Micro-Grants Scheme
Tap O Noth Community Council receives an award from Clashindarroch Wind Farm Community Fund and are now in the position to offer small grants (maximum £500) to groups and individuals in the parishes of Clatt, Kennethmont, Gartly and Rhynie
Applications can be made by letter or by completing the attached form
Please return completed applications to:
Tryphaena Jordan
Windyfield Croft
AB54 4HE
or by email to
Tap O Noth Community Council
Micro-Grants Application Form
(Up to £500)
Name of group or individual applying:
Main contact:
Telephone: (main)
About you and / or your organisation:
Where does your group operate?
Are you a constituted group? Y / N
If you are not a constituted group please explain who is involved in the group and what has brought you together?
Please provide details of your project – what activities will you carry out, who are the beneficiaries? How will the community benefit from an award?
How much are you requesting? (Up to £500)
What will the small grant be used to pay for? (Please provide a cost breakdown)
If your application is successful who should the cheque be made out to
We are required to report who receives these microgrants.
Do you give permission for us to
Publish your/your groups name and details of award?
Declaration: I certify that the information contained in this application is correct, and that I am authorised to make the application on behalf of the above group / individual.
Name (please print):