11 August 2019
Minutes from 5th August 2019

Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting

Minutes of meeting held at The Tin Hut Gartly

Monday 5th August 2019

Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), Janice Smith (Secretary/Treasurer), Alistair Rennie, Peter Johnston, Verona Groves, James Matthew, David Grant.

In Attendance: N/A

Apologies: Max Wallace, George Beverly.

Minutes of AGM: Approved :James Matthew; Seconded: Paul Manning

Minutes of Normal meeting 24th June 2019: Approved: Verona Groves; Seconded: James Matthew.

Matters Arising:
       Community Council Co-option.

Co-option of Duncan Connon onto the Community Council confirmed. Proposed by Alistair Rennie; Seconded by Peter Johnston. All in agreement.

        Gartly School Closure.

No further information has been received. Concerns were raised again about the length of time the school has been closed and the lack of communication.

        Community Council representation at meetings with the Roads Dept.

Paul was unable to attend the last meeting with the Roads Dept. The next meeting will be on 11th September 2019.

        Garden Competition 2019.

Verona reported that Sarah Ramsay (Head Gardener at Leith Hall) had completed the judging of the gardens and had sent in the results. The prizes will be given at Rhynie Gala so there is a need to liaise with Rhynie Gala Committee about this. Verona will send in the details of the prizes and the prize winners.

For the future, Verona suggested that there is a separate garden competition and schools garden competition. There is a need to find more places to advertise the events and leave application forms.

        Tap O Noth Community Council Website.

There was discussion about what the Community Council needs the website to do. Although the website has been improved it is still time consuming reformatting information to go on it. The question of a Community Council Facebook account was raised. Verona will look into this.

        Tap O Noth Footpath.

The footpath has now been completed and fenced off. A refuse bin and dog poop bin should be installed. Janice to contact Aberdeenshire Council.

        Wetlands/Mosswood Update

No further progress so far.

        Aberdeenshire Council Household Waste Collection, disposal of tyres etc.

Concerns have been raised that because tyres can no longer be disposed of at the Aberdeenshire Council waste collection sites there will be more fly tipping occurring. No councillors present to respond.


Supporting communities event Sat 28th Sept Kemnay Village Hall (noted)

Planning Applications: No objections.

Individual Area Reports:


David reported that his grant application to Cairnmore Windfarm for 2 metal silhouettes for the War Memorial in Kennethmont had been successful. £250 will be deposited into the Community Council bank account for this purchase.


No representation.


Nothing new to report.


Nothing new to report.


It was reported that Auchindoir churchyard has had rubbish left in it. This will need to be cleared up.
One community bench has been ordered from Marmax to replace a broken one in Gartly.
Janice to look into the possibility of getting a grant from Foundation Scotland for 4 benches for Gartly, Rhynie, Clatt and Kennethmont. It has been reported that the 2 benches on the road to the cemetery in Rhynie are either damaged or beyond repair. Paul will check this out.

Next Meeting:

Monday 16th September 8pm

Rannes Hall Kennethmont.

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