Tap O Noth Community Council
Minutes of meeting held at
Tin Hut Gartly
12th March2012
Present: Paul Manning (Chairman) James Matthew, David Grant, James Grant, Duncan Connon, Alistair Rennie, Peter Johnston, Neil Muiry, Kate Hunter (Secretary)
In Attendance: Councillor Moira Ingleby, Councillor Joanna Strathdee, Councillor Alistair Ross & Sergeant Neil Binning
Apologies: George Beverly, Elma Shearer
Minutes of Previous Meeting: Proposed by James Matthew
Seconded by Peter Johnston
Matters Arising:
Gartly Bus Shelter: No approach has been made to the landowner
Secretary to write to Ralph Singleton with the name and address of the owner
Kennethmont: Road surface. Secretary to write with further details on the amount of potholes and cracks
Rhynie Letter from Sandy Grant informing us that the remaining trees will not be pruned in the meantime
Sign at Cottown has been replaced
Police Report:
A complaint has been received from a member of the public about vehicles still speeding through Rhynie at commuter times. The area will be revisited again and appropriate attention given
Sergeant Ian McKinnon has moved on to Aberdeen Division and has been replaced by Sergeant Neil Robertson
Grampian Police are conducting Operation Zenith again this year Zenith was launched in April 2012 in response to a continuing rise in motorcycle killed and seriously injured collisions during the previous year. Since its inception Operation Zenith has seen positive reductions. In 2009 126 motorcyclists were injured and 6 killed and in 2011 83 were injured and 2 killed
Finance Report: Business Account: £5571.36
· Commission on Rural Education: (Noted)
· Aberdeenshire Community Safety Groups Annual Seminar 24th March 2012 Kemnay Church Centre (Noted)
· Roads and Landscape Services: Street Lighting Fault Reporting reports can be made using any of the following methods
Online at: www.aberdeenshire.gov.uk/report
Telephone: The Contact Centre on 08456 08 12 05
Text message: TEXTSHIRE: 0724 802 722
· Scottish Referendum Consultation: Letter from David Denoon drawing the attention to the timescale of this consultation
If you wish to respond to the proposals the Scottish Government has issued
You have until the 11th May 2012 to reply
Further information can be accessed on
· Letter from John Shanks resigning as a member of Tap O Noth
Community Council
· Letter from Ralph Singleton Principal Roads Engineer: Rhynie Speed Reducing Signs: this has been approved by the Area Committee and erection of these should be as soon as possible after the signs have been acquired
· Scottish Water: Public Meeting 20th March Altens Hotel Aberdeen (Noted)
· Energy Saving Scotland: Advice on energy saving can be accessed on
Free phone 08800 512 012 Mobile 07506 040 690
Email Diane>bannerman@ne.energysavingscotland.org.uk
· Viewpoint The Aberdeenshire Citizens Panel (Noted)
Planning Applications: No Comments
Individual Area Reports:
Broom overhanging onto the verge between Hillhead and Boghead report again
20mph Signs at entry to Park Lane are place too high and near to the turn off
Overgrown hedge between Dunscroft and Burncrunich
Blocked drain at the a 30mph sign near Aranpedea
Letter to Ralph Singleton re cracks and potholes in Kennethmont village
Community Hall: Organisations have been unable to use the hall for the past three months due to the failure of the heating system
Public Question Time: None
· Suie Hill Car Park: Secretary to write to the Forestry Commission to enquire if it is possible to have picnic tables installed in the Car Park area.
· Application has been sent to Historic Scotland for erection of a plinth and interpretation board at the top of Tap O Noth
· Ride The North: Email from Neil Innes re cycle run from Elgin to Aberdeen on 22nd September 2012 in aid of Monty’s Maggie Appeal inquiring if it is possible for a local venue to provide refreshments for the cyclists The committee thought that either Fourteen The Square Rhynie or Clatt Village Hall would be ideal depending on the numbers. Secretary to liaise with Neil to obtain more information
· Secretary to write to David Rodger Senior Communications Advisor Vattenfall Wind Power inviting him to attend the next meeting to update us on the Clashindarroch Windfarm and the Community Benefit Fund
Next Meeting
Rannes Hall Kennethmont
Monday 23rd April 2012