26 January 2016

Minutes of meeting held at

The Rannes Hall Kennethmont

On Monday 4th January 2016


Present: Paul Manning (Chairman) James Matthew (Vice Chairman) Lynne Staples Scott David Grant George Beverly John Drysdale Colin Mumford Alistair Rennie Kate Hunter (Secretary)

In Attendance: Councillor John Latham

Apologies: George McIntosh Peter Johnston

Minutes of Previous Meeting:

Approved by George Beverly

Seconded by Colin Mumford

Police Report:

Letter from Campbell Thomson Chief Superintendent

As you are aware, on 1 January 2016 Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire and Moray Divisions will realign to a single division, namely North East Division.

 As Divisional Commander for the North East Division I would like to take this opportunity to apprise you of my Senior Management Team, their areas of responsibility and contact information. The Senior Management Team will comprise Superintendent Innes Walker who has responsibility for Operations, Superintendent George MacDonald who has responsibility for Support and Service Development, and Superintendent Kate Stephen who has responsibility for Partnerships and Events.

The Senior Management Team will be based at the Divisional Headquarters, Queen Street, Aberdeen.

A dedicated email address has been created to enable partners with any enquiry to contact myself or a member of the Senior Management Team. Any correspondence relating to a particular Operational, Support or Partnerships and Event function can be sent direct to the appropriate Superintendent.

Contact email addresses are as follows:

Senior Management Team enquiries:


Operations - Innes.Walker@scotland.pnn.police.uk

Support - George.MacDonald@scotland.pnn.police.uk

Partnerships and Events - Kate.Stephen@scotland.pnn.police.uk

Our existing network of Local Area Commands, each led by a Chief Inspector, remains unchanged.

Poaching Issue Update: Reply from Superintendent George MacDonald - I can confirm that officers based in Huntly were made aware of the same information, which stems back several months now.  They made proactive enquiry and as a result, some crimes, which were linked to the matter reported were detected, but not specifically 'Poaching' Offences as it were.  We have also been working with some other agencies in relation to preventing future occurrences.  We have continued to monitor the situation and we always welcome any information from the community and we will respond to same. 

Matters Arising:

Rhynie Square Trees: Iain Welsh Landscapes Services Officer felt that the trees did not require trimming

Finance Report:

Business Account:   £5769.39

Mosswood Account: £3723.54

Investment Account: £7638.45


Aberdeenshire Council –2016/17 Budget Engagement (noted) - Survey completed
Natasha Pawlukiewicz – Various (noted)
Principal Engineer (Flooding and Coastal Protection) Dr Deepak Kharat has been appointed as Principal Engineer

E-mail address:  deepak.kharat@aberdeenshire.gov.uk

The 3rd Phase of the Review of the Community Council Scheme of Establishment went to press on 08/12/15 and will run until 31/01/16 - Community Councils and the public can review any amendments made as part of Phase 1& 2 and send any feedback to

       Helen.Brodie @aberdeenshire.gov.uk

 Huntly Community Facilities Presentation (noted)
John MacDonald- Community Transport Association Update (noted)
SSE Blackhillock to Kintore Reinforcements- Concern has been raised regarding the installation of overhead lines and pylons in the Wardhouse area. Councillor John Latham attended a meeting with Donside Community Council and representatives of the SSE This took the form of a Q and A session Following this he asked SSE members if they would be willing to attend a similar meeting in Kennethmont This will be co-ordinated by Lynne and information circulated as soon as she can arrange a suitable date

Mosswood Rhynie - Members of Tap O Noth Community Council met with Iain Welsh Landscape Services Officer and Hazel McLaren Area Project Officer, regarding the draining of the Playing field and Mosswood area.

      It was agreed that to the best plan would be to approach the

      neighbouring landlords to allow access to the most suitable ditch

     They also suggested that hardcore should be obtained to heighten the

     paths and central area and that a 50% grant may be available

Marr Community Ward Forums  - Ward 14 dates

      Wed 24th February, Wed 11th May, Wed 7th September and Wed 9th 

            November   Venues to be confirmed



Planning Applications: No Comment


Individual Area Reports:


Blocked drains at Culdrian House, Mains of Kirkney and Mytice road end Gartly


After a discussion regarding the Huntly Dial a Bus timetable Mrs Reid informed us that the bus only operates between the hours of 9.30am and 2.30pm as it is also contracted to carry out school runs
 Pavements are not gritted
Lack of gritting on the Kennethmont to Clatt road

AOCB: Councillor Latham asked members to inform him of any issues regarding snow clearing before 26thJanuary

Next Meeting

Monday 15th February

 Rhynie Community Hall



Minutes of meeting held at
Rannes Hall Kennethmont
Monday 16th September 2013

Present: James Matthew (Vice Chairman), Kate Hunter (Secretary), Colin Mumford, Alistair Rennie, James Grant, David Grant, Peter Johnston, Neil Muiry, George McIntosh

In Attendance; Sergeant Neil Binning, Councillor John Latham

Apologies: Paul Manning, George Beverly, Duncan Connon, and Councillor Moira Ingleby

Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Approved by George McIntosh
Seconded by Neil Muiry

Matters Arising:
Field at the entrance to Gartly. Ralph Singleton has been in contact with the owner and the problem has been resolved
Gullies between Earlsfield Farm and Kennethmont School. Only half the gullies have been cleared
Postcodes - Reply from James Craig Infrastructure Services Aberdeenshire Council re the AB52 6YP and AB52 6YQ.stating that he could not suggest any changes to the parts of the addresses
Network rail barriers and fencing have been inspected and repairs will be carried out
Kennethmont PSA: The situation has now been resolved
Broken branch in the square has been removed
Signs round The Square and Main Street. Roads inspector to order new signs
Kerb beside Canmohr Essie Road: awaiting attention.
Gully opposite Easter Bogieside at the Barflat Junction: awaiting attention

Police Report:
· Between July and August a garden strimmer and a ride on lawn mower were stolen from a shed in the Gartly area
· Rhynie Gala passed off relatively uneventfully from a policing perspective although three persons came to the adverse notice of Police over the weekend
· At the start of September, following information received a small rural stash of cannabis was discovered just outside Rhynie. The cannabis has a potential street value in the region of £600. Enquiries are still on-going into this matter
· Mud on the road on the A97 just north of Rhynie was identified as an issue by both the council and members of the public around 9th September. Both Police and council have reminded the farmer of his responsibilities.
· At the start of September the issue of speeding through the Main Street, Rhynie again came to Police attention. The matter is being given passing attention by the Roads Policing Unit as part of their Community Concerns Action Plan.

Finance Report:
Business Account       £6254.82
Legacy Account         £5942.29
Investment Account  £7593.59

· Marr Area Bus Forum Thursday 26th September, Stewarts Hall Huntly
· Aberdeenshire City and Shire Strategic Development Plan Update Proposed plan has now been submitted to Scottish Ministers for approval
· Lizzy Shepherd – Subjects for future Marr Area Forums - Lizzy to be invited to the next meeting
· Public Entertainment Licence (Noted)
· Cairnborrow Wind Farm Update:  it is now proposed to develop a scheme comprising of five turbines
· Letter from Rhynie Women stating that they wish to pursue the issue of repatriating the ‘Rhynie Man’ from Woodhill House Aberdeen back to Rhynie The Council agreed to support this venture.

Planning Applications: None

Individual Area Reports

Clatt: Secretary of Clatt PTC to write to Ralph Singleton re moving the 20mph flashing signs to the Kennethmont end of the Village Hall. Secretary will also write a letter to Ralph Singleton in support of this.
Gartly Nil
Kennethmont; Mothers and children have to walk on the carriageway in front of Jubilee Cottages, as there is no footpath. Also between Edindoll and Bourtree Cottage. David Grant and Councillor John Latham agreed to meet with Ralph Singleton, Principal Roads Engineer if required
Hedges between Roadside of Law and Pinetree Cottage have not been cut back 
Rhynie: New flag to ordered for Rhynie Square

AOCB: 2014 orders for bedding plants to be sent to Sandy Grant by 27th September

Next Meeting
Monday 28th October
Rhynie Community Centre



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