

Tap O Noth Community Council
Special Meeting Monday 19th August 7.30pm
Fourteen, The Square, Rhynie

Normal business meeting will follow immediately after.


1. Present
2. Apologies
3. Revised Constitution of Tap O’Noth Community Council
The proposed constitution and standing orders can be seen on the Tap O’Noth
Community Council website or via the following link:

Proposed Constitution 2024

These changes largely relate to the new single election and co-option
arrangements implemented by Aberdeenshire Council.




Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Monday 8th July 2024 at 7.30pm
The Tin Hut, Gartly.

1. Apologies and Declarations of Interest.
2. Minutes of previous meeting.
3. Community Council Constitution changes.
4. Matters arising:
        Kennethmont distillery footpath update
        Roads and Landscape Services Dept updates
        Community Resilience update
        Mains of Rhynie Forestry Proposal
        Microgrant update
        Village defibrillators fundraising
        Mosswood & old playing field at Rhynie
        Clatt School
        Pop Up Bob speeding deterrent
5. Correspondence:
        Community Council Inaugural Meeting Arrangements- Kirsty
        Macleod (Marr Area Office)
6. Planning Applications
7. Individual Area Reports
8. Correen Hills Windfarm Proposal
9. Craig Farm-processing of sand & gravel proposal
10. AOCB

Next Meeting: 19th August 2024 at 7.30pm
Fourteen, The Square, Rhynie.




Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Monday 27th May 2024
The Rannes Hall, Kennethmont
Meeting to be held immediately after the AGM

1. Apologies and Declarations of Interest.
2. Minutes of previous meeting.
3. Matters arising:
       Kennethmont distillery footpath update
       Roads and Landscape Services Dept updates
       Community Resilience update
       Mains of Rhynie Forestry Proposal
       Microgrant update
       Village defibrillators fundraising
       Mosswood & old playing field at Rhynie
       Clatt School
       Pop Up Bob speeding deterrent
4. Correspondence:
       Police Report 01-01-24 to 12-05-24
       Dorenell Extension Wind Farm and Biodiversity Enhancement Plan
5. Planning Applications
6. Individual Area Reports
7. Correen Hills Windfarm Proposal
8. Craig Farm-processing of sand & gravel proposal

Next Meeting: 8th July 2024 at 7.30pm
The Tin Hut, Gartly.



Tap O Noth Community Council AGM
Monday 27th May 2024 at 7.30pm
The Rannes Hall, Kennethmont

Proposal to change the constitution of Tap O'Noth Community Council
The proposed change affects constitution item Appendix 1, item 1.3 Annual
General Meeting, to remove 1.3.1(g) "The election/re-election of any Office
The reason for the change is to fall in line with Aberdeenshire Council's
revised Community Council election processes in which the elections and
subsequent office bearer elections will be held in September.


1. Apologies.
2. Minutes of last AGM

3. Proposal to change the constitution of Tap O’Noth Community council-as
4. Treasurer’s Report including the Annual Accounts.
5. Election of Chair. (If applicable)
6. Election of Vice Chair. (If applicable)
7. Election of Secretary/Treasurer. (If applicable)

Normal Community Council Meeting to follow AGM



Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Monday 15th April 2024
Clatt Village Hall at 7.30pm


1. Apologies and Declarations of Interest.
2. Minutes of previous meeting.
3. Matters arising:
        Kennethmont distillery footpath update
        Roads and Landscape Services Dept updates
        Community Resilience update
        Mains of Rhynie Forestry Proposal
        Microgrant update
        Village defibrillators fundraising and training
        Community Council Elections
        Mosswood & old playing field at Rhynie
4. Correspondence:
        Clatt School community engagement meeting
        Feedback sought on Aberdeenshire Community Resilience
        framework (deadline 3rd May 2024)
        Aberdeenshire LDP evidence report topic papers
        Marr Area Committee grants 2024/25
5. Planning Applications
6. Individual Area Reports
7. Correen Hills Windfarm Proposal:
        Welcome to Mark Worsley of Bennachie Community Council.

Next Meeting: AGM
27th May 2024 at 7.30pm
The Rannes Hall, Kennethmont
Microgrant application/s for consideration privately after close of meeting.




Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting

Monday 4th March 2024

Fourteen, The Square, Rhynie at 7.30pm


1.Apologies and Declarations of Interest.

2. Minutes of previous meeting.
3. Matters arising:

Kennethmont distillery footpath update                                                             Roads and Landscape Services Dept updates                                                    Community Resilience update
Mains of Rhynie Forestry Proposal

 Microgrant update
Correen Hills Windfarm Proposal
Village defibrillators
Community Council Insurance

4. Correspondence:

Marr Community Council Catch Up 13th March 7pm Microsoft Teams

5. Planning Applications

6. Individual Area Reports

7. LDP Local Place Plan Sub Group Report

8.  AOCB

Next Meeting: 15th April 7.30pm

Clatt Village Hall

Microgrant application/s for consideration privately after close of meeting.



Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Monday 22nd January 2024
The Tin Hut, Gartly at 7.30pm

Members of the public are welcome to attend. Requests to speak should be submitted at least 3 days prior to the meeting and will be at the Chairman’s discretion.


1. Apologies and Declarations of Interest.
2. Minutes of previous meeting.
3. Matters arising:
        Kennethmont distillery footpath update
        Roads and Landscape Services Dept updates
        Tap O Noth vegetation cutback
        Community Resilience update
        Mains of Rhynie Forestry Proposal
        LDP Local Place Plan
        Pop up Bob speeding deterrents
        Woodland Trust Free saplings for Kennethmont
        Microgrant update
        Correen Hills Windfarm Proposal
        Community Council meetings
4. Correspondence:
        Email from Hilary English ref Place Planning
        Planning Skills- Appeals Training with the DPEA
        Perennials for Pollinators 2024 1st Feb deadline
        Email from Kirsty Macleod ref Community Council insurance
5. Planning Applications
6. Individual Area Reports


Next Meeting:
4th March 2024 7.30pm
Fourteen, The Square, Rhynie.
Microgrant application/s for consideration privately after close of meeting.



Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Monday 11th December 2023
Zoom Online Meeting at 7.30pm 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 892 7042 2185
Passcode: 008178

For dial in access please : https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kblDv4NS1c

Members of the public are welcome to attend but are kindly asked to remain muted unless invited to speak by the Chair. 
For transparency, please use your own name when joining the meeting.

Requests to speak should be submitted at least 3 days prior to the meeting and will be at the Chairman’s discretion.


1. Apologies and Declarations of Interest.
2. Welcome to Learning Estates representatives from Aberdeenshire Council
3. Minutes of previous meeting.
4. Finance Report.
5. Matters arising:
        Kennethmont distillery footpath update
        Roads and Landscape Services Dept updates
        Tap O Noth vegetation cutback
        Community Resilience update
        Mains of Rhynie Forestry Proposal
        LDP Local Place Plan
        Clatt School
        Rhynie Man
        Pop up Bob speeding deterrents
        Woodland Trust Free saplings for Kennethmont
        Correen Hills Windfarm Proposal
6. Correspondence:
        LDP Evidence Report-Topic papers-Climate Crisis and Digital
        Grants of up to £5000 for Marr Community Projects.
7. Planning Applications
8. Individual Area Reports

Next Meeting:
22nd January 2024 7.30pm at The Tin Hut, Gartly.

Microgrant application/s for consideration privately after close of meeting.


Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Monday 30th October 2023
The Rannes Hall, Kennethmont at 7.30pm

Members of the public are welcome to attend. Requests to speak should be submitted at least 3 days prior to the meeting and will be at the Chairman’s discretion.


1. Apologies and Declarations of Interest.
2. Welcome to Hilary English, Marr Community Planning Officer
3. Minutes of previous meeting.

4. Matters arising:
        Rhynie Community Orchard/Mosswood renovation
        Kennethmont distillery footpath update
        Roads and Landscape Services Dept updates
        Tap O Noth vegetation cutback
        Microgrant Update
        Community Resilience update
        Marr Log Bank
        Mains of Rhynie Forestry Proposal
        Rhynie Man
        LDP Local Place Plan
        Pop up Bob speeding deterrents
        Community Council Long Service Awards
        Community Summer Bedding plants
        Kennethmont football pitch goal posts
        Woodland Trust Free saplings for Kennethmont
        Clatt School
        Online/In person Meetings and 2024 Dates
5. Correspondence:
        New Noth Woodland Creation Consultation
        Aberdeenshire Council’s Networking Event Sat 4th November 2023 at
        Woodhill House, Aberdeen.
        Marr Area Partnership Community Forum
        Correen Hills Wind Farm proposal-scoping consultation
6. Planning Applications
7. Individual Area Reports

Next Meeting:
11th December 2023 at 7.30pm Online (Details to follow)


Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Monday 18th September 2023
Clatt Village Hall at 7.45pm

Members of the public are welcome to attend. Requests to speak should be submitted at least 3 days prior to the meeting and will be at the Chairman’s discretion.


1. Apologies and Declarations of Interest.
2. Chairman’s Briefing
3. Minutes of previous meetings- AGM and normal meeting 26th June 2023
4. Matters arising:
        Rhynie Community Orchard/Mosswood renovation
        Kennethmont distillery footpath update
        Roads and Landscape Services Dept updates
        Tap O Noth vegetation cutback
        Microgrant Update
        Community Resilience update
        Marr Log Bank
        Mains of Rhynie Forestry Proposal
        Rhynie Man
        LDP Local Place Plan
        Pop up Bob speeding deterrents
        Hybrid Meetings
5. Correspondence:
        New Noth Woodland Creation Application
        Notification of sale of property-Black Middens.
        Letter of thanks from Rhynie Gala Committee
        Community Council Long Service Awards
        Dorenell Wind Farm Extension-Cabrach and Glenfiddich Estates-Scoping.
        Community Summer bedding plants 2024
        Red Craig Woodland Creation
        Grampian Community Resilience Conference 2nd October 2023
        Notification of sale of property-Old Noth Quarry.
6. Planning Applications
7. Individual Area Reports

Next Meeting:
30th October 7.30pm
The Rannes Hall, Kennethmont


Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Monday 26th June 2023
The Tin Hut, Gartly at 7.30pm
Agenda (Amended)

1. Apologies and Declarations of Interest.
2. Minutes of previous meeting.
3. Matters arising:
        Rhynie Community Orchard/Mosswood renovation
        Kennethmont distillery footpath update
        Village Noticeboards
        Roads and Landscape Services Dept updates
        Tap O Noth vegetation cutback
        Microgrant Update
        Community Resilience update
        Marr Log Bank
        Mains of Rhynie Forestry Proposal
        Rhynie Man
        Tap O Noth Community Council Elections
        LDP Local Place Plan- Clatt
4. Correspondence:
        Email from Police Sergeant Graeme Allan regarding “Pop up Bob” speeding deterrents.
        Email from Mr & Mrs Reid requesting Community Council consideration to hold hybrid meetings.
        Police Community Council Report 31st January 2023-30th April 2023
        Community Council Induction and Planning Training 13th & 27th Sept 2023
5. Planning Applications
6. Individual Area Reports

Next Meeting:
7th August at 7.30pm
Fourteen, The Square, Rhynie


Tap O Noth Community Council AGM
Monday 26th June 2023 7.30pm
The Tin Hut, Gartly

Normal Community Council Meeting to follow immediately after


1. Apologies.
2. Minutes of last AGM
3. Treasurer’s Report including the Annual Accounts.
4. Election of Chair.
5. Election of Vice Chair.
6. Election of Secretary/Treasurer

Normal Community Council Meeting to follow AGM.


Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Monday 15th May 2023
The Rannes Hall, Kennethmont at 7.30pm

1. Apologies and Declarations of Interest.
2. Minutes of previous meeting.
3. Matters arising:
        Rhynie Community Orchard/Mosswood renovation
        Kennethmont distillery footpath update
        Village Noticeboards
        Roads and Landscape Services Dept updates
        Queen’s Jubilee Trees and Plaques
        Tap O Noth vegetation cutback
        Microgrant Update
        Community Resilience update
        King Charles Commemorative Medals
        Marr Log Bank
        Mains of Rhynie Forestry Proposal
        Rhynie Man
        Tap O Noth Community Council Elections
        LDP Local Place Plan
4. Correspondence:
        Community Group Notice. Former Gartly School-Opportunity for community groups to re-use surplus furniture. Wed 17th May 10-12 2023
        Community Council Catch Up 10th May 2023
5. Planning Applications
6. Individual Area Reports

Next Meeting: AGM & Normal Meeting after
26th June 2023 at 7.30pm
The Tin Hut, Gartly.


Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Monday 3rd April 2023
Clatt Village Hall at 7.30pm


1. Apologies and Declarations of Interest.
2. Minutes of previous meeting.
3. Welcome to Fiona Reid and Piers Blaxter from Aberdeenshire Council
regarding the Local Development Plan.

4. Matters arising:
        Rhynie Community Orchard/Mosswood renovation
        Kennethmont distillery footpath update
        Village Noticeboards
        Roads and Landscape Services Dept updates
        Queen’s Jubilee Trees and Plaques
        Tap O Noth vegetation cutback
        Microgrant Update
        Community Resilience webinar update
        King Charles Commemorative Medals
        Marr Log Bank
        Mains of Rhynie Forestry Proposal
5. Correspondence
        Pictish Scotland story for the Guardian.
        Red Craig & Glen Burn Woodland Creation- Community Consultation
6. Planning Applications
7. Individual Area Reports

Next Meeting:
15th May 2023 at 7.30pm
The Rannes Hall, Kennethmont.


Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Monday 20th February 2023
Fourteen, The Square, Rhynie at 7.30pm


1. Apologies and Declarations of Interest.
2. Minutes of previous meeting.
3. Matters arising:
        Rhynie Community Orchard/Mosswood renovation
        Kennethmont distillery footpath update
        Village Noticeboards
        Roads and Landscape Services Dept updates
        Queen’s Jubilee Trees and Plaques
        Tap O Noth vegetation cutback
        Local Development Plan update
        Microgrant Update
        Community Resilience webinar update
        King Charles Commemorative Medals
        Marr Log Bank
        Defibrillator update
        Mains of Rhynie Forestry Proposal
4. Correspondence
5. Planning Applications
6. Individual Area Reports

Next Meeting:
3rd April 2023 at 7.30pm

Clatt Village Hall




Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Monday 9th January 2023
The Tin Hut, Gartly at 7pm

1. Apologies and Declarations of Interest.
2. Minutes of previous meeting.
3. Matters arising:
        Rhynie Community Orchard/Mosswood renovation and picnic benches
        Kennethmont distillery footpath update
        Village Noticeboards
        Roads and Landscape Services Dept updates
        Additional textile bank for Kennethmont
        Queen’s Jubilee Trees and Plaques
        Tap O Noth vegetation cutback and plans for mirror to address blind spot
        Local Development Plan update
        Microgrant Update
        Community Resilience webinar update
        Marr Log Bank
4. Correspondence
5. Planning Applications
6. Individual Area Reports
7. Mains of Rhynie Forestry Proposal Request to speak by representative from
Treeline Forestry.


Next Meeting:
20th February 2023 at 7.30pm
Fourteen, The Square, Rhynie.



Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Monday 21st November 2022
Rannes Hall, Kennethmont at 7.30pm


1. Apologies and Declarations of Interest.
2. Minutes of previous meeting.
3. Matters arising:
         Rhynie Community Orchard/Mosswood renovation and picnic benches
         Kennethmont distillery footpath update
         Village Noticeboards
         Roads and Landscape Services Dept updates
         Additional textile bank for Kennethmont
         Queen’s Jubilee Trees and Plaques
         Tap O Noth vegetation cutback and plans for mirror to address blind spot
         Hall funding for Tap O Noth Community Council Meetings
         Local Development Plan update
         Microgrant update
         Mains of Rhynie Forestry Proposal
         Community Resilience webinar update
         Marr Log Bank
4. Correspondence:
         Clashindarroch Wind Farm Extension online consultation
5. Planning Applications
6. Individual Area Reports

Next Meeting:
9th January 2023 at 7.30pm
The Tin Hut, Gartly.


Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Monday 10th October 2022
Clatt Village Hall at 7.30pm

1. Apologies and Declarations of Interest.
2. Minutes of previous meeting.
3. Welcome to Stephanie Wilson who has kindly agreed to come and speak
about the Rhynie Seed Library.

4. Matters arising:
        Rhynie Football Pitch/Community Orchard
        Kennethmont distillery footpath update
        Village Noticeboards
        Roads and Landscape Services Dept updates
        Mosswood renovation/tidy up/picnic benches
        Cost and possible grant applications for picnic benches with wheelchair access
        Queen’s Jubilee Trees and Plaques
        Tap O Noth vegetation cutback and plans for mirror to address blind spot
        Hall funding for Tap O Noth Community Council meetings
        Local Development Plan update
        Microgrant update
        Mains of Rhynie Forestry Proposal
5. Correspondence:
        Perennials for Pollinators 2023
        Bedding Plant order for 2023
        Remembrance Sunday-wreath laying ceremonies
6. Planning Applications
7. Individual Area Reports

Next Meeting:
21st November 2022 at 7.30pm
Rannes Hall, Kennethmont.
Microgrant application for consideration after the close of meeting.


Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting
Monday 29th August 2022
Fourteen, The Square, Rhynie at 7.30pm


1. Apologies and Declarations of Interest.

2. Minutes of previous meetings (18th July meeting and Public Meeting)

3. Matters arising:
         Rhynie Football Pitch/Community Orchard
         Kennethmont distillery footpath update
         Village Noticeboards
         Roads and Landscape Services Dept updates
         Poster re Aberdeenshire Council contact phone number for safe disposal of
discarded syringes.
         Mosswood renovation/tidy up/picnic benches
         Queen’s Jubilee Trees and Plaques
         Concerns regarding proposed increase in officer-delegated powers-Aberdeenshire Council Planning delegation report
         Local Development Plan update
         Microgrant update
         Mains of Rhynie Forestry Proposal
4. Correspondence

5. Planning Applications

6. Individual Area Reports


Next Meeting:
10th October 2022 at 7.30pm
Clatt Village Hall
Microgrant application for discussion after the close of the meeting.




Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting

Monday 18th July 2022
The Tin Hut, Gartly at 7.30pm


1. Apologies and Declarations of Interest.

2. Minutes of previous meetings (AGM and Normal Meeting held after it)

3. Matters arising:

       Rhynie Football Pitch/Community Orchard
       Kennethmont distillery footpath update
       Village Noticeboards
       Roads and Landscape Services Dept updates
       Poster re Aberdeenshire Council contact phone number for safe disposal of discarded syringes.
       Mosswood renovation/tidy up
       Queen’s Jubilee Trees and Plaques
       Concerns regarding proposed increase in officer-delegated powers-Aberdeenshire Council Planning delegation report

       Village defibrillators

       Proposed mothballing of Clatt school

       Village Post office concerns
       Census forms

4. Correspondence:

       Mains of Rhynie- Woodland Creation Consultation

       Craig Watch Wind Farm Planning Update

5. Planning Applications

6. Individual Area Reports


Next Meeting:
29th August 2022 at 7.30pm

Fourteen, The Square, Rhynie.

Microgrant applications for discussion after the close of the meeting.



Tap O Noth Community Council AGM

Monday 6th June 2022 7.30pm

The Rannes Hall, Kennethmont

Normal Community Council Meeting to follow immediately after


1. Apologies.

2. Minutes of last AGM

3. Treasurer’s Report including the Annual Accounts.

4. Election of Chair.

5. Election of Vice Chair.

6. Election of Secretary

7. Election of Treasurer

Normal Community Council Meeting to follow AGM.



Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting

Monday 6th June 2022
To be held immediately after the AGM

The Rannes Hall, Kennethmont


1. Apologies and Declarations of Interest.

2. Minutes of previous meeting

3. Matters arising:

      Rhynie Football Pitch/Community Orchard

      Kennethmont distillery footpath update    

      Kennethmont school benches
      Village Noticeboards

      Roads and Landscape Services Dept updates
      Queen’s Jubilee Medals for local schools
      Poster re Aberdeenshire Council contact phone number for safe disposal of

      discarded syringes.
      Mosswood renovation/tidy up
      Greenspace Provision of Perennial Plants
      Queen’s Jubilee Trees and Plaques
      Rhynie Jubilee Celebrations
      Concerns regarding proposed increase in officer-delegated powers-

      Aberdeenshire Council Planning delegation report

      Microgrant update

      Village defibrillators

      Proposed mothballing of Clatt school

4. Correspondence:

      Community grant allocation

      Police Report

5. Planning Applications

6. Individual Area Reports


Next Meeting:
18th July 2022
The Tin Hut, Gartly at 7.30pm



Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting

Monday 20th December 7.30pm


Webex Joining Link 

Or by telephone 020 3478 5289
Meeting number (access code): 2395 277 7010


1. Apologies and Declarations of Interest.

2. Minutes of previous meeting

3. Welcome to Donald Boyd from Huntly and District Development Trust

4. Matters arising:

        Tap O Noth Community Council Website & Facebook/Social Media

        Rhynie Football Pitch/Community Orchard
        Rhynie Youth Club
        Clatt kirkyard wall
        Kennethmont distillery footpath update
        Kennethmont school benches
        Village Noticeboards
        Community Council Connectivity and Communication Pilot
        Gartly School future plans
        Kennethmont speed flashing lights
        Foundation Scotland/Community Council Updates
        Gartly road repairs between the Rhynie Road and the bridge

        Aberdeenshire Council Contact for safe disposal of discarded syringes

        Queen’s Jubilee Medals for local schools
        Planning Application APP/2021/2259:

Application under Section 42 for Formation of Quarry for Extraction and Processing of Hard Rock Including Formation of Bund and Access Without Compliance with Conditions 3 (Noise) and 8 (Blasting) of Planning Permission Reference APP2018/267

5. Correspondence:

        Email regarding concerns about the poor state of the Tap O Noth footpath

6. Planning Applications

7. Individual Area Reports


Next Meeting:
Monday 31st January 2022
The Tin Hut, Gartly
End of public meeting to be followed by private discussion of micro grant applications.


Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting

Monday 8th November 7.30pm

Clatt Village Hall


1. Apologies and Declarations of Interest.

2. Minutes of previous meeting

3. Welcome to Jonathan Christie from the Cabrach Trust

4. Matters arising:

        Tap O Noth Community Council Website & Facebook/Social Media
        Mosswood Area
        Rhynie Youth Club Startup
        Dog attacks Rhynie
        Upkeep of local graveyards
        Clatt kirkyard wall
        Kennethmont distillery footpath update
        Kennethmont school benches
        Village Noticeboards
        Community Council Connectivity and Communication Pilot
        Rhynie Community Hall
        Gartly School future plans
        Kennethmont speed flashing lights

5. Correspondence:

        Police report

6. Planning Applications

7. Individual Area Reports


Next Meeting:
Monday 20th December
Rannes Hall, Kennethmont

End of public meeting to be followed by private discussion of micro grant applications.


Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting

Monday 27th September 7.30pm

No 14, The Square, Rhynie.


1. Apologies and Declarations of Interest.

2. Minutes of previous meeting

3. Matters arising:

Community Councillor Contact Details
Foundation Scotland Microgrant Scheme
Tap O Noth Community Council Website & Facebook/Social Media
Mosswood Area
Community Council Meeting Dates

4. Correspondence:

5. Planning Applications

6. Individual Area Reports



Next Meeting:
Monday 8th November
No 14 The Square Rhynie 7.30pm


Tap O Noth Community Council

Special Meeting 12th April 2021 7.30pm

via Webex meetings


1. Present

2. Apologies

3. Amendment to Tap O Noth Community Council Constitution- discussion/ adoption.

Removal of clause for discussion:

3.6 The allocation of Community Councillors between the areas within the Community Area shall be as follows:

Clatt 3 Kennethmont 3 Rhynie 5 Gartly 3

It is the aim of the Community Council that at the time of an election that the vacancies from each settlement are filled. For each vacancy in a settlement, the candidates that are resident in that settlement will be given priority over other candidates from the wider Community Council area.



Tap O Noth Community Council AGM

Monday 28th September 2020 7.30pm

Remote meeting via Webex Meetings


1. Apologies.

2. Minutes of last meeting

3. Treasurer’s Report including the Annual Accounts.

4. Election of Chair.

5. Election of Vice Chair.

6. Election of Treasurer.

7. Election of Secretary.


Meeting Cancelled: Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting

Monday 16th March 8pm 

Rannes Hall Kennethmont


1. Apologies and Declarations of Interest.

2. Minutes of previous meeting

3. Welcome to Donald Boyd of HDDT

4. Matters arising:

        Gartly School Closure

        Community Council meeting with the Roads Dept March 2020

        Tap O Noth Community Council Website
        Safe path to school Kennethmont
        Garden Competition & School Garden Competition 2020

        Bedding plants 2020

5. Correspondence:

        Aberdeenshire Council Housing regarding houses in the area lying empty.

        Insurance Renewal- Zurich.
        Countryside Clean up- Margaret Ferguson.

6. Planning Applications

7. Individual Area Reports


Next Meeting: Monday 4th May
No 14 The Square Rhynie 7.30pm


Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting

Monday 27th January 2020 7.30pm

The Tin Hut Gartly


1. Apologies and declarations of interest

2. Minutes of previous meeting

3. Matters arising: 

        Gartly School Closure

        Community Council meeting with the Roads Dept Jan 2020

        Tap O Noth Community Council Website
        Safe path to school Kennethmont
        Garden Competition & School Garden Competition 2020

4. Correspondence:

        Letter of thanks from Tap O Noth Trampers re Microgrant.

        Community Council Police Report December 2019

5. Planning Applications

6. Individual Area Reports


Next Meeting:
8pm 16th March 2020

Rannes Hall Kennethmont



Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting

Monday 9th December 2019 7.30pm

Clatt Village Hall


1. Apologies and declarations of interest

2. Minutes of previous meeting

3. Matters arising: 
        Gartly School Closure

        Community Council meeting with the Roads Dept Dec 2019

        Tap O Noth Community Council Website

        Safe path to school Kennethmont

        Community Benches
        Clashindarroch 2 Windfarm meeting update

4. Correspondence:

        Letter of concern from Mrs H Ridge regarding planning application APP/2019/2549

5. Planning Applications

6. Individual Area Reports


Next Meeting:

Monday 27th January 2020

The Tin Hut Gartly 7.30pm


Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting

Monday 28th October 2019 7.30pm

No 14 The Square Rhynie


1. Apologies and declarations of interest

2. Minutes of previous meeting

3. Matters arising: 

Gartly School Closure

        Community Council meeting with the Roads Dept 23rd October 2019

        Tap O Noth Community Council Website Safe path to school Kennethmont                  

        Community Benches

        Repairs to wall at Park Lane Gartly

4. Correspondence:

        Clashindarroch 2 Windfarm project meeting 14th Nov 6.30pm Castle Hotel Huntly

5. Planning Applications

6. Individual Area Reports


Next Meeting:
Monday 9th December 2019 7.30pm

Clatt Village Hall


Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting

Monday 16th September 2019 8pm

Rannes Hall Kennethmont


1. Apologies and declarations of interest

2. Minutes of previous meeting

3. Matters arising:

        Vattenfall’s proposals for Clashindarroch 2 Windfarm project

        Gartly School Closure

        Community Council meeting with the Roads Dept 11th Sept 2019

        Garden Competition 2019/20

        Tap O Noth Community Council Website

        Tap O Noth Footpath

        Aberdeenshire Council Household waste collection, disposal of tyres etc

4. Correspondence:

        Police Report June- August 2019

5. Planning Applications

6. Individual Area Reports


Next Meeting:
Monday 28th October 2019 7.30pm

Rhynie Community Centre


Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting Agenda

Monday 5th August 2019
The Tin Hut Gartly 7.30pm

1. Apologies and declarations of interest
2. Minutes of AGM and ordinary meeting 24th June 2019.

3.Matters arising:

        Community Council Co-Option
        Gartly School Closure
        Community Council representation at meetings with the Roads Dept.

        Garden Competition 2019
        Tap O Noth Community Council Website
        Tap O Noth Footpath
        Wetlands/Mosswood update
        Aberdeenshire Council Household waste collection, disposal of tyres etc


        Supporting Communities event Sat 28th Sept Kemnay Village Hall

5. Planning Applications

6. Individual Area Reports


Next Meeting:

Monday 16th Sept at 8pm

Rannes Hall Kennethmont.


Tap O Noth Community Council AGM

Monday 24th June 2019 7.30pm

Clatt Village Hall

Normal Community Council Meeting to follow immediately after



2. Minutes of last AGM

3. Treasurer’s Report including the Annual Accounts.

4. Election of Chair.

5. Election of Vice Chair.

6. Election of Treasurer.

7. Election of Secretary.

Normal Community Council Meeting to follow AGM.


Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting

Monday 24th June 2019
Clatt Village Hall

1. Apologies and declarations of interest

2. Minutes of meeting held on 13th May 2019

3. Matters arising:

        Community Council Elections 2019
        Gartly School Closure
        Community Council representation at meetings with the Roads Dept.

        Garden Competition 2019
        Tap O Noth Community Council Website
        Tap O Noth Footpath

4. Correspondence:

        A96 Dualling East of Huntly to Aberdeen -Community Council Forums

        Vattenfall Clashindarroch Community Fund Representatives

5. Planning Applications

6. Individual Area Reports


Next Meeting:

Monday 5th August 7.30pm

Tin Hut Gartly.


Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting

Monday 13th May 2019 7.30pm
No 14 The Square Rhynie


1.Apologies and Declarations of Interests

2.Minutes of previous meeting

3.Matters Arising:

        Gartly School Closure

        Light Touch Review- Community Council Scheme of Establishment

        Community Council Elections 2019

        Community Council Insurance

        Community Run Toilets-Rhynie

        Community Council representation at monthly meetings with the Roads Dept.

        Safe pathway to Kennethmont School from houses near Ardmore Distillery/ review of speed limit

        Garden Competition 2019
        Tap O Noth Community Council Website

        Tap O Noth footpath


        Environmental Health’s response regarding Corvids at Essie Rd, Rhynie

5.Planning Applications

6.Individual Area Reports


Next Meeting:

AGM Monday 24th June 2019 at 7.30pm

Clatt Village Hall



Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting

Monday 1st April 2019 at 8pm

Rannes Hall Kennethmont


1. Apologies and Declarations of Interests

2. Minutes of previous meeting
3. Matters Arising:

          Defibrillator equipment ref donation to Sandpiper Wildcat

          Community Council Elections 2019
          Tap O Noth Community Council Website

          Community Council representation at monthly meetings with the Roads Dept.

          Safe pathway to Kennethmont School from houses near Ardmore Distillery/    review of speed limit

          Gartly School progress and defibrillator access

          Garden Competition 2019
          Tap O Noth footpath


          Graveyard at Essie, Rhynie regarding rabbit damage.

          Community Council Insurance

5. Planning Applications

6.  Individual Area Reports

7.  AOCB

Next Meeting:

Monday 13th May 2019 at 7.30pm

Rhynie Community Centre 


Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting

Monday 18th February 2019 at 7.30pm

Tin Hut Gartly


1. Apologies and Declarations of Interests

2. Minutes of previous meeting

3. Matters Arising:

          Proposed changes/cuts to Alford-Huntly bus service (231)

          Tap O Noth Community Council Website: Community Council volunteer required    to keep it updated.

          Community Council representation at monthly meetings with the Roads Dept.

          Safe pathway to Kennethmont School from houses near Ardmore Distillery/ review of speed limit

          Defibrillator equipment ref donation to Sandpiper Wildcat

          Garden Competition 2019
          Snow warden scheme
          Update on Wetlands/Mosswood

4. Correspondence

5. Planning Applications

6. Individual Area Reports


Next Meeting:

Monday 1st April 2019 at 8pm

Rannes Hall Kennethmont 


Tap O Noth Community Council Special Meeting
Monday 21st January 2019 7.30pm

Clatt Village Hall


1.    Apologies

2.    Working relationship between the Community Council and Aberdeenshire Council:

We are advised that response times for Councillors is 14 days, does this also apply to Aberdeenshire Council Depts.  Advice required.

3.    Roads Dept Issues:

a) Current outstanding long term issues as per the list supplied previously to Councillor Latham and Angela Funk.

b) New (re-occurring) items:
Safe path to Kennethmont School from houses near the distillery.

Review of speed limit at the distillery, Kennethmont.

4.    Snow Warden Scheme

5.    AOCB

Next Meeting:

Monday 18th February 2019 at 7.30pm

Tin Hut Gartly 


Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting

Monday 7th January 2019 7.30pm

Clatt Village Hall


1.   Apologies and Declarations of Interests

2.   Minutes of previous meeting

3.   Matters Arising:

            Microgrant Awards

            Update on Wetlands/Mosswood

            Tap O Noth Community Council Website Update

            Outstanding issues ref Roads Dept- potholes, overgrown hedges

            Defibrillator equipment ref donation to Sandpiper Wildcat

4.    Correspondence

            Email detailing concerns over the lack of provision of a safe pathway to              Kennethmont School from houses near Ardmore Distillery.

5.     Planning Applications

6.     Individual Area Reports

7.     AOCB

Next Meeting: Special Meeting

Monday 21st January 2019 at 7.30pm

Clatt Village Hall



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