10 October 2017
Minutes from 25th September 2017

Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting

Minutes of meeting held at Tin Hut Gartly

Monday 25th September 2017

Present:  George Beverly (Acting Chairman), Maxwell Wallace, Alistair Rennie, Duncan Connon, Peter Johnston, John Drysdale, Janice Smith (Secretary)

In Attendance:  Councillor John Latham, Councillor Robbie Withey

Apologies: Paul Manning, George McIntosh, David Grant, Colin Mumford

Minutes of Previous Meeting: Approved by Peter Johnston; Seconded by Alistair Rennie.

Police Report: No police presence but report for August emailed in.

Matters Arising:

The grant application is in for the defibrillators. The panel meets next on 30th October 2017.

Rhynie Post Office: The response from the post office states that the service has fallen short of the standards expected from post office branches. The staffing issues have now been resolved and services should run as normal. 

Finance Report:

Business account: £5198.69

Mosswood account: £4991.76

Investment account: £7675.43

Balance of £17,865.88


  • Scottish Natural Heritage ref Rhynie Chert SSSI (noted)
  • Natasha Pawlukiewicz- various (noted)
  • Remembrance Day Wreaths. These will be delivered by Councillor Latham to George Beverly as usual. Who will be laying the wreaths is yet to be finalised.
  • Road closure notice Gartly (noted)
  • Huntly Community Sensory Garden Opening ( noted)
  • Community Council Insurance: changes to the way this will be dealt with (noted)
  • Bedding plants for 2018: Deadline approaching for placing orders. Kate Hunter has ordered for Rhynie. John Drysdale and David Grant to order for Kennethmont, Peter Johnston to order for Gartly and Eileen Burton to order for Clatt.
  • Community Council Event (noted)
  • Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils Draft (noted)
  • Consultation launched on building Scotland’s low emission zones (noted)


Planning applications: No comment.


Individual Area Reports:


  • The hedge at Bridgend has only been partially trimmed back. Councillor Latham will help investigate to resolve.


  • Visibility problems at Mill O Noth bridge. Max has contacted the council ref possible suitable signage or other possible resolutions but the appropriate person has been on holiday so no resolution as of yet.
  • Concerns raised over caravans left at the Business Park in Rhynie. The situation will be monitored. Councillor Latham is also looking into this.


  • David Grant has now been asked to contact Scottish Water directly about the sewage needs for the new housing planned for Kennethmont. At present the sewage system needs to be upgraded and this is holding back the planned work. There may be more information for the next meeting.
  • Pothole at Ardlair in the process of being repaired. 
  • Overhanging trees at Pine Tree Howe reported- awaiting outcome.


  • No new issues to report

Public Question Time: Nothing to report.


  • Discussion about the handling of reporting potholes, overgrown hedges etc to the roads department. In the first instance area councillors to report the faults to the roads department by way of the online tool or by phone and get a case number. Janice can then chase up any outstanding issues on a regular basis.
  • Concerns were raised that there have been several recent road traffic accidents on the A97 North of Culdrain- 3 in the last few weeks. This needs to be flagged up with the roads department. 
  • Concerns were raised as to the gritting policy of the roads department for the coming winter. 
  • Shared ownership meeting- Clashindarroch 11 Wind Farm- Peter Johnston and Janice Smith to attend.
  • Rhynie Wetlands Meeting: ongoing

Next Meeting Monday 6th November 2017 at 8pm

Rannes Hall, Kennethmont.

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