Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Minutes of meeting held at Rannes Hall Kennethmont
Monday 16th September 2019
Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), George Beverly (Vice Chairman),Janice Smith (Secretary/ Treasurer), Alistair Rennie, Verona Groves, James Matthew, David Grant, Max Wallace.
In Attendance: Cllrs Latham and Withey
Apologies: Peter Johnston; Duncan Connon
Minutes of 5th August meeting: Approved :James Matthew; Seconded: Verona Groves.
Matters Arising:
Vattenfall’s proposals for Clashindarroch 2 Windfarm project.
Unfortunately a representative was unable to attend the meeting. A new meeting will be arranged shortly.
Gartly School Closure.
An update from Councillors was requested as there has been no communication given to Tap O Noth Community Council despite urgent emails for updates being sent out on a regular basis. Cllr Latham responded that a meeting had been held with parents and that it was purely about education.
This was a meeting which Community Councillors were asked not to attend.
A public meeting with technical officers present has been arranged for 6.30pm on 26th September at Kennethmont School.
Community Council representation at meetings with the Roads Dept.
Unfortunately the meeting could not go ahead due to illness. The next meeting will be 23rd October 2019.
Garden Competition 2019/20
This has been an overall success with some nice gardens in the area. Hopefully there will be more applicants again next year if advertising starts in Feb/March 2020 to promote it. Hopefully the local schools can all be involved as well. The new application form will need to include an updated GDPR clause.
Tap O Noth Community Council Website.
This is work in progress. Verona has looked into the possibilities of a Facebook site but more information is needed. We also need to look into website possibilities and may need advice from website designers. Everyone is in agreement to improve the TONCC website.
Tap O Noth Footpath.
There have been good comments made about the footpath and access has been much improved. A general purpose waste bin has been provided in the car park by Aberdeenshire Council (thanks go to the council for a swift installation)
Aberdeenshire Council Household Waste Collection, disposal of tyres etc.
Concerns have been raised that tyres can no longer be disposed of at the Aberdeenshire Council waste collection sites.
Cllr Latham explained that there were new rules about the disposal of tyres so all Scottish Councils will be gradually stopping taking tyres.
Police report June- August 2019 (noted)
Planning Applications: No objections.
Individual Area Reports:
Clatt: Nothing new to report.
Kennethmont: Nothing new to report.
Gartly: Nothing new to report.
Rhynie: There are a lot of trees overhanging the roadside between the Leslie junction up to Forest Hill cottage on Suie Hill. Also, the gulley at West Lodge Druminnoir needs attention. These need to be reported to the Roads Dept.
Bedding plant orders for next year to be placed by 30th September. Janice to reply regarding the Kennethmont order and will email Eileen and Peter regarding the Clatt and Gartly orders. George has already sent in the order for Rhynie.
An application has been sent in to Foundation Scotland regarding funding for 4 recycled community benches- 1 for each of the 4 areas. Paul reported that on checking the bench at Manse Road, Rhynie it had to be removed as it was in very poor condition.
Safe footpath to school from the distillery to Kennethmont School. This is still under review.
Rhynie meetings will take place in future at No14 The Square Rhynie. The Community Centre is still in need of repair.
Next Meeting:
Monday 28th October 2019 at 7.30pm
No 14 The Square Rhynie.