06 January 2018
Minutes from 18th December 2017

Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting

Minutes of meeting held at Community Centre Rhynie

Monday 18th December 2017

Present:  Paul Manning (Chairman), James Matthew (Vice Chairman), Maxwell Wallace,  Duncan Connon, Alastair Rennie, George Beverly, George McIntosh, Colin Mumford,  David Grant, Peter Johnston, John Drysdale, Janice Smith (Secretary).

In Attendance:  Councillor John Latham

Apologies: N/A

Minutes of Previous Meeting: Approved by James Matthew; Seconded by David Grant.

Police Report: No police presence. Police Scotland working group now in place.

Matters Arising:

    Local Development Plan 2021:

Ailsa Anderson, Senior Planner within the local development plan team attended the meeting to discuss the next plan (2021). This was an introductory meeting to engage with the community. Community councils will be contacted three times with the draft plan expected in November 2018.

The plans for Clatt, Gartly, Kennethmont and Rhynie were discussed. In all areas there was potential seen for some housing development. Lack of sewage facilities have been recognised for the areas. The point was made that building development in Kennethmont was being held up by the lack of implementation of additional sewage facilities. 

Other issues raised were the lack of parking at the school in Gartly and the need for drainage of the football field in Rhynie. 

These issues will be taken on board by the local development plan team.

Further information will be fed back to the community council by the local development plan team with the next meeting expected in February 2018. 

    Roads’ gritting policy and A97 Road Traffic Accidents update:

No update so far. 


    Grant application for defibrillators:

Consultation now necessary with BHF before further progress can be made.

Finance Report:

Business account:    £5104.60

Mosswood account: £4991.76

Investment account: £7676.46

Balance of £17,772.82


  • Scottish Flood Forum-community networking events and film (noted)
  • Aberdeenshire Council fees survey (noted)
  • Rhynie Community Hall- no update so far.
  • A96 East of Huntly to Aberdeen Community Council Forum:

Max attended the meeting. No official plans so far. The next meeting will be       November 2018 with suggested routes going out for public consultation. Expected to finalise the route in 2020.

  • Changes at Rhynie Medical Practice (noted)
  • Police Scotland Working Group

Max represented the Community Council at the meeting. The Police Scotland working group is intended to be a short term group. A questionnaire will be sent out for completion as to how we want to be contacted and reporting back etc. Max will then consolidate the responses.

  • Aberdeenshire Sports Council awards evening (noted)
  • Auchindoir, Kearn and Rhynie community turbine fund (noted)
  • Marr Area committee budget (noted)
  • Natasha Pawlukiewicz- various (noted)

Planning applications: No comment

Individual Area Reports:

Gartly: Nothing new to report- still issues with potholes and roads not being gritted


Still issues with potholes and overgrown hedges.

Grit and grit bins (ref Manse Road, Rhynie)

Cardboard recycling issues- John Latham to follow up.

Caravans still in the business park- John Latham to follow up.


Nothing new to report


Nothing new but still issues with pothole at Ardlair and overgrown vegetation at Pinetree Howe. Janice to follow up.

Public Question Time: 



Gulley emptying raised as something that has not been happening although reported on several occasions. John Latham to look into.


Next Meeting:

 Monday 29th January 2018 at 7.30pm

Clatt Village Hall

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