Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Minutes of meeting held at Clatt Village Hall
Monday 9th December
Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), George Beverly (Vice Chairman), Janice Smith (Secretary/Treasurer), Duncan Connon, Alistair Rennie, Peter Johnston,
Max Wallace, James Matthew.
In Attendance: N/A
Apologies: David Grant, Verona Groves, Cllr Latham.
Minutes of Previous Meeting: Approved: George Beverly. Seconded: Duncan Connon.
Matters Arising:
Gartly School Closure.
Gartly School play and surrounding area has yet to be tidied up and the grass cut. Landscape Services are dealing with this. A further meeting about the school is scheduled for later this month.
Roads Dept Meeting.
Paul attended a meeting with the Roads Dept and went through outstanding issues and raised new issues flagged up by the Community Councillors. Good progress seems to be made. We are now receiving the minutes of this meeting from Wendy McLaren which is being distributed to Community Councillors.
Tap O Noth Community Council Website.
This is still being looked into. Bennachie Community Council website has recently been updated. Janice to make contact with BCC to get contact details regarding web design.
Safe Path to School- Kennethmont.
This is still ongoing. Roads dept has advised that privilege transport would be available as the route to school from the distillery is not safe for walking.
Community Benches.
Foundation Scotland has approved a grant for the cost of 4 community benches- 1 for each of Kennethmont, Rhynie, Gartly and Clatt (£1490.40). One broken bench has been replaced in Rhynie. The others have yet to be allocated.
Clashindarroch 2 Windfarm Meeting Update.
Little additional information is available. Janice reported that she had sent an email asking for further information but had not received a reply.
Letter of concern from Mrs H Ridge regarding planning application APP/2019/2549
Mr & Mrs Ridge attended and spoke at the meeting about their concerns about the planning application which is for the erection of 13 short term letting accommodation units.
The applicant, Mr Duxbury, was also present at the meeting.
There followed a discussion about the lack of detailed information that was available on the Aberdeenshire Council website. Mr Duxbury said that more detailed information had been sent to Aberdeenshire Council but this had not yet been published on the website.
The Community Council discussed the application after the meeting had ended and made the decision not to comment on the application.
Planning Applications: No comment.
Individual Area Reports:
The Cabrach road sign about snow conditions is now missing- to be reported. Water is running from Earlsfield Hill gate which is resulting in sheet ice. (Kennethmont)- to be reported.
Potholes at Kirkney - to be reported.
Potholes at Cattle creep- to be reported.
David passed on the message that Gartly War Memorial has some missing letters. Peter to check this out and report back.
Peter reported some very sad news that Iain Catto from Foundation Scotland had recently passed away.
Police Survey to be completed by Max.
Next Meeting:
Monday 27th January 2020
The Tin Hut Gartly at 7.30pm.