Tap O Noth Community Council
Minutes of Meeting held in
The Rannes Hall Kennethmont
8th October 2012
Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), Kate Hunter (Secretary), James Matthew (Vice Chairman), David Grant, James Grant, Duncan Connon, Alistair Rennie, Peter Johnston, George Beverly, Neil Muiry
In attendance: Councillor Joanna Strathdee Sergeant Neil Binning
Apologies: Elma Shearer, George McIntosh, and Councillor Alistair Ross
Amendment to minutes: In attendance: George Beverly
Proposed by: George Beverly
Seconded by: James Matthew
Matters Arising:
· Pot Holes at Duff School and Gartly Junction still to be repaired
· The road sweeper has not yet swept Gartly streets
· Dog Fouling Bin: Reply from Gillian Abel Dog Warden:
At present there are three dog hygiene bins in Rhynie as follows:
Manse Road - leading to cemetery
Moss Road - Moss Wood
The Muirs - opposite Heath Cottage
There are also litter bins that can be used to dispose of poop scoops.
Every household also has access to a domestic wheelie bin and dog owners
should take their poop scoops home with them when there are no other bins
available. Currently, Aberdeenshire Council is discussing what funding is
available for the provision of bins. Your request will be noted so that should
money be made available to provide bins in communities your request
will then be considered.
· Postcodes in Kennethmont Area: Councillor Strathdee will speak to Aberdeenshire Council about the postcodes in the Earlsfield and Daies areas of Kennethmont as Royal Mail have no responsibility for any official addressing this is solely the responsibility of the statutory body - the Local Authority.
· Gartly Flower Tubs: A grant of £250 has been awarded by Aberdeenshire Council to purchase four flower tubs to be placed near the proposed bus shelter and the entrance to Park Lane
· Tap O Noth Information Board has been completed and will be inspected by a member of staff from Historic Scotland.
· Reply from Neil Cookson of Scottish Woodlands acknowledging our concerns.
· Cement at Westseat Gartly Aberdeenshire Council will contact Network Rail to have it removed.
Police Report:
There have been no significant crimes or offences reported in the area since the last meeting.
Have Your Say About Your Community - Grampian Police have joined forces with Aberdeen City Council, Aberdeenshire Council, Grampian Fire and Rescue, Moray Council and Robert Gordon University to develop a joint community engagement programme.
The aim of the programme is to help gather community views on how to create fairer and more accessible services within the Grampian region.
Over the next couple of months the group will be delivering a range of activities aimed at interacting with the wider community and listening to any issues or concerns they may have about services within Grampian and how these can be addressed to improve services.
As part of the information gathering the group are urging people to take part in an online survey, which can be found at www.surveymonkey.com/s/Grampiansurvey.
The survey is running until Wednesday 31st October and the group would like to encourage those within the Grampian region to come forward and give their views.
The group are also aiming to run a number of face-to-face events, through discussion days and focus groups.
If you would like to take part in these events please contact us at communitysupportconsultations@grampian.pnn.police.uk.
Peter Johnston asked if it would be possible for the mobile speed cameras to check the speed of the traffic on the A96 at the Gartly Junction.
Presentation by Donald Boyd Development Manager Huntly Development Trust:
Donald outlined the aims of HDT for the AB54 area not just the town of Huntly
Their aim is to work with others to build a resilient, inclusive and enterprising community capable of dealing with ongoing changes.
For further information contact Huntly Development Trust, Brander Building, The Square, Huntly AB54 8BR Telephone: 01466 799416
Further Information from Donald re Solar Panel Scheme
If the Rannes Hall, or any other hall in the ToNCC area, is interested, our partners Grampian Housing Association are offering to fund, install and maintain a suitable solar photovoltaic system on the roof of the hall. They will take 80% of the Feed in Tariff (FiT). The hall gets free electricity and 20% of the FiT income. All subject to a GHA inspection to make sure the hall is suitable.
Please just let me know if you are interested in that.
HDT approach to wind farm developments
We run them past a set of criteria and those that pass we will consider getting involved in. Those that don’t we won’t. We treat it in case by case basis, probably much like ToNCC. We have two up for discussion at our next Board meeting
Andrew Kings: Proposed Windfarm on Hill of Corskie Gartly
Andrew came along as the representative of local residents to inform the TONCC of their concerns about the proposed development of 10 wind turbines on the Hill of Corskie. TONCC will write to the planning committee outlining their concerns once the application is made.
Finance Report:
Business Account Balance: £5664.55
Investment Account Balance: £7552.29
· Boundary Commission Consultation (Noted)
· Forest Enterprise Scotland Consultation (Noted)
· Request for information on community resilience platforms in Grampian (Noted) GrampianSCGMailbox@grampian.pnn.police.uk
· Parliamentary Report from Richard Baker (Noted)
· Aberdeenshire Council Street Cleaning Survey Survey will be available to complete online from 8th October for one month at www.surveymonkey.com/s/aberdeenshirestreetcleansing
· Invitation to discuss Car Parking in Huntly (Noted)
· Copy of decision letter to refuse erection of wind turbine at Earlsfield (Noted)
· Letter from Planning Cairnborrow Windfarm Refusal
· UK Local Councillors Facebook Page (Noted)
· Thank you letters Emma Plumpton And Paul Nickless
· Letter from Mike Davies re publication of proposed wind farm at Hill of Corskie (Noted)
Planning Applications: No comments
Individual Area Reports:
Clatt: Overgrown hedge at Kirkton of Clatt
Gartly: Nothing to report
Kennethmont: Nothing to report
Rhynie: Tap O Noth Car Park: Vision is restricted at the junction from the car park on to the Rhynie / Dufftown road
Next Meeting
Rhynie Community Hall
Monday 19th November