Tap O’ Noth Community Council
Minutes of the meeting held in Gartly Community Hall on 4th April 2011
Present - Mr P Manning (Chairman) Mr T Murray (Secretary) , Mr J Matthews (Vice Chairman), Mr A Rennie, Mr D Grant, Mrs K Hunter, Mr D Connon, Mr J Shanks, Mr G Beverly
In Attendance -, Sgt Binning, Cllr Stroud
1 - Apologies - Cllr Ingleby, Cllr Strathdee, Cllr Ross Mr N Muiry, Mr J Grant, Mrs E Shearer, Mr M Dow,
2 - Minutes of previous meeting
Proposed – Mr D Connon Seconded – Mr D Grant
Sgt Binning told us there was not much to report back on to us this meeting but told us about the mobile police surgeries that were conducted recently, out of the Tap O Noth area Rhynie had 6 visitors, 4 saw it advertised 1 was passing and thought it was a chip van and 1 was just passing, Advice was given out about speeding, children throwing apples and miscellaneous non crime issues. The next Mobile surgeries will be in May then every quarter after that.
Sgt Binning also told us about an online community survey to gauge the thoughts of the communities on the methods of policing and will run till 17th April 2011. It can be found on the forces website on www.grampian.police.uk , everyone is encouraged to give their views and there is only 41 questions but a lot are yes/no answers.
Secretary Thanked Sgt Binning on behalf of community council for helping get the trees at cults and the whins at Duff schools finally cut after lots of emails to the council.
3 - Public Question Time – there were 19 members of public present.
3.1 – Cairnmore Windfarm Extension – Mr G Mackie said he could unfortunately not attend the meeting due to personal circumstances but would attend a future meeting is wanted.
Alex Forbes spoke to the meeting and explained the Rhynie Against Cairnmore Extension position on the application.
30 Residents of the noth community in the group, most are in favour of wind energy, all of them agree that cairnmore is the wrong place for so many large masts; they believe it will damage the landscape beyond recovery, the water supply to 18 houses and 6 farms will be affected. They want assurances their water supply will not be affected.
13 houses will be at risk of unacceptable noise at maximum limit .And they would like further checks to be done before anything is progressed.
3.2 – Bogairdy Gartly – Emma Plumpton
Gave a summary of the letter sent in on behalf of the people against that application, there have been 23 letters of objection all from local residents, there have been no letters of support, the purpose of the application should only benefit individuals not commercial purposes. The visual impact is already seen at glens of foundland and Dummunies and soon to be Clashindarroch, there has been no noise assessment carried out for the site, wildlife will be affected and there has been no consultation with the local residents. Also the photo montages are not adequate for purpose.
Secretary asked, are those letters of objection on the council site now as were not on after the closing date for comments, Emma Plumpton replied there has been a delay but the letters are on now.
A member of the public asked if the community councillors could identify themselves as she was not aware who each one was, The members present did so..
Another question was if the minutes could be somehow available to an email list, the secretary and members said it would be looked in to but once the minutes were published and approved the were on the notice boards in the communities and also on Rhynie online.
Cllr Stroud told us that other community councils publish their minutes before they are approved than at the next meeting amend or if no amendments they approve them, and usually the meeting dates and venues are on the notice boards too. Members agreed to look at this going forward.
The chairman gave out the remaining meeting dates for the rest of the year.
A question from the floor asked how the community council were involved in the planning process and Cllr Stroud explains how the planning process involves the community councils.
The members of the public left to allow the members to consider their position on the applications. The members thanked the Public for attending.
Mr D Grant told the meeting how he and representatives from the other communities had a meeting with Mr Mackie about how the proposed community benefit fund would work and explained the first to benefit would be Rhynie to help get a community hall set up then after that the other communities would benefit. Mr D Grant asked that Gartly should be involved in any fund as it was only to be Rhynie, Kennethmont, Clatt and Lumsden originally.
The members discussed each application and decided what response would be made to the council,
For the Cairnmore application we decided to say,
At a meeting of the community council on the 4th April 2011 we were asked to raise the concerns of around 30 Residents of the noth community, most are in favour of wind energy, all of them agree that cairnmore is the wrong place for so many large masts; they believe it will damage the landscape beyond recovery, the water supply to 18 houses and 6 farms will be affected. They want assurances their water supply will not be affected.
13 houses will be at risk of unacceptable noise at maximum limit .
And they would like further checks to be done before anything is progressed.
The community council feel the water situation needs to be investigated further and resolved before any progress is made and also the noise aspect has to be fully investigated.
Bogairdy Gartly.
We are forwarding concerns raised at our meeting on the 4th April 2011 and feel there needs to be further investigations before progressing the application further, the points raised at our meeting were there have been 23 letters of objection all from local residents, there have been no letters of support, the purpose of the application should only benefit individuals not commercial purposes. The visual impact is already seen at glens of foundland and Dummunies and soon to be Clashindarroch, there has been no noise assessment carried out for the site, wildlife will be affected and there has been no consultation with the local residents. Also the photo montages are not adequate for purpose.
4 - Matters Arising
Clatt – the lay-bys on the suie that have the benches – a fencing contractor is to repair the fences.
Gartly –the road works at culdrain – Mr Singleton did not think it was a council job but if had any information to let him know, The ditches on the back road from the village at the first bench – are to be monitored, And the broom at the sheep pens on the tillathrowie road – roads inspector to have a look at it.
Rhynie – When will main street between the old filling station and the shop be repaired .– it’s in the proposed program of works for 2011/2012 it was at Marr committee for approval and if approved work could start late April 2011, (Secretary to ask if council could reuse the planed surface as in recent trials). The old council shed - Response from council advising the had spoken to the tenant.
Kennethmont – the cemetery wall badly needs repaired – will look to include this in other pointing works in the area but cannot promise as detailed budgets have not been approved yet.
The bridge between Wraes and slack on the Weets road – an advisory sign can be provided by the council (secretary to request the sign)
The salt bin at ward house near and missing one from quarry croft – the salt bins will soon be collected in for the summer, the bin will be replaced for next winter.
The fire hydrants - have been checked in march 2010 and there were no major faults found, mainly replacing markers and plates, they are due to be retested in 2013
5 – Correspondence
5.1 – Gartly Forest Design Plan (Noted)
5.2 – Proposed Joint Meeting of Tap O Noth, Strathbogie & Huntly Community Councils (Reply to email and confirm 25th April as preferred date)
5.3 – Consultation on Proposal to Merge Clatt & Kennethmont Primary Schools (Noted)
5.4 – Aberdeenshire Community Planning Partnership (Noted)
5.5 – Marr area Bus Forum (Noted)
6 - Planning Applications – No comments on the applications
7 - Individual Area Reports
Clatt – Nothing to report
Gartly – Nothing to report
Rhynie – Why is the community Hall not available when the school is closed, the hall should be available all the time (Secretary to enquire)
The road between Milton of Noth and the smithston road was recently resurfaced and all the debris has been put on the verges which is an eyesore also there are several sandbags for signs left at the road sides.
The Cairnmore Windfarm funds, apply for funds by end of April to Mr G Beverly & Mr D Grant in Writing marked Windfarm so it can get to right place.
Kennethmont – Nothing to report
8 - A.O.B
Secretary advised the next meeting would be the AGM and the following community councillors were to stand down for re-election.
Clatt – A Rennie,
Kennethmont – Mr D Grant & Mrs E Shearer,
Rhynie – Mr M Dow & Mrs K Hunter.
Secretary to put notice in paper advising of Vacancies and how to apply, closing date for applications is to be the 14th May 2011.
Next Meeting 16th May
Rannes Hall Kennethmont
Also The AGM