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29 January 2021
Coronavirus: Resources for Mental Health and Wellbeing Support

Below is information compiled by MVA and Midlothian Health and Social Care Partnership


​We are aware that this is a difficult time for everyone, and staff and volunteers may be identifying people whose mental health has been negatively affected by the Covid restrictions.  This email brings together sources of support that are currently available for Midlothian residents.  The information in this email was compiled by MVA and Midlothian Health and Social Care Partnership staff who are part of the local Care for People group.  This is our first draft - I'm sure there are other services that we've missed. If so, please let us know.

We are all living through difficult and unprecedented times and it’s OK not to feel OK; if people are struggling with mental health, there is a range of information and supports that you can link people to.



​If you are supporting individuals who are feeling overwhelmed and need to talk to someone there are a number of sources of support:

Breathing Space 0800 838587 Weekdays  (6pm–2am) Weekends (Fri 6pm to Monday 6am)

Samaritans 116 123 Mon – sun 24 hrs

The Silverline 0800 470 80 90 

You can also find useful information in the MHSCP Emergency Guide EMERGENCY GUIDE



Primary Care - Your GP surgery can help you access a range of supports and professions,  e.g primary care nurses, wellbeing service.

Alzheimer Scotland Midlothian are doing our utmost to continue to support people with dementia, their carers and families at this time and have adapted our services by: Moving many of our physical groups and activities online; Providing extensive information, advice and emotional support by phone and video call to ensure people feel supported and remain connected to Alzheimer Scotland; Increasing the number of staff and volunteers supporting our 24-hour Freephone Dementia Helpline (0800 808 3000), which is a vital link for anyone living with dementia and their families; Linking National Helpline support to appropriate staff in our Midlothian Locality Team:  Dementia Advisor, Michael Huddleston; Carer Project Worker, Jacqui Reade;  Community Activity Organiser, Carol Hamilton; Day Opportunities Organiser, Karen Fernie; Alison Hagarty, Post Diagnostic Support Link Worker; and Creating a Coronavirus Information Hub on our website ALZHEIMERS SCOTLAND with podcasts and leaflets on subjects like stress and distress, eating well and care home guidance.

Bonnyrigg Rose If you or someone you know is struggling, we can offer help through 1-2-1 targeted support & counselling for both adults and children. All information is dealt with confidentiality.  More information here SUPPORT & COUNSELLING â€‹

Health in Mind: â€‹www.health-in-mind.org.uk Health in Mind, continue to provide support and services. The services are working flexibly with people and can offer support in a range of ways. 

Group Support: We are providing a range of groups via secure video links. The groups are open to anyone in Midlothian who is looking to improve their mental health and wellbeing. We also offer groups specifically for men, LGBT community and Polish community. We are also providing an online art therapy group. Some groups require booking in advance and others are drop-in. You can find more information on our website: HEALTH IN MIND GROUP SUPPORT

One to one support: Our one-to-one support provides a safe, confidential space for people who live in Midlothian to access short-term support. It aims to help people feel more resilient, empowered, less isolated, and better able to manage and enhance their mental health and wellbeing. Support is currently accessible by phone and secure video link. For more information email Midlothian@health-in-mind.org.uk or call 077607 53043 Please note, where services cannot be accessed remotely, support can be provided in person on a needs led, risk assessment basis

Midlothian Access Point: Feeling low or stressed about COVID-19 or anything else? Want to make some changes? Midlothian Access Point is now available by phone/video. Talk about how you are feeling and how it is affecting your life. Hear about local services and activities that can help. Learn how you can access the support that will work best for you. Appointments are offered on a first come, first served basis Please note that the Midlothian Access Point is not a crisis or emergency service. WHEN?  Monday mornings from 9:30am Tuesday evenings until 7pm Wednesday afternoons from 1pm TO BOOK AN APPOINTMENT, PLEASE EMAIL YOUR NAME AND CONTACT NUMBER TO: Map@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk 

A member of the team will reply to your email within two working days

Midlothian Wellbeing Service: During the COVID-19 crisis,the service is still there for people. They currently offer remote support for people living with long-term health conditions or facing challenging life situations:

>       Phone-based one-to-one wellbeing coaching

>       Support to develop ‘stay at home well’ plan

>       Online group-based Lifestyle Management courses

>       Online Mindfulness courses

You can ask to be referred to Midlothian Wellbeing Team by your GP or another health professional.

Sight Scotland: Our Family Wellbeing Service offer emotional and practical support to individuals and their families, friends and carers who are affected by sight loss at any age or stage. Helpline 0800 024 8973 www.sightscotland.org.uk/supportline  



Homelink: We are accepting referrals for all services, please email info@homelinkfamilysupport.org for all enquiries. All support is currently online/phone with essential community visits made on a case by case basis. We continue offer family support to households where there is a child under 5. Our school based therapy services are open for referrals where there is a child aged 5-12 years.

MYPAS offers a range of services for young people in Midlothian Including Art Therapy, Counselling, Drugs and Alcohol Support Service, LGBT+ Service and the Young Men’s Mental Health Project. MYPAS also currently delivers a Digital Drop-in for young people 3.30pm-5.30pm every week day for young people aged 12-21 -  chat online with a highly experienced MYPAS worker for information and advice on any issues which are having an impact on health and wellbeing. Details of services and how to access on website:   MYPAS 



Clear Your Head: NHS Scotland website with tips to help you clear your head and connect with others this winter. CLEAR YOUR HEAD

Midspace: If someone is experiencing mental health difficulties visit the site for self management tips, information on local services and support groups and Covid 19 service updates. MIDSPACE WEBSITE

Winter Wellbeing:  It can be a difficult time of year. This year, we also face new challenges, unknowns and stresses over the festive period from coronavirus. That’s why we’re focusing this booklet on the things that we can all do to keep ourselves well this winter. This booklet focuses on the things that we can do to look after ourselves, whether that’s being more mindful, activating our happiness or embracing the benefits of nature. It also includes a range of support and helpful contacts. Download your own copy here– Winter Wellbeing in Midlothian 2020  This booklet was created by Health in Mind and Midlothian Health and Social Care Partnership.

Disabled People: Forward Mid are the representative organization for disabled people in Midlothian.  They say ‘For a number of months, many disabled people will have spent extended periods of time in their home environment shielding or respecting Government advice to stay at home. For many of us this has come at a cost – the deterioration of our health and well-being as a consequence of prolonged isolation particularly those who live alone. If we haven’t already, we must now think about what we can do to preserve our physical and mental health along with that of our families, friends, neighbours and work colleagues over the coming winter months. Forward Mid’s winter newsletter aims to give you helpful and practical advice including:- sources of support, creative ideas for good health and well-being, ideas for staying connected and ways of taking care and looking after yourself and those close to you. We hope you find it useful, and we wish you a healthy safe and enjoyable winter season.’ Please pass this on to anyone who would benefit. FORWARD MID WINTER NEWSLETTER

Age Scotland: Following on from our Around the House in 80 Days (ATH80) movement videos which we've been sharing on the Age Scotland YouTube channel every weekday in November, we are delighted to let you know that the second part of the initiative has been launched. Our ATH80 health and wellbeing friendship circles will run throughout December and January and will support and encourage older people to keep active at the same time as making new connections with others. The circles are small groups that come together weekly over the phone. They are a great way to connect with others and to feel supported and encouraged by our health and wellbeing professionals, Jenny and Yolanda, to stay active. ATH80 CIRCLES



Community Framework Funding Round 2021 now open: As you may already know the Scottish Government has allocated each local authority extra money to support the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people.  The first funds received by Midlothian Council were allocated in November 2020 following a competitive process, and went to a number of organisations working locally to help children and young people as they respond to the current pandemic.

It is now time to open the 2021 funding round which will once again be allocated following a competitive process.  Applications must be completed and submitted by 5.00pm on the 19th February 2021.  They will be reviewed in February/March and funding will be authorised by the Midlothian Children & Young People’s Mental Health Strategic Planning Group in mid-March 2021.  Successful applicants will receive their funds in early April 2021.  Funding is available for up to 1 year.  MORE INFO


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