Tap O Noth Community Council
Minutes of meeting held at
Rannes Hall Kennethmont
7th November 2011
Present: Paul Manning (Chairman,) Kate Hunter (Secretary), George Beverly, Alistair Rennie, James Grant, David Grant, James Matthews (Vice Chairman) Duncan Connon, Neil Muiry, Peter Johnston.
In Attendance: Clr J Strathdee, Clr R Stroud, Sgt Neil Binning
Apologies: John Shanks
Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Approved by: Alistair Rennie
Seconded by: David Grant
Matters Arising
Clr Strathdee’s apologies were omitted from the September minutes.
· Clatt:
Bushes obscuring vision between Boghead and Hillhead –Job raised and repairs currently pending
Potholes between West Lodge and Cushnie road end - Job raised and repairs currently pending
· Gartly
Speeding on A97 at Gartly junction – Pedestrians in Road Ahead warning signs to be put in place
Fencing on both sides of bridge - awaiting reply
Extending the path from the bridge to the A97- to be carried out when funding comes available
Give way sign to be repaired - Job raised and repair currently pending
· Rhynie
Car parking issues - police to monitor the situation
Verge at Easaiche Bridge – awaiting reply
Seat at Creag Bheag – passed to Principal Roads Inspector for inspection
Gate at Essie Churchyard – awaiting reply
Trees in Rhynie Square - Aberdeenshire Council have employed contractors to cut back and fell trees on the outer row and once this has been done an assessment of the inner row will be carried out on which ones require shaping etc. along with planting new trees to fill the gaps in the inner row
Police Report:
1.Local Interest Information: There were two thefts of domestic heating oil, one in Rhynie and one in Clatt. Nothing to suggest they are connected and the public are reminded to take basic security measures to safeguard their tanks
Finance Report: Business Account Balance £5114.22
· Marr Local Policing Update (Noted)
· E mail from Sue Mercer & Chris Bailey re Leith Hall Wind farm (Noted)
· E mail re safe Drive Stay Alive Event forwarded sent to committee members 28/10
· Community Council Handbook Update: Copy of Tap O Noth Community Council Constitution forwarded to Ann Riddell Area Committee Officer.
· Aberdeenshire Local Outdoor Access Forum Workshop 29th November 2011 (Noted)
· Letter from Hilary Ridge outlining the following points:
1. Greenspan have requested a further delay in order to get their noise monitoring information prepared for the Planning Officer
2. SEPA have persuaded Greenspan to address the risk issue to their private water supply. Greenspan have proposed mitigation measures to protect their private water supply and SEPA have removed their objection
3. There is still no indication from the Planning Officer whether there will be a public meeting.
Planning Applications: No comments.
Individual Area Reports
Seats at the top of the Suie Hill are situated very near the verge and are in danger of being damaged by the snow ploughs during the winter. Request marker poles are put in place to indicate where they are situated.
Sign at Cottown Junction awaiting replacement – Job raised and repair currently pending
Road surface crumbling near Percylieu at the Clatt / Kennethmont junction.
Six streetlights at the school end of Park Lane are still waiting replacement
Park Lane road is uneven and potholed requires resurfacing
Due to lack of housing fewer families are moving into the rural area. School numbers are falling and the school is not running to capacity This was raised with the councillors who were present who informed the committee that planning gain on affordable housing is set by the government.
Black bags have been left scattered around in the field behind Drumnoth causing an eyesore
Path from the Tap O Noth car park to the bottom of the hill in need of repair. Mr Pate who owns the land has given his consent for work to go ahead. Estimates to be sought to carry out repairs
Ladies toilet roof is leaking and the ceiling inside the toilet is split
· Dates for Community Council Meetings 2012 Attached
· Armistice Day Service Wreaths to be laid by
· Clatt Paul Manning Gartly Peter Johnston, Kennethmont David Grant, Rhynie George Beverly
· Concern was raised about the removal of G Meds cover in the area letter to George McLean NHS Grampian
· Constitution. The committee decided not to adopt the change proposed in the minutes dated 13th April 2009, as it is not relevant at this time.
· Agenda and minutes will be published in the Tap O Noth Community Council website.
· Paul Manning to meet with representatives of Vattenfall to discuss Community Fund and with Heritage Scotland to confirm the position of the plinth at the top of the Tap O Noth
· Kate Hunter has accepted the post of secretary
Next Meeting
Rhynie School
19th December 2011
- Trees in the Square Rhynie have been trimmed further work will be required.
- Sign at Cottown Junction to be amended to redirect the traffic on the to Clatt
- Flooding at the Phone box and Old Council Sheds Rhynie: Gullies have been cleared and the situation will be monitored
- Potholes on Manse Road leading to the cemetery to be filled
- Stone protruding from the wall at Newseat Cottage Rhynie. Marker has been placed to warn motorists until further investigations are carried out
- Hedge at Creag Bheag Rhynie has been trimmed back
- Letter from Kennethmont Youth Club re funding for qualified instructors to supervise activities
- A2B dial-a –bus service leaflets distributed to Kennethmont councillors
- Review of Polling Stations: No change in Tap O Noth Area
- Local Outdoor Access Forum ( Noted)
- Strategic Development Planning Authority Annual Report ( Noted)
- Letter from David Denoon re trees in The Square Rhynie. Letter to be sent to the council requesting a site visit and meeting with community councillors to discuss the removal of some of the larger trees.
- Letter from Hilary Ridge re Cairnmore Wind farm (Noted)
- Network Rail: Information re erection of three communication masts along the rail line between Insch and Gartly
- Leithhall wind turbines: Letters of concern received from Alexander Forbes and Lachlan Rhodes (Noted)
- Tap O Noth Information Board: A site visit will be carried out by Ancient Monument Department before the information plaque can be placed The access road from the car park to the boundary fence to be repaired
- Rhynie Chert Site Letter received indicating the restrictions to the site ((Noted)
- Concerns were raised about the speed of the traffic on A97 at the Gartly Junction and motors overtaking on the double white line when passengers and children are boarding and alighting from the bus.
- The path needs to be extended from the bridge to the A97 on both sides Fences along this road at both sides of the bridge are in a state of disrepair
- Give Way Sign: The metal on this is rotten and requires replacing
- Request to be sent to Aberdeenshire Council for signs warning of Elderly and Children at both sides of the bus stop and /or barriers at the bus stop.
- Nothing to report
- Cars parked on the A97 south of The Academy of Crystal Healing, South Road Rhynie are causing a hazard. They are also obscuring the view for motorists exiting from Manse Road
- Gate at Essie Churchyard requires painting.
- Verge at the Easaiche Bridge on the A941 has been extended on to the road. by contractors carrying out work for the Scottish Water
- Seat on the A941 Cabrach road near Windyfield road end has been vandalised.