Tap O Noth Community Council
Minutes of meeting held at
Rhynie Community Hall
19th November 2012
Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), Kate Hunter (Secretary), James Matthew (Vice Chairman),) James Grant, Duncan Connon, Alistair Rennie, Peter Johnston, Neil Muiry
In Attendance: Sgt Neil Binning
Apologies: George Beverly, David Grant, Elma Shearer, and Councillor Joanna Strathdee
Minutes of Previous Meeting: Approved by Peter Johnston
Seconded by Alistair Rennie
Matters Arising:
· Grampian Housing Association - Solar Systems Fund For Local Halls.
· Overgrown Hedge at Kirkton of Clatt: Aberdeenshire Council to approach the landowner to have the hedge cut back
· Tap O Noth Access Road: This would be up to the landowner to trim the bank
· Tap O Noth Information Board: This is now complete and an invoice has been sent to Vattenfall who have agreed to meet the cost.
· Rhynie Medical Practice: There has been four offers made on the property. Buyer has not yet been announced
· Gartly Kirk: Aberdeenshire Council are to send a letter by recorded delivery making the owner aware of the state of the building and asking them to make the necessary repairs
· Flower Tubs for Gartly: Peter has purchased four tubs and the invoice has been forwarded to Aberdeenshire Council for payment
· Hill Of Corskie Windfarm: Letter from Andrew Kings to the Gartly Councillors inviting them to a meeting in the Tin Hut on Tuesday 20th November This led to a discussion and it was decided by the committee that we would express our concerns about the location and the effect the turbines may have on the television signal
· Suie Hill Car Park. Council are to fill the potholes and erect a new sign
· Flooding at 5 The Square Rhynie; Council are to put a camera down to detect what is causing the blockage.
Police Report: There have been no significant crimes or offences reported in the area since the last meeting.
However there have been a couple of vandalisms to a car in The Square, Rhynie and bird feeders at a house in Essie Road, Rhynie. Enquiries are ongoing.
Gartly Speeding on the A97, data has not been downloaded A report will be available at the next meeting.
Finance Report:
Business Account Balance £4563.63
· Community Council Short--Life Working Group (Noted)
· Marr Community Forums Dates for Nov 2012 (Noted)
· HDT potential involvement with Corskie Wind farm. HDT have declined the invitation to be a potential community partner in the proposed Windfarm
· Offers of Assistance to develop community resilience plans in Grampian (Noted)
· Aberdeenshire.me website This offers social clubs and societies free access to the site to create and edit their own content and a free business listing to all businesses in the Aberdeenshire area
· Cinecosse- Sale of 120 surplus chairs. Information from Marie on 01467 670707
· Meikleton Windfarm Planning application (Noted)
· Public Entertainment Licensing -Variation of Current Resolution The new resolution will come into force on the 29th July 2013.
· Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan 2012 – Marr Extra (Noted)
· Viewpoint Newsletter 28(Noted)
· Scottish Water: Your Views Count can accessed on www.scottishwater.co.uk/yourviewscount
Planning Applications: No Comment
Individual Area Reports:
Clatt: Seggieden Brae The Gritter does not sand this road in the early morning, an accident occurred on Nov 2nd when the road was icy and a parent was taking her children to school
Duff School Junction: Road Surface has still not been repaired.
Water running across the road between Bucharn Farm and Edindiack Gartly
Old Churchyard Wall in need of repair.
Water on the road between Jeldah and Candy Kennethmont causing the road to freeze over during the cold weather as the water is running across the road.
Water is collecting near the GPO box at the end of Tayloch road causing flooding
The road between Kirkhill and Clatt is not sanded in the early morning. Parents driving their children to school use this road
Rhynie: Potholes in Manse Road: Letter from Ralph Singleton stating that this is an unadopted road and the council is not responsible for the maintenance
Letter to be sent to Ralph Singleton re Speed Reducing Signs for Rhynie.
Public Question Time: Nil
AOCB: Paul to organise a meeting with the Cabrach Community Enterprise and Strathbogie Community Council to discuss the way forward with regards to Vattenfall Community Fund and the involvement of the Scottish Community Foundation
Next Meeting
Clatt Village Hall
Monday 7th January 2013