20 January 2013
Minutes of January 2013 Meeting

Tap O Noth Community Council

Minutes of meeting held at
Clatt Hall
Monday 7th January2013

Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), Kate Hunter (Secretary), James Matthew (Vice Chairman),) James Grant, Duncan Connon, Alistair Rennie, Peter Johnston, George McIntosh

In Attendance: Councillor Alistair Ross, Sgt Neil Binning

Apologies: David Grant, George Beverly, Neil Muiry, and Elma Shearer

Minutes of Previous Meeting: Approved By: Peter Johnston
                                                  Seconded By: Duncan Connon

Matters Arising:
Seggieden Brae to Clatt as this is a Priority two road the Gritter will only grit the road after the main roads have been completed

Duff School Junction: Will be resurfaced when the council are putting in the new footpath at Gartly
Water running across the road between Bucharn Farm and Edindiack Gartly Road surveyor to inspect

Repair of Old Cemetery wall: this has been identified as a project for the 2013/ 2014 season capital funding repair
The roads inspector will check on the water on the road between Jeldah and Candy Kennethmont which is causing the road to freeze over during the cold weather as the water is running across the road and the water which is causing flooding at the end of Tayloch road and is gathering in the GPO box
Post Code Query: Reply from Bernadette Todd Address Maintenance Administrator:
I am sorry we cannot consider requests for changes to post towns unless an
area is being recoded to meet an operational need.  This criteria is in
addition to those which must be met before additional locality information can be included in the postal address. Secretary to write suggesting they add Kennethmont to the addresses

Rhynie:   Speed Reducing Signs.
Reply from Ralph Singleton, Principal Roads Engineer
The vehicle activated speed indicator signs are in the programme for the
current financial year.  There is a probable change in policy so that this
type of sign is set up to be used in several locations on a programmed
basis.  If signs are in one place for too long they just become part of the
scenery, and their effectiveness diminishes.   They have the greatest
effect in the early stages of their deployment, so if signs re-appear at
sites on a regular basis their overall effectiveness is kept high.

The mounting poles and power supply would be permanent at the routine
sites.  We are in discussion with the supplier to identify the best
equipment for this arrangement, but still intend having the signs in place
this financial year


Police Report:
Overnight between Sunday 16 December and Monday 17 December 2012 an attempt was made to steal a locked car from an isolated area of Clatt.

Between Saturday 15 December and Sunday 16 December 2012 an unoccupied dwelling outside Gartly was broken into although nothing appears to have been stolen.

Jason Phillips, Rhynie appeared at court on 11 December 2012 having been charged with a number of disturbances over the preceding days. He pled Not Guilty and was released on Bail not to enter or approach certain areas of the village. He did not come to the adverse notice of Police after that time. On 17 December a further multi agency meeting was held at 'Fourteen'. Following this, on 21 December Jason was admitted to Royal Cornhill Hospital for further assessment where he remains (at time of writing). It is believed that he is in the process of giving up his tenancy of 12a Main Street and will soon be moving to supported accommodation in Huntly. 
Between 1 – 13 November 2012 speed detection equipment was deployed on the A97 near Mains of Kirkney, Gartly. The equipment detects vehicles in both directions and during this time a total of 10625 vehicles were recorded including 9163 cars and 257 motorcycles. The average motorcycle speed was 41mph (with a high of 79mph) and the average car speed was 49mph (with a high of 84mph).  The figures and collision history do not indicate a significant issue at this time but it will be revisited during the summer months.

On 23 November following specific information from a member of the public about vehicles speeding through Rhynie from the Alford side a Roads Policing Unit visited the area. 3 motorists were educated re their speed through the village. It has been revisited again since by local Police units and will continue to be given periodic attention
As we move towards the amalgamation of the Scottish Police Forces on 1 April 2013 Aberdeenshire Division and Moray Division will combine to form one of the 14 Scottish Divisions. It is anticipated that by 4 February our processes will be in place and we will become one division ahead of the official date. From a local perspective people are unlikely to notice any difference. Existing 'Shire Commander, Chief Superintendent Mark McLaren will retain charge and has commented "Our community focussed policing model is a model of success which we will retain going forward and which will require little, if any, structural change".

Finance Report: Business Account Balance £4353.63

· Cairnborrow Windfarm Appeal (noted)
· Garioch and North Marr Community Safety Group (noted)
· Community Resilience and Emergency Planning for Community Groups Leaflets
· Parliamentary Report from Richard Baker (noted)
· Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan-Housing and Business Development in the Countryside and Greenbelt
· Notices of changes to the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 laid before Parliament (forwarded)
· Letter from John Wink re Culdrain Representation
· Climate Challenge Fund (Noted)

Planning Applications: No comment

Individual Area Reports:

Flooding between West Lodge and Cushnie road end at the cattle
Culvert at Tillyangus: Metal cover keeps moving, culvert requires repair
Water running on the road between Cottown and East Lodge Druminnor

Drain at Culdrain House on the A97 needs clearing
Water on the road between Resquehouse and Gartly

Broken kerbstone at Kennethmont Church
Potholes on the Kennethmont to Earlsfield road
Potholes on the Templeford to Christkirk road

Rhynie: Manse Road: Councillor Ross to discuss the problem of potholes with Ralph Singleton

Clashindarroch Windfarm Fund: James Matthew and Peter Johnston agreed to represent Tap O Noth Community Council at the meeting with Foundation Scotland

Next Meeting
Tin Hut Gartly
Monday 18th February

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