13 June 2012

Tap O Noth Community Council
Annual General Meeting

Minutes of meeting held at
Community Hall Rhynie
Monday 4th June 2012


Present: Paul Manning (Chairman) Kate Hunter (Secretary) James Matthew (Vice (Chairman) David Grant, James Grant, Alistair Rennie, Peter Johnston, George Beverly, Neil Muiry, George McIntosh

In Attendance: Councillor Joanna Strathdee and Sergeant Neil Binning

Apologies: Councillor Moira Ingleby, Elma Shearer, and Duncan Connon

Minutes of Previous Meeting: Adopted by George Beverly
Seconded by Paul Manning

Matters Arising:

Clatt: Roof at Old Mill - Secretary to write to Health and Safety
Gartly: Overgrown hedges on the Mytice Road – Council to approach landowner
Kennethmont: Potholes at Leith Hall have been repaired
Rhynie: Flooding at West Lodge – Council have unblocked the drain
Trees at Bogieside – Owner to trim them back
West Lodge to Cushnie Farm road: Potholes have been temporarily repaired.

Police Report:
No Crimes or incidents of particular to report.
An officer from the Bavarian Riot Police is currently visiting Grampian Police to experience Scottish Policing. She has spent a day with Huntly Police as she has family connections in the area.
A second male has been reported in connection with the theft of lead from Huntly Castle. He too was suspected of the lead thefts in the Noth area last year but similarly there is insufficient evidence to report him for these crimes.
There has been an Alcohol Briefing Intervention Partnership Project set up to deal with young people the police find under the influence or possession of alcohol. This partnership is between Aberdeenshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership, Barnardo’s and the Marr Local Policing Team. The main aim is to refer young people to a Barnardo’s worker who will provide early intervention into socialised drinking and help them understand the consequences of their actions using a ‘motivational interview’ approach. It also aims to promote a positive lifestyle approach.

Finance Report:

Balance sheet for the year ending 5th April 2012
Business account £5482.56
Legacy Account/Wetlands Account £5942.29
Term Deposit Account £7505.11
Balance @ 5th April 2012 £ 18899.96
Approved by James Matthew

Election Results:
James Matthew and Peter Johnston were returned unopposed
After an election held on Thursday 31st May George McIntosh and Neil Muiry were duly elected
Annual General Meeting

Election of Office Bearers

Councillor Strathdee took the chair and conducted the election

Chairman: Paul Manning
Vice Chairman James Matthews
Secretary/Treasurer Kate Hunter

Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan forwarded to all members Further details can be found on
National Forest Land Scheme – Sale of property at Culdrain Gartly Forestry Commission informed that Tap o Noth Community Council have no interest in the sale of the property
Citizens Panel Viewpoint Newsletter (Noted)
Aberdeenshire Council – Certificate of Employers’ Liability Insurance for Tap O Noth Community Council (noted and filed)
Aberdeenshire Council Information on disabled parking in Marr Area (noted)
Grampian Strategic Coordinating Group Olympic Torch Relay Bulletin (noted)

Planning Application:
No Comments

Individual Area Reports:
Broom Between Hillhead and Boghead Secretary to report again
Concern was raised about the grass in the cemetery both at Clatt and Rhynie.
Benches on the outskirts of the village: one to be repaired and the other to be replaced. Secretary to apply for a Village Enhancement Grant.
Bushes on the Burncrunich road require trimming.

Nothing to report
Bench on the Cabrach road to be replaced.
Essie Cemetery Gate requires painting Secretary to contact council again
Wetlands: Vandals have broken the bridge
Bogie Bridge: Bridge and gate over the Bogie in need of repair

Public Question Time:
David Denoon is concerned about the shortage of water should a fire break out in the remote areas and asked if the council could approach a member of the Fire Service to come along to a future meeting to explain how their data on rural hydrants and local water supplies is made available to the fire crews.
Carol Ann outlined to the committee the profit made by wind farms and her concerns that households have to pay 10% on their bills towards renewable energy subsidies.

Tap O Noth Plinth: The base has been cemented in ready for the Coreen granite plinth and information board to be erected
Suie Hill Picnic Tables; Calum Murray from the Forestry Commission informed us that Aberdeenshire Council are responsible for the day to day maintenance of the car park and they would have to agree to add the picnic tables to their list of responsibilities before we can proceed.
Clashindarroch Community Group Meeting: Members David Grant, Peter Johnston and James Matthew attended the meeting at Rannes Hall organised by Vattenfall and the Scottish Community Foundation. They thought the idea of the Foundation managing the fund was good but we need more than one representative on the committee.
Gartly Church a letter has been sent to the owners about the state of the building but as there has been no reply the matter will be referred to Health and Safety.


Next Meeting
Clatt Village Hall
Monday 16th July
At 7.30pm





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