Minutes of meeting held at
Clatt Village Hall
Monday 27th April 2015
Present: Paul Manning (Chairman) James Matthew (Vice Chairman) John Drysdale Alistair Rennie George Beverly Colin Mumford George McIntosh Lynne Staples-Scott Kate Hunter (Secretary)
Apologies: Neil Muiry Peter Johnston David Grant Duncan Connon Councillor Ross Councillor Ingleby
Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Approved by Alistair Rennie
Seconded by James Matthew
Matters Arising:
Broadband Update: Colin informed the members that fibre broadband is now available in the Rhynie area
Rhynie Playing Field: A contractor has been organised to drain the wet area. Open ditches will be dug to see if it will dry out the area and a few trees may be removed from the bottom corner to allow access to the open ditch
Kennethmont School 20mph sign has been repaired
Police Report:
Since the previous meeting there have been two crimes of minor nature reported in the area. Both crimes were detected.
Concerns were raised at the last meeting with regards to vandalisms at Mosswood, Moss Road, Rhynie. Passing attention has been given to the area especially at weekends
Community Drop-In" is a project that is ongoing in Huntly at the moment. The aim is to visit local companies, groups and clubs to engage with the community and build trust, which will encourage the community to co-operate with police. This will hopefully allow us to learn what concerns the public have but may not be forthcoming to report to Police.
Finance Report:
Business Account: £2979.62
Legacy/Mosswood Account: £3723.54
Investment Account: £7622.12
Rhynie Toilet Funding: It has been proposed to increase the funding by £200 to £1200 The agreement for 2015 –2016 has been signed and returned
Community Council funding for financial year 2015-2016 is £506.79
Rhynie Flower Tubs: The committee agreed to purchase four new tubs for the village. Secretary to apply for a grant from the village enhancement scheme
Review of Coreen Hill Land management The area of broadleaves will be increased to 5% of the area this was questioned by a member who thought the percentage was too small
Marr Area Planning Staff Changes Nick Mardall has taken up the post of Development Officer with Marr Area Partnership. Lizzy Shepherd has moved to South Marr taking up the post of Area Project Officer
Road Closures (noted)
Stuart McFarlane Roads Manager has agreed to attend a future meeting to clarify some of the points raised at the February meeting A list of relevant questions will be forwarded to him before the meeting
Supporting Community Events Saturday 9th May in the Baden Powell Centre Turriff (noted)
Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan: Stewart’s Hall Wednesday 29th April 1pm – 7pm (noted)
Marr Area Community Ward Forum 13th May Tin Hut Gartly
Community Benefit Guidance for renewable energy developments (noted)
Local Development Plan: A letter from Mrs Margate Muirden representing residents of the Muirs Rhynie raising their concerns regarding the change of the Playing Field Moss Road Rhynie from P3 (which is protected to conserve the playing field) to R1 (reserved for community facilities) which would enable any future community development while at the same time protecting the playing field from commercial development (noted and letter sent LDP team regarding their concerns)
Planning Applications: No comment
Individual Area Reports:
Cemetery wall is in need of repair
Paul and Alistair to attend meeting on 30th April at Clatt School regarding the change in teaching staff
Repairs required to zip wire at the play park
Fence near the railway mast still to be repaired
Request for new refuse bin to be placed at the playing field Essie Road near the picnic tables
Interviews for additional panel members for Clashindarroch Windfarm fund will take place in the following weeks Applications for the first round of funding have been received.
Nominations forms are available for election to the community council
Gartly: 3 Vacancies
Kennethmont: 1 Vacancy
Rhynie: 2 Vacancies
Closing date for nominations is noon on the 22nd May
Next Meeting
Tin Hut Gartly
Monday 8th June