The Lasswade Centre
Page detailing the facilities available, and the Sport & Leisure Activity Timetable, Swimming Pool Timetable & Leisure Centre Prices at the The Lasswade Centre.
Activity Scotland
This link takes you to the website of Activity Scotland which gives details of the many sports activities, with contact details, which take place at The Lasswade Centre.
Active Schools Midlothian
This link take you to the website of Active Midlothian. Active Schools Midlothian is a joint initiative between Midlothian Council and sportscotland. The programme was identified as a key element of the Scottish Executive's drive to get more people in Scotland active, a commitment outlined in the National Physical Activity Strategy.
Links from the Active Midlothian website takes you to the Lasswade Primary Cluster, Lasswade High School and Lasswade Community Sports Hub sections of Active Midlothian
Links open a new window on your computer