PHCC Planning Matters
If you wish to comment on planning applications in Midlothian in general, or Poltonhall and Hopefield in particular, you can do so from the online planning section of the Midlothian Council website.
Weekly lists of applications submitted or approved can be found here.
Major Planning Applications
The Community Council is consulted on all major planning applications within Poltonhall and Hopefield. It is important we are passing on the views which are representative of the community.
Hopefield Farm - Phase 1
The major development in the Poltonhall and Hopefield area is the ongoing Hopefield Farm development. Building is being undertaken by Taylor Wimpey on areas C & D at Hopefield Gait, Walker Homes on areas M & N at Hopefield Green, and Stewart Milne Homes on areas K & L at Hopefield View.
Hopefield Farm - Phase 2
This location - BG5 - was one of a number of areas identified in the work being undertaken by Midlothian Council on the Midlothian Local Development Plan. Taylor Wimpey made responses to the Main Issues Report. Copies of the responses can be seen using the following links.
The Links will open a new window on your computer to enable the responses to be downloaded
Appendix 1 - Development Framework
Appendix 2 - Accessibility and Access Appraisal
Appendix 3 - Comparative Assessment