Tap O Noth Community Council AGM
Minutes of Webex remote meeting held on Monday 28th Sept 2020 at 7.30pm
Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), Janice Smith (Secretary/Treasurer), Peter Johnston, Verona Groves, David Grant
In Attendance: Councillors Gwyneth Petrie and John Latham.
Apologies: George Beverly
Minutes of last meeting (27/1/20): Approved: Verona Groves Seconded: David Grant
Treasurer’s Report including the Annual Accounts:
Total balance @ 31st March 2020 was £20,932.87
Accounts were approved by Paul Manning. Seconded by David Grant. Accounts verified by Christina Crawford 30/05/20
Election of Chair: Paul Manning was nominated by Verona Groves and seconded by David Grant.
Election of Vice Chair: George Beverly was nominated by Paul Manning and seconded by David Grant.
Election of Secretary/Treasurer: Janice Smith was nominated by Paul Manning and seconded by Peter Johnston.
Paul Manning checked with Cllrs Latham and Petrie that all elections had been handled appropriately and this was confirmed.
Gartly School: Peter Johnston raised the subject of Gartly School for further discussion. Verona Groves advised for transparency that she worked for the Huntly School cluster and was currently assigned to Gartly School although she was not involved in decision making.
Peter summarised that there had been no information forthcoming about the situation, that the playing fields had not been cut and that there had been no real action for a long time. He stated that immediate action was needed. The Community Council were in full agreement to write to the Head of Education in support of fully reopening Gartly School.
Cllrs Latham and Petrie confirmed that no decision had been made by Councillors regarding Gartly School and that more information may be available at Marr Area Committee on 29th Sept 2020
Village Flowers for 2021: Cllrs Latham and Petrie advised that they would find out what the situation is for 2021. A possible allowance from Aberdeenshire Council may be an acceptable option.
Kennethmont: An additional dog poop bin required for Kennethmont- Janice to organise. Verona to find out and advise where the picnic benches need to be positioned.
Gartly: Possible fly tipping happening near Gartly School- Peter to look into.
Next Meeting to be advised