Welcome to the Poltonhall and Hopefield Community Council Website.
The website is an online community notice board, and pages are regularly updated to keep residents informed of all the latest Poltonhall and Hopefield news, events and planning applications
Residents should look at the PHCC News page first for the latest updates, which will direct them to the relevant pages as necessary.
Let us have your views on community issues. Get in touch by emailing poltonhallandhopefieldcomcouncil@yahoo.com
If you would like to become a Community Councillor read the 'What We Do' page to find out what’s involved, and get in touch if you wish, to ensure the future of Poltonhall and Hopefield Community Council.
Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, except July, in the Lasswade Centre.
Dates of meetings can be found here