01 July 2019
Minutes from 24th June 2019

Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting

Minutes of meeting held at Clatt Village Hall

Monday 24th June 2019

Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), George Beverly (Vice Chairman), Janice Smith (Secretary/Treasurer), Alistair Rennie, Peter Johnston, Maxwell Wallace, Verona Groves, James Matthew.

In Attendance: Councillors Gwyneth Petrie and John Latham. Hazel McLaren from Aberdeenshire Council.

Apologies: David Grant.
Minutes of previous meeting: Approved: George Beverly; Seconded:Max Wallace.

Matters Arising:
        Community Council Elections 2019.

After the recent elections there are still 3 vacancies for Rhynie, 1 for Gartly and 1 for Clatt.
Notice to be given of the co option of Duncan Connon as Community Councillor for Clatt at the next Community Council meeting. All Community Councillors in agreement.

        Gartly School Closure.

Cllr Petrie reported that Gartly School is still closed and is expected to remain so until after the October holidays. Work is progressing slowly. A new Head Teacher has now been appointed to start after the summer break.

After discussion, the cost of all the prolonged work at the school was questioned. Cllr Latham advised he would report back on this.

        Community Council representation at meetings with the Roads Dept.

Paul Manning attended the meeting with the Roads Dept to receive updates on outstanding issues and to report any new matters.

The safe footpath to school between the houses near Ardmore Distillery and Kennethmont School is still being discussed but no outcome has been decided. Cllr Latham will continue to pursue.

Loose coping stones at the cul de sac on Park Lane, Gartly to be reported to the Housing Dept. Janice to action this.

Paul will attend the next meeting with the Roads Dept on 31st July 2019.

        Garden Competition 2019.

Verona reported that the posters advertising the event are all out to the schools in the area. The area noticeboards will all have posters put up shortly. The next thing to be looked at will be trophies. The prizes will be awarded at Rhynie Gala.

        Tap O Noth Community Council Website.

Verona will have a look at the website. Colin Mumford has provided some notes/information to help with it.

        Tap O Noth Footpath.

The new footpath will hopefully be completed by the end of the summer. A temporary sign needs to be put up advising the public of this.
The Community Councillors were all in agreement to award a micro grant of £500 towards the costs.

        A96 Duelling East of Huntly to Aberdeen-Community Council Forums.

Max will be going to the meeting and will advise of any updates.

        Vattenfall Clashindarroch Community Fund Representatives.

Peter Johnston and James Matthew will continue to represent Tap O Noth Community Council.

Planning Applications: N/A

Individual Area Reports:


All defibrillators have been confirmed as registered with the Scottish Ambulance Service. Mannequins need to be looked out and delivered to John Drysdale ref Sandpiper Wildcat.


Nothing new to report.


Nothing new to report.


Nothing new to report.


Next Meeting: Monday 5th August 7.30pm

The Tin Hut Gartly.

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