23 November 2018
Minutes from 8th October

Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting

Minutes of Meeting held at Rannes Hall Kennethmont

Monday 8th October 2018

Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), David Grant (Acting Vice Chairman), Janice Smith (Secretary/Treasurer), Colin Mumford, Duncan Connon, George Beverly, Alastair Rennie, Peter Johnston, Maxwell Wallace.

In Attendance: Councillors John Latham & Robbie Withey

1. Apologies: N/A

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting: Approved by George Beverly; Seconded by Colin Mumford.

3. Matters Arising:
      Co-option onto Tap O Noth Community Council.

Janice Smith proposed the co-option of Verona Groves onto the Community Council; seconded by George Beverly. All Community Councillors in agreement.

      Update on Wetlands/Mosswood

No further update so far. Messages have been left with Landscape Services at Aberdeenshire Council but no response back to date.

      Progress ref installing defibrillators

All installed and working.

      Tap O Noth Community Council Website Update

This is now up to date. Links still to be checked. Colin to write instructions of use.

      Provision of Dog Waste bins in Rhynie

Installed and being used. Situation to be monitored.

      Outstanding issues ref Roads Dept

A list of outstanding issues had previously been emailed to Councillor Latham and Angela Funk. Councillor Latham reported back that these had been detailed to the relevant departments for resolution and that he would follow these up.

      GDPR Update

Max has already registered the community council but has not received any paperwork back so far. He has drafted a statement for the website.


Funding is still available. Community Councillors to arrange to advertise on social media etc.

      Order for Bedding Plants for 2019

Rhynie and Gartly orders already in. Everyone informed at Kennethmont. Paul to contact Eileen regarding the Clatt order.

      Update on Supporting Communities Event

Colin Mumford attended the event and the relevant information has been distributed to all. Community Councils are being asked to participate. Peter Johnston proposed Colin Mumford as Tap O Noth Community Council’s Representative; Seconded by George Beverly.

      Shared Ownership Meeting Clashindarroch II Windfarm Update

Peter Johnston attended the meeting. Good practice now means that shared ownership will be offered in addition to the current scheme. Peter reported that there was a lot of discussion but still no firm figures on the table.

4. Correspondence:
      Letter regarding road safety concerns at Clatt

After discussion, Councillor Withey suggested that although only limited resources were available that Clatt be put on the waiting list for a speed checker. This was agreed on.

      Royal Mail Scam Mail (noted)
      Repair of trig point on Tap O Noth: Historic Environment Scotland Email       (noted: awaiting response back from the landowner)

      Community Councillor Contact Details for Aberdeenshire Council

Details completed -to be forwarded to Aberdeenshire Council.

      Clydesdale Bank letter regarding Community Council bank account ( noted)

      Free Listings on New National Platform for Every Community Group and Not for Profit Organisation in Scotland. (noted)

      Proposed Aberdeenshire Strategic Development Plan/Representation (noted)

      Letter regarding safety concerns- Gartly and Rhynie road bridges on A97 (noted and a copy of the letter to be sent to Councillor Latham)

5. Planning Applications: No Objections.

a) Request to speak by Burness Paull Planning Application team on behalf of Mr & Mrs Reid regarding APP/2018/2390

Planning application for the conversion of former Gordon Arms Hotel, Main Street, Rhynie to a single dwelling, including change of use of ground to garden ground and demolition of the former bar/function suite, flat roof extensions and garages and change of use of former car park to garden ground.

The planning team from Burness Paull described the details with regards the above planning application. No objections were raised.

6. Individual Area Reports:


Roadworks reported to be a problem but progress is being made. Colin raised the subject of grit boxes. Councillor Latham reported that the winter strategy was currently under review.

School lights at Rhynie reported as continually flashing. Colin to report this.


Problem regarding flashing lights. Colin to report this along with the problem at Rhynie.


David Grant reported that there has been no support from Aberdeenshire Council or Councillors regarding the project for housing, cemetery car park etc, plus the financial obstacles/burden placed on the project by Aberdeenshire Planners means the whole development looks likely to be shelved at a great loss to the village.

David wishes to stand down as Acting Vice Chairman as this was always intended to be a short term measure. Janice to look into how to progress this.


Peter reported that the entrance to Gartly from the main road to the bridge is badly in need of repair and needs re-tarring.

Discussion regarding wreaths- Councillor Latham to arrange delivery of these with George Beverly- 5 wreaths required.

The subject of village snow wardens was raised. Councillor Latham reported that this was still under review.

Next Meeting:
Monday 19th November 2018 at 7.30pm

immediately following the Training Meeting at 7pm

Rhynie Community Centre

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