Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Minutes of meeting held at No 14 The Square Rhynie
Monday 28th October 2019
Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), George Beverly (Vice Chairman),Janice Smith (Secretary/ Treasurer), Alistair Rennie, David Grant, Max Wallace, Duncan Connon.
In Attendance: Cllr Latham
Apologies: Peter Johnston; James Matthew, Verona Groves.
Minutes of previous meeting: Approved :David Grant; Seconded: George Beverly.
Matters Arising:
Gartly School Closure.
No further progress reported. The costs of further work to eradicate the contamination will be going before the Area Committee in December for discussion. Rhynie School has undergone some refurbishment to accommodate the additional pupils. It was reported that Janelle Clark (Area Manager) had suggested that there is a possibility that Rhynie Community Centre may be refurbished too.
Community Council representation at meetings with the Roads Dept.
Paul met with Angela Funk from the Roads Dept and reported new issues raised by Community Councillors. He also received updates on existing issues. These meetings have been constructive so far. Janice to send 2020 Community Council meeting dates to Angela once they have been finalised. Future meetings with the Roads Dept to be on Tuesdays.
Tap O Noth Community Council Website.
This is work in progress.
Safe Path to School Kennethmont.
No further progress has been made. The Roads Dept staff originally dealing with this project are no longer with the Roads Dept so Derek Murray will be looking into this from now on. Cllr Latham will be meeting with Derek to see about the possibility of a small pathway being constructed. He has also been in touch with the police to ensure that the speed limit is reviewed once more.
Janice highlighted that funding was available for the Tap O Noth Community Council area. Community Councillors to make the community aware that grants up to £500 were available for community projects.
Community Benches.
The community benches have now been delivered. The broken one in Gartly has been replaced. There is one on Manse Road, Rhynie that will be replaced shortly. One potentially could be located at Tap O Noth on the footpath. George to look into this. The remaining benches will be stored with George in the meantime.
Repairs to wall at Park Lane Gartly.
Repairs have now been started but not completed as of yet.
Clashindarroch 2 windfarm meeting 14/11/19 6.30pm Castle Hotel Huntly (noted)
Planning Applications: No objections.
Individual Area Reports:
Clatt: Nothing new to report.
Kennethmont: Nothing new to report.
Gartly: No representation.
Rhynie: Blocked drain with water running on the road- near Braehead Croft. Paul to report at the next Roads Dept meeting.
Cheque gratefully received for £1685.18 from Friends of Rhynie Medical Practice Equipment Fund. These funds to look after the upkeep of the 4 defibrillators in the Tap O Noth Community Council area.
Next Meeting:
Monday 9th December 2019 at 7.30pm
Clatt Village Hall