Tap O Noth Community Council
Annual General Meeting
Minutes of meeting held at
Clatt Village Hall
On Monday 26th May 2014
Paul Manning (Chairman), James Matthew (Vice Chairman),
Lynne Staples-Scott, Colin Mumford, James Grant, Alistair Rennie, Duncan Connon, George Beverly, Kate Hunter (Secretary)
In Attendance:
Councillor John Latham Councillor Alistair Ross
Neil Muiry, Peter Johnston, David Grant
Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Approved by James Matthew
Seconded by Paul Manning
Following the previous meeting on Monday14th April Colin Mumford emailed all members pointing out that the committee after discussion had agreed to support the Insch Hospital application for a wind turbine (October 2013) and that this was a direct contrast to the “sitting on the fence” attitude adopted for all other wind turbine applications
After further discussion the committee agreed to stay neutral. Councillor John Latham pointed out that members could make their views known to the planners by submitting an individual reply.
Bar Hill GartlyWind Turbine Application: Emma Plumpton addressed the committee outlining the concerns and objections of the immediate neighbours to the application to build a 79.6m wind turbine at Bar Hill Lower Drumbulg Gartly This was discussed at length and it was decided to write outlining their concerns and to also write the council stating that the Gartly area has reached saturation point.
Election Results: The following Members have been elected
Kennethmont: David Grant, James Grant, Lynne Staples-Scott
Clatt: Alistair Rennie
Rhynie: Kate Hunter
Lynne Staples-Scott is a new member for Kennethmont filling the remaining vacancy. There is still a vacancy for Gartly
Annual Finance Report:
Busine5s Account: £5844.40
Term Deposit Account £7600.69
Legacy Account £4942.29
Total £18387.38
Approved by George Beverly
Seconded by Colin Mumford
Election of Office Bearers:
Councillor Latham took the chair for the election of office bearers
Chairman: Paul Manning
Proposed by James Grant, Seconded by Alistair Rennie
Vice Chairman: James Matthew
Proposed by Alistair Rennie Seconded by Paul Manning
Secretary/Treasurer: Kate Hunter
Proposed by Lynne Staples-Scott
Seconded by George Beverly
Matters Arising:
- Clatt Playground Fence repaired
- Trees on Suie Hill have been trimmed back
- Suie Hill Car Park. Council to investigate whether the fly tipping is on council or forestry commission ground
- Overhanging trees between Home Farm Druminnor and Meadowbank. Alistair to contact James Kellas and they will arrange to have them cut back
- Bushes at Tillathrowie have been cut back on the corner. Remaining area will require trimming
- Overhanging trees at the Gartly bus stop. Council have not contacted the landowner
- Potholes outside Fourteen Rhynie waiting repair
- Essaiche Bridge will be repointed
Police Report: No Report
- Community Council Weekly Planning Lists- letter from Mairi Stewart informing Community Councils that lists will be emailed weekly on a Monday
- Rhynie Square Dig – letter from Debbie Beeson asking if the Tap O Noth Community Council would support their application for a dig to be carried out in the Square Rhynie during September 2014. This was agreed.
- Natasha Pawlukiewicz Various (noted)
- Scottish Green Bus Fund (noted)
- Marr Area Partnership has appointed a new Development Officer, Roisin Daly who will initially be focussing on updating Your Halls Manual.
Planning Applications: No Comment
Bar Hill Wind Turbine Application was discussed at length earlier in the meeting
Individual Area Reports:
- Potholes between Home Farm Druminnor and Meadowbank
- Wall at the Gadie Bridge at the Mill Clatt still to be repaired
- Flashing lights at Clatt Hall - Secretary to write to Ralph Singleton again
- Potholes on the Kirkney road
- Broom at the Smithston /Kennethmont road junction
- Potholes on the Kennethmont /Duff Schools road near Candy
- Road sinking near the Cults road
- Letter to Ralph Singleton supporting the parents request for a bus shelter at the junction of Weets and the B9002
- Rhynie cemetery wall in need of repair
- Broom between the Milton of Lesmoir and Mains Of Lesmoir overhanging on to the road.
Rhynie Community Hall: Council surveyors have undertaken a condition survey and have recommended that the building is in need of improvement, the estimated cost being around £150,000. There would be a need to determine whether the hall would meet the requirements for the community and if money could be found to carry out the upgrade
The Garden Competition will go ahead this year
Next Meeting
The Tin Hut
Monday 7th July 2014