23 May 2013
Minutes 13th May 2013

Minutes of meeting held at
Rhynie Community Centre

13th May 2013

Present: Paul Manning (Chairman,) James Matthew (Vice Chairman), James Grant, George Beverly, Duncan Connon and Kate Hunter (Secretary)

In Attendance: Councillor John Latham

Apologies: George McIntosh, Neil Muiry, Colin Mumford, Peter Johnston, David Grant and Sergeant Neil Binning

Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Correction to minute, should have read Sled Bridge not Slate Bridge
Approved by James Grant
Seconded by James Matthew

Police Report:
There have been no significant incidents of note in the preceding period.
Following a recent increase in rural housebreaking across the entire division a dedicated team of officers will be carrying out high profile patrols for the next month in an attempt to deter and detect offenders.
Although such crime is still relatively rare in this area locals should not be complacent as there have been break ins in Alford and Deeside.
Householders are encouraged to take basic security precautions and report any suspicious activity

Matters Arising:
Network Rail will carry out repairs to the barrier and fences and will organise for the cement to be removed from Westseat
Clatt road surface has been reported and is awaiting repair
Gartly/ Duff School road surface: Letter from Ralph Singleton stating that the work will be carried out in the near future.
Gartly/ Kennethmont: Water draining on to farmland - this has been reported to the roads inspector who will talk to the landowners

Election Results:
Clatt:      Duncan Connon and Paul Manning were returned unopposed
         Rhynie:  George Beverly was returned unopposed and
Colin Mumford was duly elected as the only other nominee

Treasurers Annual Report:

Business Account: £5876.56
Term Deposit Account: £7572.49
Legacy Account Mosswoods: £5942.29

Approved by; George Beverly
Seconded by: James Grant
The committee agreed to purchase new hanging baskets and brackets for Rhynie toilets
The Secretary’s Honorarium was agreed

Annual General Meeting

Election of Office Bearers

Councillor John Latham took the chair and conducted the election:

Chairman: Paul Manning
Vice Chairman: James Matthew
Secretary/Treasurer: Kate Hunter

· Focus on Police Reform (noted)
· Leader Local Action Group: No nomination for Community Council Representative
· Marr Community Ward Forums Meetings at Tullynessle and Crathes have been cancelled
· Aberdeenshire Licensing Boards Policy Statement Review
      Survey can be found at     www.surveymonkey.com/s/LicensingPolicyReview             
· NHS Grampian Public Awareness Campaign: Walk to Work Week 13th– 17th May (noted)
· E mail from S Pumfrett re Flexural Deformation in foals (noted)
· National Planning Framework 3/ Scottish Planning Policy: Details on www.Scotland.gov.uk/topics/Built-Environment/planning/NPF3-SPP-Review
· Aberdeenshire Viewpoint Citizens Panel Newsletter (noted)
· Scottish Voluntary Sector And Community Resilience Seminar 2013 Tuesday 25th June, Scottish Government Victoria Quay Edinburgh
· Letter from John Thomson Forest District Manager re woodland establishment on agricultural land at Culdrain Gartly (Discussed and noted)
· E- mail from Donald Boyd HDT regarding Classindarroch wind farm project. Paul to contact Donald regarding our position.


Planning Applications: No Comment

Individual Area Reports:

Clatt:     Broom between Boghead and Hillhead Job still to be finished
Rhynie: Broom between Windyfield road end and Rhynie
              Overhanging trees at East Bogieside
               Tap at Rhynie Churchyard has been turned off
               All gates at Essie Churchyard have been removed for painting.
               There will be a temporary fence erected to restrict access to animals etc.    

Public Question Time:

Clatt Telephone Box: Caroline Rhodes expressed her concerns about the lack of communication between Tap O Noth Community Council and the public when British Telecom decided that the kiosk would no longer be used and offered it for sale.(November 2009) This information was sent to the local community council who then informed the public, but there was a break down in communication and Tap O Noth Community Council were unaware that it had been decided at a Clatt Community Business meeting that the members wished to purchase the kiosk.
Unfortunately the kiosk has been removed

Paul reported back from the Vattenfall meeting he attended along with Peter Johnston. There is still some confusion on which groups should be involved in the funding committee and who should manage the fund. Paul will be in contact with various members. Vattenfall intend paying £5000 per megawatt doubling what they originally stated

Alasdair McCallum Chairman of Friends of Insch Hospital gave us a very interesting talk on the plans for the new hospital and how they intend raising the three million pounds required. It is hoped that they will be able to build their own wind turbine and through the generosity of local businesses they have been able to acquire a site and get the initial plans and preparations in place.
Concept drawings of the proposed hospital will be on view at the Strawberry Fair
Sunday 23rd June 2013 


Next Meeting
Tin Hut Gartly
Monday 24th June 2013



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