheme of Establishment for Community Councils The revised document will be presented to Aberdeenshire Full Council meeting in November before consulting with community councils on any areas of the scheme that require to be amended
Safety Inspection of Roads All A Roads will be inspected monthly except the A941 which will be inspected three monthly along with all B roads
Sensory Garden The Meadows Huntly The committee agreed to donate £250 towards this project Once the garden is complete the organisers will be looking for volunteers to help maintain the garden
Planning Applications: No Comment
Individual Area Reports
A query was raised regarding the budget for repairing the Coynachie road
Overgrown hedges and Easter Bogieside and Howtown
Potholes in Manse Road - Councillor Latham will speak to Ron Davidson
Rhynie Council Sheds Area around the sheds is very untidy
Trees in the Square require trimming
Public Question Time
Untidy State of the Mosswoods -Aberdeenshire Council still awaiting confirmation to drain Miss Coopers land Councillor Latham to speak to Iain Welsh
The question was raised regarding the guidelines for members not attending meetings It states in the Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils that a casual vacancy may be deemed to arise when a member has failed to attend three successive meetings unless leave of absence has been granted or other good reason accepted by the community council
Micro Grant Applications
David Blyth a teacher at Grays School of Art came along to explain in more detail their application for grant towards the Clatt Collective Twenty six art students had spent time in Clatt drawing local landscapes and working with Clatt school children making kites
This will be an annual event and the money would be used to buy tarpaulins
hacksaws and secateurs for future use £500 was awarded
Gartly School Partnership A grant of £500 was awarded to buy netball and football equipment
Rannes Hall Committee A request for a grant towards buying a metal Christmas tree Cost £1900 +vat The committee asked that they submit a grant application
Meeting Dates for 2017 have been circulated and can be accessed on the website
Armistice Day – Wreaths will be delivered to Cottown and laid by
Clatt - Duncan Connon
Gartly - Peter Johnston
Kennethmont - David Grant
Rhynie - George Yeats
Next Meeting
Monday 5th December
Rannes Hall Kennethmont
Minutes of meeting held at
The Village Hall
Monday 12th September 2016
Prior to the meeting Paul introduced Kerry McCallum head gardener at Leith Hall who presented trophies to winners of the garden competition. We would like to thank Lynne for organising and Kerry for agreeing to judge this years entries.
Present: Paul Manning (Chairman) Lynne Staples Scott David Grant John Drysdale Colin Mumford Alistair Rennie Duncan Connon Kate Hunter (Secretary)
In Attendance: Councillor Margo Stewart
Apologies: George McIntosh Peter Johnston Neil Muiry George Beverly Cllr John Latham Cllr Moira Ingleby
Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Approved by John Drysdale
Seconded by Colin Mumford
Police Report: No report available
Matters Arising:
- Ardmore Distillery and surrounding area conservation scheme The decision was deferred and councillors have asked the planners to rethink the boundaries
- Rhynie Cemetery Wall and Road - Maintenance on the wall is being carried out and the road and car park area have been strimmed back
Finance Report:
Business Account: £5022.62
Mosswood Account: £4123.54
Investment Account: £7657.03
- HDDT AGM 20th Sept 2016 (noted0
- Beauly To Blackhillock Reinforcement Project Cllr Margo Stewart to forward further information to Lynne
- Vattenfall Clashindarroch Community Fund A meeting held on 5th Sept are proposing to issue a further micro-grant to Tap O Noth Community Council to be awarded to local individuals and groups
- Supporting Communities Event Sat 1st October - Colin to attend
- Marr Area Office will be operating from Alford Community Campus Admin Office from Monday 22nd August until Monday 24th October
Phone numbers are:
Janelle Clark Marr Area Manager 01467 536420
Kirsty MacLeod 01467 536418
Linda Milne 01467 536421
Nikki Nicol 01467536419
- Community Ward Forums (noted)
- Safety And Security in Public Toilets All public toilets should be checked before locking This does not apply to Rhynie as the toilets are not locked
- Payphone Removal Consultation It has been proposed that some public payphones will be removed Rhynie is included in the list of 104 The consultation period ends on 28th November 2016 Any objections to the proposed closure can be submitted to Area Manager Marr Area Office Aberdeenshire Council School Road Alford AB33 8TY or by email to marr@aberdeenshire.go..uk by the 28th October
- Road Closures (noted)
- Rhynie Community Scheme - Village heating scheme Colin agreed to meet with Nigel Perkins of Raggnar Industrial and Communities Limited Insch Business Park Insch to discuss his proposal to introduce a heating scheme to Rhynie Further information will be available in due course
- Marr Area Bus Forum- 28th September 7.30pm in The Stewarts Hall (noted)
- Digital Scotland Colin has agreed to place stickers on the live cabinets in the Tap O Noth area
- Natasha Pawlukiewicz Various (noted)
Planning Applications: No Comment
Individual Area Reports
- Potholes on the Muirs road only half have been filled
- Proposed signs on approach to the village informing people of the pictish stones and archaeological interest in the area Cllr Margo Stewart to inquire who we approach in regards to this
- Broom on the Rhynie side of Duff Schools obscuring motorist vision Secretary to report again to the roads department
- Pothole outside the former garage- Lynne to report
- Request for new litter bins in Kennethmont and Rhynie Cemeteries
- Jubilee Cottages Pathway update of progress required
- Application from David Blyth Clatt requesting funding for cultural project. This was discussed and Paul has agreed to obtain further information
- Rhynie Dispensary Consultation: An open meeting was held on Tuesday 30th August. A large number attended and the meeting had to moved from Fourteen to the Church. Representatives From NHS Grampian answered questions from members of the public. Patients were advised by the members of the panel to fill in the questionnaire stressing that they have a serious difficulty. Serious difficulty may include distance from the surgery to the nearest pharmacy, poor health, mobility or disability problems, lack of transport including the poor bus service Tap O Noth Community Council in conjunction with Car Aid Rhynie have also met with MSP Mike Rumbles who has agreed to help make a case for the dispensary to remain part of Rhynie Medical Practice A letter will be sent to NHSG from TONCC and Car Aid Rhynie outlining the difficulties patients will have getting their medication from a community pharmacy A drop in meeting will be held on Tuesday 27th September between 3.30pm and 7pm in Fourteen The Square Rhynie and patients are urged to go along and address their concerns with the NHS Grampian representatives
- Mosswood Iain Welsh will be discussing the draining of the Mosswood with Miss Cooper as this will require access to land owned by Miss Cooper a lawyer will be in attendance
- Money has been made available to paint the railings round Rhynie Square
- Resilience Plan: After the flooding earlier in the year it was suggested that a resilience plan could be set up locally but after discussion that this would require funding and that Aberdeenshire Council and Police Scotland should have contingency plans
Next Meeting
Tin Hut Gartly
Please note change of date
Minutes of meeting held at
Community Hall Rhynie
Monday 1st August 2016
Present: James Matthew (Vice Chairman) Peter Johnston David Grant George Beverly John Drysdale Colin Mumford Alistair Rennie Kate Hunter (Secretary)
In Attendance: Councillor Margo Stewart Councillor John Latham
Apologies: George McIntosh Paul Manning Lynne Staples Scott, Neil Muiry
Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Approved by Colin Mumford
Seconded by John Drysdale
Police Report:
Operation CEDAR is still in force, with officers tackling road traffic offences and providing education when necessary. 1 x minor juvenile assault in Lumsden 1 x Assault and various road traffic offences in Lumsden area No other incidents/crimes of note |
Operation Cedar -
In response to the increasing number of complaints from members of the public and in line with Aberdeenshire's local priorities of targeting Anti-social Behaviour and Road Crime, this initiative has been set up to target those who drive in a manner deemed to be careless, dangerous or anti-social within the North Marr beat including the A97. This will consist of Officers carrying out discreet plain-clothes patrols noting details of any offences taking place. These offences will then be dealt with accordingly.
This has been running for a number of weeks now and has had a significant impact on decreasing anti-social driving within the town centres of Huntly and Alford.
Summer Drink Drive Campaign -
A summer drink drive campaign will be in operation to target individuals who get behind the wheel whilst under the influence. This will be run by divisional and Road Traffic officers.
Matters Arising:
- Ardmore Conservation Area: Reply from Frances Swanston stating that there had been a number of responses back to the consultation. Half the respondents did not want any form of conservation area designation and the other half were happy for the distillery buildings to be included within the conservation area boundary These views along with Tap O Noth Community Council’s will be reported to the Marr Area Committee
She also pointed out that conservation area status does not mean that new development (such as extensions) is not permitted or that it won’t be supported
- Broken fence at the monitoring station south of Gartly Station has been reported again to the Maintenance team at Network Rail
Finance Report:
Business Account: £5036.76
Mosswood Account: £4123.54
Investment Account: £7657.03
- Clashindarroch Wind Farm Community Fund Awards (noted)
- Superintendent Kate Stephen - Provision of No Waiting Cones by Police Scotland will cease and event organisers will be responsible for making traffic management arrangements
- Community Choices Fund (noted)
- Community Council Training Saturday 20th August at Banchory Primary School (noted)
- Road Closures (noted)
- Huntly Community Council held a meeting in Stewart’s Hall with Stagecoach Operations Manager regarding the reduction in peak hours No 10 bus service
- Eileen Burton - Thank you letter for £250 grant received for the Jubilee Garden at Clatt Village Hall
- Review of Rhynie dispensing service. Patients are being urged to complete the NHS questionnaire which can be obtained at The Surgery, The Corner Shop Rhynie and Lumsden Garage Shop Responses can be returned to the collection point, posted to Freepost NHS Grampian (no stamp is required) or by e-mail to nhsg.involve@nhs.net NHS Grampian are holding a consultation meeting in Fourteen The Square Rhynie on Tuesday 30th August at 7.30pm All Welcome
- Dunbennan Farm Village A proposed leisure facility based in the newly renovated existing farm buildings Written support is being sought and members of the public are being asked to complete the questionnaire at voluntary@aberdeenshire.gov.uk and e-mail to dunbennanfarmvillage@gmail.com
- Dr David Oliver from Australia wrote expressing his concerns about the upkeep of the cemetery when the church is sold The secretary explained that the cemetery is owned and maintained by Aberdeenshire council
- Plants for Community Projects Orders have to be placed before 30th September 2016 Order forms forwarded to the Clatt and Kennethmont contacts Rhynie plants will be delivered to Cottage Croft Cottown Rhynie AB54 4LX Colin Mumford will oversee the planting arrangements for 2017
Planning Applications:
- Planning application APP/2016/1964 It was pointed out that this application is out with what is classed as a zoned area for building within Rhynie
Individual Area Reports
Gartly. Scottish Water have repaired the fence at the bridge
Kennethmont: Flowerbed at The Clatt /Kennethmont junction requires weeding
Verges have been washed away on the Earlsfield road near the church
Potholes on the Muirs Road
Potholes and overgrown verges on Manse Road and Cemetery car park Councillors Latham and Stewart visited the site after the meeting
Public Question Time:
A broken kerb at Essie Crescent and the overgrown area at Kearn Developmemts was raised This was addressed to George Beverly who informed us that the weeds had been sprayed and that he would attend to the broken kerb
A query was also raised regarding the Rhynie Community Hall it is hoped that a meeting can be arranged with Aberdeenshire Council for September to discuss the future of the hall
TONCC Surgery
Colin reported that the meeting had been a success with various issues raised
Next meeting will be 24th September in Fourteen 10am –11.30am
Garden Competition:
Lynne has made the necessary arrangements and will report back at the next meeting
Next Meeting
Monday 12th September
Clatt Village Hall
Annual General Meeting
Monday 20th June 2016
Rannes Hall Kennethmont
Present: Paul Manning (Chairman) James Matthew (Vice Chairman) Peter Johnston Lynne Staples Scott John Drysdale George McIntosh Colin Mumford Alistair Rennie Kate Hunter (Secretary)
In Attendance: Councillor Margo Stewart
Apologies: George Beverly Neil Muiry David Grant Duncan Connon Cllr Moira Ingleby and Cllr John Latham
Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Approved by Lynne Staples Scott
Seconded by Alistair Rennie
Police Report:
- Two incidents had occurred in the Rhynie area, a fire at Brae Cottage and a incident between two residents in Bogie Road
- Speeding on country roads and through Kennethmont was brought to the attention of the officer attending
- Concern was raised regarding the parking of vehicles in the Merylbank area of Kennethmont
Chickens crossing the road in the village of Clatt road causing the driver of the school bus
to make an emergency stop
Matters Arising:
- Hedge at Kirkton of Clatt has been cut back and the white line outside the Clatt School has been painted over
- Hedge at 17 the Square Rhynie has been cut back
- Kennethmont Footpath - Mark Skilling will send an update to Councillor Latham on his return from annual leave A sum of money has been earmarked for the project
- Rhynie Cemetery Car Park and access road Iain Welsh will try to identify an available budget to repair the potholes in the car park and hopefully carry out repairs to the access road
- Cemetery Wall Mrs Taylor has given her consent to remove the trees to allow repairs to the cemetery wall. The budget has been approved and a contractor identified. The gate will be reset at the same time
- Mosswood A formal agreement will have to be agreed with Miss Cooper and a cost guide for the work will be obtained from A Henderson
- Network Rail The request to mend the broken fence North of Gartly has been assigned to the maintenance team
Election Results: The following members have been re-elected to the committee
- Duncan Connon
- Paul Manning
- George Beverly
- Colin Mumford
Treasurers Annual Report:
- Business Account £4053.29
- Legacy Account £3723.54
- Investment Account £7646.72
Balance @ 5th April 2016 £15423.55
Approved by Colin Mumford
Seconded by Paul Manning
Election of Office Bearers
Councillor Margo Stewart took the chair and conducted the election
Chairman Paul Manning Nominated by Alistair Rennie Seconded by John Drysdale
Vice Chairman: There were two nominations
Colin Mumford Nominated by Lynne Staples Scott seconded by Peter Johnston
James Matthew: Nominated by Alistair Rennie seconded by Paul Manning
It was decided to vote by a show of hands and James Matthew was duly elected
Secretary Treasurer
Kate Hunter Nominated by James Matthew seconded by Alistair Rennie
Financial Report:
- Business Account £4802.43
- Mosswood Account £4123.54
- Investment Account £765.03
Secretary’s honorarium £500 Approved by James Matthew seconded by George McIntosh
It was also agreed to pay for stationery expenses
- Integrated Travel Town Master plan Consultation (noted}
- Insch A2B dial-a-bus update (noted)
- Fifth Statutory Reviews of Electoral Arrangements (noted)
- Micro grant thank you letters from Clatt Primary School ad Gartly Community Association
- Natasha –various (noted)
- Gordon Arms Hotel –Mr & Mrs Colin Reid expressed concern about the vote regarding the Gordon Arms Hotel planning application stating that George Beverly being a former member of RCT should have declared an interest and abstained from the vote The committee members noted this
- Diane Muiry Rhynie PTC: A request from Rhynie School PTC for financial help to pay the paint used to mark out the lines on the netball and football pitches On receipt of invoices it was agreed the community council would meet this expense
- Rhynie Medical Practice Review of Dispensing Services: This was discussed and the committee will support the local community to try to maintain this valuable service
- SSE Pylons Lynne attended a meeting of the action group who have named themselves West Aberdeenshire Pylon Action Lynne has agreed to represent Tap O Noth Community Council on this committee and report back actions taken
- Road Closure A97 Junction A9T to Bucharn will be closed from 4th July for two weeks for edge repairs and drainage
- A request from Kirsty MacLeod asking if members would be willing to be involved in an appeal to be held in the Formartine area Further information will be forwarded before we make a decision
Individual Area Reports
- Potholes on the Suie Hill road
- Broom south of Duff School Reported awaiting reply
- Conservation area at Ardmore Distillery Comment to be sent
Public Question Time
Enquiry was raised regarding the resident at 16 Richmond Gardens He has been reported to Aberdeenshire Council regarding unsafe motors and carrying out a business in a council property A report was also sent to SEPA due to petrol and oil spillage in the street
- Garden Competition: Lynne will be organising the garden competition this year It has been advertised in the Huntly Express, in local notice boards and The Corner Shop Rhynie
- Monthly Surgery: Colin will be holding local surgeries at the monthly coffee morning in Fourteen This will enable members of the public to pass on any concerns or queries
- There has been a problem with the supply of plants for the local communities Some areas have only received half their order and others are still awaiting delivery
- An advert will be placed locally and in the local press for a secretary as Kate will be standing down next year and it was decided to get someone in place before that time
Next Meeting
1st August 2016
Rhynie Community Centre
Minutes of meeting held at
The Tin Hut Gartly
On Monday 9th May 2016
Present: Paul Manning (Chairman) James Matthew (Vice Chairman) Lynne Staples Scott David Grant George Beverly Colin Mumford Alistair Rennie Duncan Connon Peter Johnston Neil Muiry George McIntosh Kate Hunter (Secretary)
In Attendance: Councillor Margo Stewart Councillor John Latham
Apologies: Councillor Moira Ingleby John Drysdale
Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Approved by George Beverly
Seconded by Colin Mumford
Police Report: Nothing to report
Matters Arising:
Proposed conservation area at Ardmore: John informed us that he believed that a number of residents had registered their objections
Gartly Church: It was noted that the church is now for sale
Fence at Gartly Water Station: A representative from Scottish Water has visited the site and taken photographs
Insch A2B Bus Service: Reply from Denise May A2B Coordinator
We are going to run the Insch bus to Huntly if required on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. The Huntly service is very busy and we struggle to get the two buses to connect in Kennethmont. It therefore makes sense for the Insch bus to take passengers from the Insch area and South Huntly area into Huntly together freeing up time on the Huntly service to collect more passengers. The idea for the Insch to Huntly run will be more timetabled rather than having the driver running backwards and forwards - we will provide one return trip. The first to book will specify the times they want to travel and others booking will then be offered the same times. We have not widely publicised this, as still feel the Insch bus should be available for appointments etc in Insch as its first priority. Take up for the Insch service has been very slow so maybe this will promote use of the service too. Once we see the take up for trips to Huntly, we will advertise a more timetabled service to allow trips into Huntly on a regular basis.
Fly Tipping on Suie Hill: Councillor Latham reported this on Wasteline but the tractor tyre has still to be removed
Rhynie Playpark: Reply from Graham Wall Landscape Services Manager:
I can confirm that the play park at Rhynie was in the programme for upgrading as the existing equipment was coming to the end of its useful and economic life, however as you will be aware from last years Revenue and Capital programme Havelock Park in Braemar was due to commence last year prior to Rhynie, however due to ongoing partnership working with the community in Braemar and some hold up with their intended external funding plan and application, it became clear that the allocated funding would not be used, therefore it was decided to take the opportunity to accelerate Rhynie by a year (15/16) to ensure the programmed funding allocated for 2015/16 was utilised, (Havelock park is now programmed for 2016/17) As I understand discussions and a site meeting with members of the Community Council had been held prior to the installation.I also discussed the fencing around the play equipment with Iain and our view is that this has been installed to an acceptable standard/level.
Finance Report:
Payment of £1200 as been made from Aberdeenshire Council towards the upkeep of Rhynie Toilets
Business Account: £5253.29
Mosswood Account: £3723.54
Investment Account: £7646.72
It was agreed to pay Noth Parish Church £50.85 electricity bill for tower floodlights and £130.92 50% contribution towards the production of Noth News
Role of Community Councils within the Aberdeenshire Council Complaints Procedure (noted)
Marr Ward Forums Dates (noted)
Temporary Road Closures (noted)
Rhynie Medical Practice
From the week commencing 9 May there will be an operational change at Rhynie Medical Practice, on each Wednesday from 1pm to 6pm the emergency cover will be provided by Strathdon Medical Practice. The practice will still be open and will have other clinical services such as immunisation clinics and practice nurse appointments but there will be no GP on site and offering routine appointments during this time.
Micro Grant thank you letters (noted)
.Alison Stewart - Speed limits on rural roads Secretary to write to Phil MacKay Head of Road Department and to Alexander Burnett MSP and Police Scotland regarding warning signs on country road
Pylons at Corncatterick Peter had been approached by local residents concerned by the proposed route of the SSE pylons This had been discussed at a meeting in Kennethmont and the route has yet to be decided as the consultation period will continue until next spring Community Centre Rhynie The hall can only be used for meetings until further work has been carried out
Clatt Jubilee Garden An application for £250 has been made to the Area Committee Budget Fund. Should the bid be unsuccessful it was agreed to pay the money from the Micro Grant Fund
Planning Applications:
Gordon Arms Hotel Rhynie Proposed change of use from business to residential to form 4 residential units and change of use of land to garden ground: A letter was received from Norman and Catherine Merchant expressing their concerns about the loss of a community venue and asking the Community Council to support their objection. George Beverly intimated that he had been approached by members of the public expressing the same concerns This was discussed by the committee and it was decided that the Rhynie representatives should make the decision .It was decided by a majority vote to object to the change of use.
Mrs Amanda Reid suggested that George Beverly should abstain from the vote, as he was a former director of RCT George informed us that he was no longer a director and he was representing the members of the community who had asked him to make their views known
Individual Area Reports:
Potholes on Kirkney Road
Network Rail Fence at the monitoring station
Potholes outside The Garage and on the Duncanstone road - Lynne to Report
Kennethmont Footpath: Contact Ron Davidson for an update
Speeding through Kirkhill
Potholes at West Lodge, outside Fourteen The Square and at the MacKay Court Richmond Avenue junction
Hedge at Kirton of Clatt
Removal of white lines outside the school
Deep ditch on the Clatt Suie road
Public Question Time:
Hedge at 17 The Square update
Railings round The Square Rhynie are flaking and require painting
Rhynie School Netball pitch lines require painting
Rhynie Community Council Elections will be held in The Community Centre on Thursday 26th May between 6pm and 8pm
Nominees are:
George Beverly
Colin Mumford
Maxwell Wallace
Returning Officer Councillor John Latham
A report had been sent to the council regarding a resident at 16 Richmond Gardens who has been repairing vehicles on the street
Next Meeting
Monday 20th June
Rannes Hall Kennethmont
Minutes of meeting o held at
Clatt Village Hall
Monday 28th March 2016
Present: Paul Manning (Chairman) James Matthew (Vice Chairman) Peter Johnston Lynne Staples Scott George Beverly Colin Mumford George McIntosh Alistair Rennie Kate Hunter (Secretary)
In Attendance: Councillor John Latham Councillor Gwyneth Petrie
Apologies: Neil Muiry David Grant Duncan Connon John Drysdale
Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Approved by Paul Manning
Seconded by James Matthew
Police Report:
Operation CEDAR is still in force, with officers tackling road traffic offences and providing education and enforcement when necessary.
Over the preceding month since 15/02/2016 the previous meeting there has been only one crime reported to the Police, within the Tap O' Noth Community Council area which relates to a theft of farmers gates. The enquiry into this is still ongoing. Residents within the area are encouraged to report any sightings of vehicles acting suspiciously
Matters Arising:
- Hedge at 17 The Square - Councillor Gwyneth Petrie will bring the matter to the attention of the Roads Department as this is a long standing issue
- Mosswood Iain Welsh Landscapes Services Officer has been to see the local landlord regarding draining the area and the adjacent field with a view to getting the work carried out in the near future
- Rhynie Cemetry Wall The neighbouring landlord has given permission to access her land and repairs to the wall will be carried out
- Ownership of Rhynie Square Linda Milne is in contact with Mrs Mitchell and will report back
Finance Report:
Business Account: £5769.39
Mosswood Account: £3723.54
Investment Account: £7638.45
- Proposed Ardmore Distillery Conservation Area - This was discussed and the committee decided to contact John Drysdale to ask if the residents had been informed and if he could speak to them to gauge their opinion If they have any issues Councillor Latham suggested that they contact Environmental Planners at Gordon House Lynne volunteered to assist if required
- Marr Area Bus Forum (noted) Colin sent a copy of a notice which appeared on Premnay Page stating that the Insch A2B bus only went as far as Kennethmont but now can go all the way to Huntly on certain days
- Update in relation to Committee Report on Community Council Scheme of Establishment. As the final draft had not been presented at the meeting on 10th March Community Councils were advised to continue to operate under the present scheme
- Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan 2016(noted)
- Natasha Pawlukiewicz - Various (noted)
- Commemorative Medals for Schools and Councils (noted)
- Community Council Insurance 2016/2017(noted)
- Letter from Deputy Chief Constable Iain Livingstone QPM reassuring Scottish communities that while the threat level for the United Kingdom has been at severe since August 2014 at this time there is no known threat or link between Scotland and the recent events in Belgium
Planning Applications: No Comment
Individual Area Reports
- Gartly Church Broken windows etc Report fault again
Street Sweeper Gartly streets are not being swept as often as the surrounding villages
- Fence at Bogie Bridge Gartly After consulting Aberdeenshire Council regarding ownership Ralph Singleton informed the secretary that it is the responsibility of Scottish Water Fault reported
- Overgrown Hedge at Kirton Clatt
- Fly Tipping on Suie Hill Councillor Latham to check
- Gordon Way There is no available money to spend on extending or maintaining the paths Aberdeenshire Council are in discussion with HDDT to see if they will take over the maintenance
- Play Park Equipment It was stated that some of the play equipment was being replaced and that there had been no public consultation Councillor Latham to make enquiries
- Broken hand dryer in ladies toilets
- Car parked on the pavement at the public toilets
Public Question Time:
- Van parked outside 19 The Square obscuring visibility at the junction
Election of Councillors: There are 5 vacancies in the Tap O Noth Community Council Area
2 in Rhynie
2 In Clatt
1 in Gartly
Nomination forms will be available from the secretary Closing date 30th April
Advert to be placed in The Huntly Express
After the meeting closed the committee discussed the Micro-Grant applications and made awards to the following groups and individuals
- Tap O Noth Trampers
- Rhynie School
- Clatt PTC
- Clatt Shooting Lodge/Library
- Gartly Community Association
- Jack Nicholls
Next Meeting
Monday 9th May
Tin Hut Gartly
Minutes of meeting held at
Rhynie Community Centre
On Monday 15th February 2016
Present: Paul Manning (Chairman) James Matthew (Vice Chairman) John Drysdale Colin Mumford Alistair Rennie Peter Johnston Duncan Connon Kate Hunter (Secretary)
In Attendance: Councillor John Latham
Apologies: George McIntosh Neil Muiry Lynne Staples Scott David Grant George Beverly
Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Approved by James Matthew
Seconded by John Drysdale
Police Report:
Sergeant Andy Sawers who has been stationed at Huntly for the past two years will be moving to Ellon as of the 22nd of February
Operation CEDAR is still in force, with officers tackling road traffic offences and providing education when necessary.
There were two crimes reported in the Tap o Noth area since the last meeting. 1 x vandalism and 1 x Communications breach, both of which were undetected.
PC McDonald will be running an operation over the weekend 19/20/21 of February 2016, which will involve plainclothes patrols in an effort to target those involved in anti-social driving across the North Marr area.
Theft of collie dogs at Ruthven - Investigations are ongoing
Two issues were brought to the attention of the attending police officers
Parking outside Rhynie Public Toilets and at Chreag Bheag Essie Road Rhynie
A Resident who called 101 to report an incident had not received an update on the incident
Matters Arising:
Rhynie Cemetery Wall - Iain Welsh has as yet been unable to make contact with Mrs Taylor at The Coach House regarding access to her property in order to carry out repairs to the wall It was suggested that mail may have been directed to the Coach House Main Street Rhynie rather than Manse Road Rhynie
SSE Blackhillock to Kintore Reinforcement meeting at Kennethmont - Paul informed the members that the meeting was well attended and that no decision has been made on the exact route.
Finance Report:
Business Account: £5803.29
Mosswood Account: £3723.54
Investment Account: £7646.72
Enscape collection service for used electrical/electronic equipment in Aberdeenshire (noted)
AWPR/B-T project meeting on Tuesday 1st March at New Mains Of Ury Stonehaven (noted)
HDDT Review By Education Scotland 2016 - Peter was invited to take part in the review process Members questioned why this invitation was not sent to TONCC
Natasha Pawlukiewicz Various (noted)
Aberdeenshire LDP 2016- Proposed Supplementary Guidance 8 - Aberdeenshire Forestry and Woodland Strategy – Consultation. The proposed strategy was published on the 15th February for a period of 8 weeks for public comment closing 8th April
Dates for Community Ward Forums noted
Planning Applications: No Comment
Individual Area Reports
Blocked drain and poor road surface at cattle creep between West Lodge and Cushnie
Broken fence at bridge near sewage works
Blocked drains on road between Gartly and Huntly
Clatt to Kennethmont road not gritted during the frosty weather
Outstanding Issues
Broom on A97 at Duff School
Gartly Church
Fence at Clatt Playing Field
Hedge at 17 The Square
Public Question Time:
Paul read a letter from Mr & Mrs Colin Reid asking if we could confirm that a letter of support had been sent to Rhynie Charitable Trust stating that TONCC were in favour of the proposed purchase of the Gordon Arms Hotel
As this proposal had not been discussed Paul informed them that we had not written to RCT
Micro Grants Closing Date for applications – 1st March Applications will be discussed at the close of the next meeting
Rhynie Community Hall: Part of the hall was cordoned off as floorboards had been removed
Councillor Latham agreed to contact Allan Whyte Properties Manager to get an update on the situation
Next Meeting
Clatt Village Hall
28th March
Minutes of meeting held at
The Rannes Hall Kennethmont
On Monday 4th January 2016
Present: Paul Manning (Chairman) James Matthew (Vice Chairman) Lynne Staples Scott David Grant George Beverly John Drysdale Colin Mumford Alistair Rennie Kate Hunter (Secretary)
In Attendance: Councillor John Latham
Apologies: George McIntosh Peter Johnston
Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Approved by George Beverly
Seconded by Colin Mumford
Police Report:
Letter from Campbell Thomson Chief Superintendent
As you are aware, on 1 January 2016 Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire and Moray Divisions will realign to a single division, namely North East Division.
As Divisional Commander for the North East Division I would like to take this opportunity to apprise you of my Senior Management Team, their areas of responsibility and contact information. The Senior Management Team will comprise Superintendent Innes Walker who has responsibility for Operations, Superintendent George MacDonald who has responsibility for Support and Service Development, and Superintendent Kate Stephen who has responsibility for Partnerships and Events.
The Senior Management Team will be based at the Divisional Headquarters, Queen Street, Aberdeen.
A dedicated email address has been created to enable partners with any enquiry to contact myself or a member of the Senior Management Team. Any correspondence relating to a particular Operational, Support or Partnerships and Event function can be sent direct to the appropriate Superintendent.
Contact email addresses are as follows:
Senior Management Team enquiries:
Operations - Innes.Walker@scotland.pnn.police.uk
Support - George.MacDonald@scotland.pnn.police.uk
Partnerships and Events - Kate.Stephen@scotland.pnn.police.uk
Our existing network of Local Area Commands, each led by a Chief Inspector, remains unchanged.
Poaching Issue Update: Reply from Superintendent George MacDonald - I can confirm that officers based in Huntly were made aware of the same information, which stems back several months now. They made proactive enquiry and as a result, some crimes, which were linked to the matter reported were detected, but not specifically 'Poaching' Offences as it were. We have also been working with some other agencies in relation to preventing future occurrences. We have continued to monitor the situation and we always welcome any information from the community and we will respond to same.
Matters Arising:
Rhynie Square Trees: Iain Welsh Landscapes Services Officer felt that the trees did not require trimming
Finance Report:
Business Account: £5769.39
Mosswood Account: £3723.54
Investment Account: £7638.45
Aberdeenshire Council –2016/17 Budget Engagement (noted) - Survey completed
Natasha Pawlukiewicz – Various (noted)
Principal Engineer (Flooding and Coastal Protection) Dr Deepak Kharat has been appointed as Principal Engineer
E-mail address: deepak.kharat@aberdeenshire.gov.uk
The 3rd Phase of the Review of the Community Council Scheme of Establishment went to press on 08/12/15 and will run until 31/01/16 - Community Councils and the public can review any amendments made as part of Phase 1& 2 and send any feedback to
Helen.Brodie @aberdeenshire.gov.uk
Huntly Community Facilities Presentation (noted)
John MacDonald- Community Transport Association Update (noted)
SSE Blackhillock to Kintore Reinforcements- Concern has been raised regarding the installation of overhead lines and pylons in the Wardhouse area. Councillor John Latham attended a meeting with Donside Community Council and representatives of the SSE This took the form of a Q and A session Following this he asked SSE members if they would be willing to attend a similar meeting in Kennethmont This will be co-ordinated by Lynne and information circulated as soon as she can arrange a suitable date
Mosswood Rhynie - Members of Tap O Noth Community Council met with Iain Welsh Landscape Services Officer and Hazel McLaren Area Project Officer, regarding the draining of the Playing field and Mosswood area.
It was agreed that to the best plan would be to approach the neighbouring landlords to allow access to the most suitable ditch They also suggested that hardcore should be obtained to heighten the paths and central area and that a 50% grant may be available
Marr Community Ward Forums - Ward 14 Dates
Wed 24th February, Wed 11th May, Wed 7th September and Wed 9th November Venues to be confirmed
Planning Applications: No Comment
Individual Area Reports:
Blocked drains at Culdrian House, Mains of Kirkney and Mytice road end Gartly
After a discussion regarding the Huntly Dial a Bus timetable Mrs Reid informed us that the bus only operates between the hours of 9.30am and 2.30pm as it is also contracted to carry out school runs
Pavements are not gritted
Lack of gritting on the Kennethmont to Clatt road
AOCB: Councillor Latham asked members to inform him of any issues regarding snow clearing before 26thJanuary
Next Meeting
Monday 15th February
Rhynie Community Hall
Minutes of meeting held at
Tin Hut Gartly
On Monday 23rd November 2015
Present: Paul Manning (Chairman) James Matthew (Vice Chairman) George Beverly Peter Johnston John Drysdale Colin Mumford Alistair Rennie George McIntosh Kate Hunter (Secretary)
In Attendance: Cllr Margo Stewart
Apologies: Duncan Connon Neil Muiry Cllr John Latham
Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Approved by John Drysdale
Seconded by Peter Johnston
Matters Arising
Flower Tubs and compost have been purchased for Clatt Village Hall An Area Committee Budget Application has been completed and sent to Marr Area Committee
Concerns regarding the state of the windows and guttering at Gartly Church have been reported to Iain Welsh at Aberdeenshire Council
Clatt & Rhynie cemetery walls will to be repaired
Kennethmont speed limit update John Drysdale informed members that although The Scottish Government is committed to achieving safer road travel Aberdeenshire Council Roads Department are unwilling to commit resources to monitor the situation
306 Bus Service Bus users can attend the next bus forum in March/April to put their concerns to the committee
Hedge at 17 The Square. Rhynie Aberdeenshire Council have contacted the owner regarding the overgrown hedge
Police Report: Police Officer Kelsey Stewart e -mailed the following report, as she was unable to attend the meeting
Operation CEDAR is still in force, with officers tackling road traffic offences and providing education when necessary. There were four crimes reported in the Tap o Noth area since the last meeting.
Local officers have been made aware of the concerns regarding a van parked on Main Street, Lumsden and suitable action will be taken if the opportunity exists/if it is causing an obstruction.
Due to a dramatic reduction in crimes reported and an increase in detected cases it has been decided not to install CCTV cameras in the The Square, Castle Street Duke Street and Deveron Street areas of Huntly
Finance Report
Business Account: £5799.39
Mosswood Account: £3723.54
Investment Account: £7638.45
An interest has been registered with HDDT regarding the Greenmyres wind turbine share option
Digital Scotland Christmas Tree Competition (noted)
Achievements of Community Councils (noted)
Clean for the Queen (noted)
Events in November (noted)
Planning Applications: No comments
Individual Area Reports:
Broken fence round the playing field at the Village Hall
Hedging at Kirton has not been cut back - Report again
Flooding between West Lodge Druminnor and Cushnie road end at the cattle creep
Gartly Church: Iain Welsh Principal Landscape Services Officer has been made aware of the state of the building
Due to the spate of accidents on the A97 at Bucharn a query was raised regarding the cause, this was previously reported to Aberdeenshire Council
Blocked culverts on the B9002 at Kennethmont School, Glanderston Wardhose and at the approach to Insch
Trees in the Square require pruning
Mosswood /Playing Field drainage: Iain Welsh to meet with members of Mosswood committee
Clashindarroch Micro Grant Scheme: Foundation Scotland has awarded £2312.50 to Tap O Noth Community Council to distribute to local groups and individuals (maximum £500). Applications can be made by letter or application form available on the website or by contacting the secretary. Closing date 1st March 2016
Details have been placed in notice boards in the Tap O Noth area
Next Meeting
Monday 4th January
Rannes Hall Kennethmont
Minutes of meeting held at
Clatt Village Hall
Monday 19th October 2015
Councillor Moira Ingleby presented trophies to the Garden Competition winners prior to the meeting
Present: James Matthew (Vice Chairman) Peter Johnston Alistair Rennie Duncan Connon David Grant John Drysdale George Beverly Kate Hunter (Secretary)
Apologies Paul Manning Lynne Staples Scott Colin Mumford Neil Muiry Councillor John Latham
In Attendance: Councillor Moira Ingleby, Margo Stewart Scottish Conservative candidate for Huntly Strathbogie and Howe of Alford and Alexander Burnett Scottish Conservative candidate for Aberdeenshire West 2016
Minutes of Previous meeting
Approved by John Drysdale
Seconded by Duncan Connon
Police Report:
Operation Banook is currently in force across Aberdeenshire and Moray. It is an operation focusing on drug crime and has been successful so far. Drugs search warrants have been executed at a number of addresses. The operation is mainly targeting large Organised Crime Groups.
Since the previous meeting there have been four recorded crimes within the Tap O Noth area. The majority of these have been theft related.
Operation CEDAR continues to operate in and around the Huntly area, targeting motoring offences and educating drivers.
Constable Stewart reminded everybody to keep property secure she will also contact Inspector Ewan Innes to get a definite answer regarding the query raised about the proper position of forks on loaders while on public roads
Matters Arising
- Rhynie Cemetery Wall Repairs will be carried out and the work has been put out to tender
- 306 Bus Service: Reply from Susan Watt who has put forward our request to Stagecoach Bluebird to investigate the bus operation on the Service 41A corridor, for possible additional registered commercial journeys and also the re-routing of Service 10 (Elgin-Aberdeen) via Gartly Kennethmont and Insch We will ask Susan to bring this up at the next Bus Forum meeting
- Holly Hedge at 20 The Square This should have been reported as 17 The Square. however Councillor Ingleby informed us that the owner has been contacted and asked to cut back the hedging
- Culverts between Kennethmont and Earlsfield The repair work will be prioritised depending how bad the fault is and the resources that are available
- Rannes Hall Further discussions regarding the installation of an accessible toilet and why developer contributions did not apply. Councillor Ingleby informed us that contributions were used for projects in the AB54 area and not for specific local projects. Community councillors felt that local communities did not see the returns from this payment
- Kennethmont Speed Restriction John Drysdale has written to Derek MacKay MSP minister for transport and local ministers and is awaiting their replies
- Kennethmont Pavement Councillor Latham e mailed to inform us that there is now money allocated in the budget and the work will most likely be carried out next year
Finance Report:
Business Account £3606,89
Mosswood Account £3723.54
Investment Account £7638.55
- Redevelopment of Aberdeenshire Council Corporate Website (noted)
- Natasha Pawlukiewicz –various (noted)
- Public Panel Members wanted (noted)
- Rhynie Square and War Memorial A letter sent from Christine Mitchell stating that she holds title to the Square and that she would like to renounce this title in favour of Tap O Noth Community Council or Aberdeenshire Council After discussion Councillor Ingleby advised us to contact Aberdeenshire Council legal department to see if they have a record of the title holder
- Sandy Grant has retired from his post as Landscape Services Officer (Marr)
- Supporting Communities Event Kemnay Village Hall 7th November 8.45am
- Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission PLC Beauly to Kintore Reinforcement Projects drop in sessions 2pm –7.30pm Wednesday 4th November Stewarts Hall Huntly & Tuesday 24th November Insch Institute
- Sustainable Transport Advice Services (noted)
Planning Applications: No Comments
Individual Area Reports:
Overgrown hedge at Kirkton
Request for new flower barrels for the Village Hall
Clatt cemetery wall
Gartly Church-broken windows and drainpipes
Broom obscuring the view to the south of Duff School junction on the A97
Street lights out at Canmohr and Alma Cottage on Essie Road
Members commented that the roads inspector appears not to notice or report faults while driving round the area
It is reported that there has been deer poaching in the Tap O Noth area
Armistice Sunday 8th November
Wreaths will be laid on behalf of the community council by
Clatt: Sam Murdoch
Gartly: Peter Johnston
Kennethmont: Sam Hendersson
Rhynie: Murray Lyne
Next Meeting
Tin Hut Gartly
Monday 23rd November
Minutes of meeting held at
Rhynie Community Centre
Monday 31st August 2015
Present: Paul Manning (Chairman) James Matthew (Vice Chairman) Peter Johnston Colin Mumford Alistair Rennie Duncan Connon David Grant Lynne Staples Scott John Drysdale Neil Muiry George McIntosh Kate Hunter (Secretary)
Apologies George Beverly Councillor John Latham
Paul opened the meeting by paying tribute to Councillor Joanna Strathdee who sadly died earlier this month
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Proposed by James Matthew
Seconded by Colin Mumford
Matters Arising:
Kennethmont Speed Restrictions: Members were not happy with the reply received from Ralph Singleton and John Drysdale will write to Keith Brown MSP and the local MP. Secretary will also forward the initial email and reply to Janelle Clark Marr Area Manager
Police Report No police attendance
Sam Murdoch Murray Lyne and Sam Henderson attended the meeting to give an account of the their trip to the battlefields and war museums in Belgium This trip was sponsored by the community council and organised by the Gordon Schools The boys outlined the programme and showed photos of the places they visited They expressed their thanks to the Community Council for giving them this opportunity
Hazel McLaren Marr Area Project Officer/Community Planning Officer outlined the aim to develop an overall area plan that would detail priorities and projects planned by each community in the AB54 area the idea would be that communities work together and share information. Some members felt that this might be detrimental to projects applying for similar funding
David Grant Kennethmont and George McIntosh Rhynie agreed to attend a meeting to look at the priorities
Alistair suggested that Hazel contact Caroline Rhodes as a representative for Clatt
Finance Report: An Area Budget Award of £128 has been received for Rhynie flower tubs
Business Account £3800.90
Mosswoods Account £3723.54
Investment Account £7629.14
- Fifth Review of Local Government Electoral Arrangements (noted)
- Vattenfall Clashindarroch Community Fund: Tap O Noth Community Council will receive a micro- grant of £2312.50 to distribute to local organisations. Foundation Scotland require a signed copy of accounts and our current constitution signed by two members before they will release the money. Further details will be made available once we are in receipt of the grant
- Forestry Commission – Preparation of the Mains of Lesmoir Land Management Plan. A public consultation will take place in Fourteen The Square Rhynie on Tuesday 6th October from 3pm – 6.45pm
- Marr Community Plan 2016-2019 (noted)
- Natasha Pawlukiewicz – various (noted)
- Marr Area Bus Forum 1st September 2015 (noted)
- Letter from the Directorate of Planning and Environmental Appeals (Hill of Flinder) informing us that the appeal has been withdrawn
Planning Applications: A query was raised as to the exact location of The Bungalow Gartly
Individual Area Reports
Nothing to report
Concern has been raised regarding the state of the windows and drainpipes at Gartly Church
Following the recent accidents at Bucharn it was suggested that Aberdeenshire Council should check the state of the road surface.
Flooding at Earlsfield Bungalow and Cottages has been averted by the farmer clearing the verges and widened the road by one and a half feet exposing the drains and allowing the water to drain away - report to Aberdeenshire Council
David read a letter from residents regarding the withdrawal of the 306-bus service their concerns were discussed and will be forwarded to the public transport department at Aberdeenshire Council
Rannes Hall Accessible Toilet - The Village Hall Committee have written to Adam Sime Senior Developer Obligations Officer requesting help to install an accessible toilet in lieu of developer contributions being paid by David Grant APP/2015/2010 This request was refused. This information to be sent to Janelle Clark and local councillors
Cemetery wall collapsing inward onto the gravestones
Bollards at Maranley Moss Road have been knocked over
Hedge at 20 The Square overgrown and overhanging onto the pavement Secretary to contact Aberdeenshire Council again
Rhynie Football Park. The contractor has been draining the area next to the wetlands
Next Meeting
Clatt Village Hall
Monday 19th October
Minutes of meeting held at
Rannes Hall Kennethmont
Monday 13th July 2015
Present: Paul Manning (Chairman) James Matthew (Vice Chairman) Colin Mumford Alistair Rennie George Beverly Peter Johnston Kate Hunter (Secretary)
Apologies: David Grant Lynne Staples Scott Neil Muiry George McIntosh John Drysdale Duncan Connon
Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Approved by James Matthew
Seconded by Alistair Rennie
Police Report: (Sent by e- mail)
Since the previous meeting there have been no recorded crimes within the Tap o' Noth area.
Operation CEDAR continues to operate and 11 motoring offences have been detected around the Huntly area primarily on the A96.
At the previous meeting video footage of a motoring offence was passed to Police. The driver of the offending vehicle was traced and spoken about his manner of driving
The Divisional Commander for Aberdeenshire and Moray division, Chief Superintendent Mark McLaren, retired earlier this month after 6 years in the role. His successor is Chief Superintendent Campbell Thomson
Matters Arising:
Old Mill Clatt: Due to the state of disrepair Aberdeenshire Council Building Control Surveyor has been contacted and will assess and liaise with the owner regarding any repairs required
Ardmore Kennethmont
Reply from Ralph Singleton regarding the request for a 30mph speed restriction
I am afraid that the Ardmore area of Kennethmont does not meet the criteria for a "village" which would allow the speed limit for the road to be reduced to 30mph. ]
There are only 12 houses plus the distillery, which take direct access onto the B9002, although there are another 19 on Station Road, which take indirect access. The length of the existing 40mph limit is 400m, so is shorter than the necessary minimum length. I am not sure to what extent the distillery could be classed as a key building, as the bulk of traffic using the access will be workers and inbound and outbound deliveries.
There are no recorded road accidents within this section of road, so I am afraid that at the moment I cannot justify committing the staff resources necessary to undertake the public and statutory consultation and the legal procedures, which are required to amend the Traffic Order
Finance Report:
Business Account: £3798.23
Legacy Account: £3723.54
Investment Account: £7629.14
Aberdeenshire Local Outdoor Access Forum is looking for a new member to sit on the forum (noted)
Aberdeenshire Special Landscape Areas: Consultation (noted)
Involvement in the development of an AB54 Action Plan and local fund raising toolkit – after discussion it was decided to invite Hazel McLaren to attend a future meeting to talk to us about the project
Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route (noted)
Aberdeenshire Community Planning Partnership Developing a new Community Plan for Marr Peter Colin and George Beverly agreed to complete the questionnaire A copy to be sent to Caroline Rhodes Clatt
Natasha Pawlukiewicz – Various
Murray Lyne wrote thanking the community council for allowing him the opportunity to accompany pupils and teachers on their WW1 Trip to Belgium and France. Murray also enclosed photos of monuments and cemeteries he had visited
Planning Applications:
Hill of Flinder Wind Turbine Appeal.
Aberdeenshire Council refused planning permission on the following grounds
1. Historic Scotland had objected
2. It will visually impact on the local landscape
3.Potential impact on private water supply
4.It will be seen from Dunnydeer Hillfort
Mr & Mrs Henderson attended and Mrs Henderson outlined their reasons for appeal and after discussions with the committee and members of the public attending the meeting Tap O Noth Community Council decided to discuss the application in private as the main issue was the location of the spring well. After a vote the majority decided that we should not withdraw our objection but that we should write to the Directorate of Planning adding the following comment:
Private Water Supply – Since our initial objection we have received conflicting information regarding the location of the spring well and feel this should be further investigated, as there appears to be some dispute as to the grid reference used to identify the private water supply
Individual Area Reports:
Trees at Old Leslie overhanging the carriageway
Notice board: George Beverly to repair and replace pin board
Gate at the Bogie Bridge will be removed as it has again been broken and vandalised
Tree at the Bogie brae needs trimming back
Road from the A97 along the Square to the Muirs junction needs resurfacing
Request for a bin near the picnic tables at the Pleasure Park on Essie Road
Garden Competition: Judging will be the end of July /beginning of August. The judge this year is George Marshall
Broadband: Gartly should have fibre broadband by the end of 2015.
306 and 231 Bus Service The 306 service will have a limited service as from 17th August but a dial a bus will be in place
The 231Bus service timetable is to change from the 17th August 2015
Station Road Gartly has had new culverts and the road resurfaced
The committee were saddened to hear of the death of Elma Shearer. Elma was a member of Tap O Noth Community Council for fifteen years representing Kennethmont and was greatly missed when she had to retire due to ill health
Next Meeting
Monday 31st August
Rhynie Community Hall
Minutes of Annual General Meeting
held at
The Tin Hut Gartly
Monday 8th June 2015
Present: Paul Manning (Chairman) James Matthew (Vice Chairman) Colin Mumford Alistair Rennie Duncan Connon David Grant Lynne Staples Scott John Drysdale Kate Hunter (Secretary)
In Attendance: Councillor John Latham
Apologies: George Beverly Peter Johnston George McIntosh Neil Muiry
Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Proposed by Paul Manning
Seconded by Lynne Staples Scott
Police Report:
A new member of staff has been employed at the front office of Huntly Police Office. Jim Gordon will be working Monday and Tuesdays between 9am and 4pm.
There have only been 2 reported crimes in the Tap O Noth area since the last meeting and both of these have been detected.
There has recently been an increase in wildlife crime in the Aberdeenshire area with Salmon poaching, Deer poaching and hare coursing all having been reported in the Marr area in the past month. Additional patrols are being carried out and we would urge people to report anything untoward
Matters Arising:
- Coreen Hills Land management Plan: Reply from Mark Reeve
The 5% broadleaves is the minimum figure allowed under the UK forestrystandard.We are looking at our species distribution on a more strategic basis,considering all our forest blocks right across the district. We aworking towards increasing the percentage of broadleaves but we plan toplant these in the most appropriate sites, i.e. those with the bestsoils and climate, in larger blocks that we can protect from deerbrowsing by fencing and can then subsequently manage to be productive,by which we mean they are capable of producing firewood. This is a moveaway from the planting of small groups of broadleaves in tubes that are then not managed properly.If the soil maps and climate information for Coreen Hills suggests that there are areas suitable for broadleaves then these will be taken advantage of, if not then the amount planted will be closer to the minimum so that our limited resources can be spent in more appropriate areas where they will provide more benefit, both biologically and productively.
- Kennethmont Pavement: Gail Easton reported that council tenants had signed a form to allow the work to go ahead but owner occupiers had yet to be approached regarding the purchase of their ground to allow for the construction of a footpath at Mansefield Cottages Kennethmont Councillor John Latham is to pursue the matter and report back
- Rhynie Refuse Bins. Reply from Sandy Grant stating that we have many bins in the park and numerous recycling bins where rubbish can be placed and recycled. Bins in the park would only get emptied once every 10-14days when they come round to cut the grass, where the ones in the car park are emptied weekly
Election: The following members have been elected to serve on the Community Council for the next three years
Peter Johnston 32 Park Lane Gartly AB54 4QF
James Matthew 30 Bogie Street Huntly AB54 8HE
John Drysdale 5 Distillery Cottages Kennethmont AB54 4NH
George McIntosh 15 Main St Rhynie AB54 4HB
Neil Muiry Leighlann Main Street Rhynie AB54 4HB
Treasurers Annual Report:
Business Account: £2979.62
Legacy Account: £3723.54
Investment Account: £7622.12
Balance @ 5thApril 2015: £14,326.28
Approved by James Matthew
Seconded by David Grant
Election Of Office Bearers:
Councillor John Latham took the chair for the election of office bearers:
Chairman: Paul Manning:
Proposed by James Matthew Seconded by Alistair Rennie
Vice Chairman: James Matthew
Proposed by Alistair Rennie Seconded by Duncan Connon
Secretary/Treasurer: Kate Hunter
Proposed by Alistair Rennie Seconded by David Grant
Finance Report:
Business Account: £2929.76
New flower tubs have been purchased for Rhynie
Secretaries Honorarium: Approved by James Matthew Seconded by Duncan Connon
Legacy Account: £3723.54
Investment Account: £7622.12
- Aberdeenshire Local Outdoor Access Forum vacancy for Community Representative (noted)
- Natasha Pawlukiewicz: Travel grants for visits to the Cairngorms National Park - to download application pack click http://cairngorms.co.uk/learn/learning-resources/outdoor-learning-travel-grant
- Michael Gallagher –Scotland’s community councillors chewin the fat on facebook
- Viewpoint (noted)
- A96 dualling Inverness to Aberdeen (noted)
- Review of Community Council Scheme of Establishment: It is proposed to set up a group to develop a working definition of the role and function of community councils
- HDDT Summer Newsletter (noted)
- Co-Wheels Huntly Car Club (noted)
- Road closures and temporary restriction of traffic (noted)
- Clashindarroch Micro Grant Fund Framework: Reply from Rachel Searle-Mbullu regarding the final approval of micro grants. The MOU’s reference to ‘subject to the approval of the Panel’ helps ensure that all grant decisions are actually signed off by the Panel. I guess you could argue that this allows for the Panel to potentially ‘refuse’ an application from local cc’s but in our experience to date no Panel has ever done that but it does ensure a line of accountability between the Panel and the CCs, the same as with all other grant recipients. We will be in touch with all CC secretaries and Panel reps about the micro grants so that these can be approved at the first Panel meeting and then paid over to the community councils.
There is a simple form the CC complete so we can ensure a clear audit trail.
- Letter from Piers Blaxter acknowledging submission of letter sent on behalf of the residents of the Muirs Rhynie asking the Local Development Plan team to consider their views regarding the change of use to the Playing Field, Moss Road, Rhynie from P3 (which is protected to conserve the playing field) to R1 (reserved for community facilities) which would enable any future community development while at the same time protecting the playing field from commercial development
Planning Applications:
Two comments were made by email from members of the public
App/2015/1303 Application to extend Solar Array 1 at Cairnmore:
Hilary Ridge submitted a copy of a letter outlining various concerns regarding the change of plan and stated that from information available this is not an extension but an alteration to existing planning permission (noted)
App/2015/0160 Erection of Single Wind Turbine at Hill of Flinder
David and Louise Henderson felt that they had been let down by Tap O Noth Community Council as they had not been invited along to put their point of view and answer questions regarding objections to the above planning application. This was discussed at length and noted for future reference
Individual Area Reports
- Dangerous state of the Old Mill Clatt: Secretary to write to Historic Scotland
- Overgrown hedge at Kirkton
- White lines at Kirkton Clatt near the Clatt School and Auld Kirk, which was placed without consultation, will be removed by Aberdeenshire Council roads department after complaints received.
- Verge from the Suie Hill to Denburn requires filling Councillor Latham to inspect
- Broom blocking visibility on the A97 south of Duff School and at the Craigton junction at Kennethmont
- Request for 30mph at Ardmore Distillery
- Dead tree at Leith Hall on National Trust Ground
- A complaint was received from a member of Noth Parish Church concerning the noise of recycling bottles during the service. Members suggested that the church place a notice asking people to be mindful of the noise between the hours of 10.30 and 11.30 on a Sunday.
Public Question Time:
- The question was raised if a letter written on behalf of residents of the Muirs had been read out to members at the last meeting As the secretary had been instructed to write to the representative and to Piers Blaxter members agreed it was
- It was also stated that lessons could been learned regarding both sides being allowed to put their points across when discussing planning applications
- 306 Bus Service: This service is to cease on 16th August except for the 07.32 and the 15.50 school run but will continue on an hourly service from Insch to Inverurie. Dial a bus will come into service to cover the Kennethmont – Insch It was brought to the attention of the service provider that Gartly should be included in this
Details to be finalised and further information will be available in the near future
- Gartly Notice Board: To be discussed at the next meeting
Next Meeting
Monday 13th July
Rannes Hall Kennethmont