07 March 2013
Meeting 18th February 2013


Minutes of meeting held at

Rannes Hall Kennethmont

 Monday 13th July 2015

Present: Paul Manning (Chairman) James Matthew (Vice Chairman) Colin Mumford Alistair Rennie George Beverly Peter Johnston Kate Hunter (Secretary)

Apologies: David Grant Lynne Staples Scott Neil Muiry George McIntosh John Drysdale Duncan Connon

Minutes of Previous Meeting:

Approved by James Matthew

Seconded by Alistair Rennie

Police Report: (Sent by e- mail)

Since the previous meeting there have been no recorded crimes within the Tap o' Noth area.

Operation CEDAR continues to operate and 11 motoring offences have been detected around the Huntly area primarily on the A96.

At the previous meeting video footage of a motoring offence was passed to Police.  The driver of the offending vehicle was traced and spoken about his manner of driving

The Divisional Commander for Aberdeenshire and Moray division, Chief Superintendent Mark McLaren, retired earlier this month after 6 years in the role.   His successor is Chief Superintendent Campbell Thomson

Matters Arising:

  • Old Mill Clatt: Due to the state of disrepair Aberdeenshire Council Building Control Surveyor has been contacted and will assess and liaise with the owner regarding any repairs required
  • Ardmore Kennethmont

Reply from Ralph Singleton regarding the request for a 30mph speed restriction

I am afraid that the Ardmore area of Kennethmont does not meet the criteria for a "village" which would allow the speed limit for the road to be reduced to 30mph.  ]

There are only 12 houses plus the distillery, which take direct access onto the B9002, although there are another 19 on Station Road, which take indirect access.  The length of the existing 40mph limit is 400m, so is shorter than the necessary minimum length.  I am not sure to what extent the distillery could be classed as a key building, as the bulk of traffic using the access will be workers and inbound and outbound deliveries.

There are no recorded road accidents within this section of road, so I am afraid that at the moment I cannot justify committing the staff resources necessary to undertake the public and statutory consultation and the legal procedures, which are required to amend the Traffic Order

Finance Report:

Business Account:              £3798.23

Legacy Account:                 £3723.54

Investment Account:           £7629.14



  • Aberdeenshire Local Outdoor Access Forum is looking for a new member to sit on the forum (noted)
  • Aberdeenshire Special Landscape Areas: Consultation (noted)
  • Involvement in the development of an AB54 Action Plan and local fund raising toolkit – after discussion it was decided to invite Hazel McLaren to attend a future meeting to talk to us about the project
  • Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route (noted)
  • Aberdeenshire Community Planning Partnership Developing a new Community Plan for Marr Peter Colin and George Beverly agreed to complete the questionnaire A copy to be sent to Caroline Rhodes Clatt
  • Natasha Pawlukiewicz – Various
  •  Murray Lyne wrote thanking the community council for allowing him the opportunity to accompany pupils and teachers on their WW1 Trip to Belgium and France. Murray also enclosed photos of monuments and cemeteries he had visited

Planning Applications:

  • Hill of Flinder Wind Turbine Appeal.

Aberdeenshire Council refused planning permission on the following grounds

 1. Historic Scotland had objected

2. It will visually impact on the local landscape

3.Potential impact on private water supply

4.It will be seen from Dunnydeer Hillfort

Mr & Mrs Henderson attended and Mrs Henderson outlined their reasons for appeal and after discussions with the committee and members of the public attending the meeting Tap O Noth Community Council decided to discuss the application in private as the main issue was the location of the spring well. After a vote the majority decided that we should not withdraw our objection but that we should write to the Directorate of Planning adding the following comment:

Private Water Supply – Since our initial objection we have received conflicting information   regarding the location of the spring well and feel this should be further investigated, as there appears to be some dispute as to the grid reference used to identify the private water supply

Individual Area Reports:


Trees at Old Leslie overhanging the carriageway


Notice board: George Beverly to repair and replace pin board


Gate at the Bogie Bridge will be removed as it has again been broken and vandalised

Tree at the Bogie brae needs trimming back

Road from the A97 along the Square to the Muirs junction needs resurfacing

Request for a bin near the picnic tables at the Pleasure Park on Essie Road


  • Garden Competition: Judging will be the end of July /beginning of August. The judge this year is George Marshall
  • Broadband: Gartly should have fibre broadband by the end of 2015.
  • 306 and 231 Bus Service The 306 service will have a limited service as from 17th August but a dial a bus will be in place
  • The 231Bus service timetable is to change from the 17th August 2015
  • Station Road Gartly has had new culverts and the road resurfaced
  • The committee were saddened to hear of the death of Elma Shearer. Elma was a member of Tap O Noth Community Council for fifteen years representing Kennethmont and was greatly missed when she had to retire due to ill health


Next Meeting

Monday 31st August

Rhynie Community Hall



Minutes of meeting held at
The Tin Hut
Monday 18th February 2013


Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), James Matthew (Vice Chairman), Peter Johnston, James Grant, Duncan Connon, Neil Muiry and Kate Hunter (Secretary)


In Attendance: Sgt Neil Binning, Councillor John Latham

Apologies: George McIntosh, George Beverly, David Grant and Elma Shearer

Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Adopted by Peter Johnston
Seconded by James Matthew

Matters Arising:

· Culvert at Tillyangus Repaired
· Flooding on local roads. Roads inspector to visit the sites
· Broken kerbstone Kennethmont: will be repaired when the pavement is extended
· Kennethmont Old Churchyard: Repairs are will included in the 2013 –2014 budget
· Potholes. Repairs to be carried out
· Kennethmont Postcodes:
    Response from Bernadette Todd Address Maintenance Administrator
I am sorry we cannot consider requests for changes to post towns unless an area is being recoded to meet an operational need.  This criterion is in addition to those, which must be met before additional locality information can be included in the postal address.
· Manse Road Rhynie: Councillor Ross spoke to Ralph Singleton who has agreed to patch the potholes holes the next time there are workmen in the Rhynie area and they have spare patching material. As this is an unadopted road this will carried out in an informal basis

Police Report:
During January 2013 a quantity of tools were stolen from agricultural premises in the Craig area of Rhynie.
Following collaboration between Huntly Police and Garioch & North Marr Community Safety Group leaflets have been produced highlighting the potential dangers associated with driving on country roads in Aberdeenshire. Police throughout the Garioch, North & South Marr areas will be taking the opportunity to stop motorists and educate them about the risks. So far, they have been well received by the public.
Nominations are being sought for the 13th annual Community Safety Awards, which will recognise the achievement of a Community Safety Group, an individual or another group in the establishment and sustaining of a project, which is making a positive impact in the field of Community Safety in Aberdeenshire.  These may include projects dealing with, for example, controlled drugs, promoting safety or preventing accidents, reducing antisocial behaviour of preventing or reducing violence.
Awards may also be presented to an individual or individuals whose actions at an incident merit recognition and/or whose contribution as a volunteer in the community is particularly effective.

Any organisation or an individual may submit a nomination.  The closing date for nominations is 13thMarch, 2013.

The winner of the award will receive £300 to go towards further development of their project or, if it is an individual, to be spent in the field of Community Safety in their neighbourhood.  Two runners up will receive £100 each.

Finance Report: Business Account         £4550.43
                            Term Deposit Account £7572.49


· Community Council/Area Partnership Questionnaire 2013 (Response sent19th February)
· Budget Briefing Paper No 3(noted)
· Aberdeenshire Community Planning Partnership Newsletter (noted)
· Scottish Police Authority – Consultation on draft Strategic Police Plan
· Community Council Engagement Seminars
· Marr Area Partnership Newsletter January 2013
· Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan 2016 Plans can be accessed at www.aberdeenshire.gov.uk/planning/plans policies/process
· Marr Community Ward Forums: Kate and Peter to attend the meeting at The Tin Hut Gartly
· Community Empowerment and Renewal Bill – Consultation Responses.  www.scotland.gov.uk/communityempowerment
· Lizzy Shepherd  - Various (noted)


Planning Applications: No Comments

Individual Area Reports:

Potholes between Hillhead, Boghead and Bankhead

Park Lane/Station Road defects. Councillor John Latham agreed to meet with Peter to inspect the state of the carriageway and a letter will be sent to Ralph Singleton Principal Roads Engineer and Stuart McFarlane outlining the problems.
Potholes on the Tillythrowie and the Kirkney roads
Fences near the railway line at the monitoring station and at the Slate Bridge
Letter to be sent to Scotrail notifying them that the fences are in a state of disrepair and the cement left at Westseat road end still hasn’t been removed

Potholes on the road between Wraes and Slack

Rhynie: Nothing to report

Stony Hill Windfarm: Infinis intend applying for planning permission to erect five wind turbines
Friends of Insch Hospital: It was decided to invite a member to come along and inform us of their plans for the new hospital


Next Meeting
Monday 1st April
Rannes Hall Kennethmont




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