07 January 2015

Minutes of meeting held at

The Tin Hut Gartly

On Monday 22nd December 2014


Present: Paul Manning (Chairman) James Matthew (Vice chairman) Alistair Rennie Peter Johnston David Grant Colin Mumford Kate Hunter (Secretary)

In Attendance: Councillor John Latham

Apologies: George Beverly George McIntosh Duncan Connon Lynne Staples-Scott Neil Muiry

Minutes of Previous Meeting:

Approved by James Matthew

Seconded by Colin Mumford

Police Report

Since the previous meeting there has only been one crime reported in the area where some glass in a greenhouse was damaged.  It is not known how this occurred but it is believed that someone caused the damage maliciously.

There has been 10 reported car crashes on the A97 since the meeting in November and a combination of the poor weather and mud on the road have been contributing factors towards some of these.  There has been signage placed to warn of the possibility of mud on the road at the affected areas and we would like to remind everyone to take extra care on the roads at this time of year.

Issues raised regarding speeding in Rhynie and patrols are continuing in the area with speed checks when possible.

The light shining from Milton o' Noth does not constitute a criminal offence but I will confirm with the previous Officers that the owner has been spoken to with the concerns.

The nationwide alcohol drink drive limit has recently been reduced with extensive media coverage.  Police Scotland has been undertaking stop checks on numerous vehicles throughout Scotland in an effort to spread this message.


The following issues were raised by members

1. Roadwork signs not being removed when work has been completed

2. Why sometimes no one is available at Huntly Police Station to answer the door during office hours

3 Use of personal breathalysers

Matters Arising:

  • Planning Guideline document will be placed on the Tap O Noth Community Council website along with links to Aberdeenshire Council planning advice
  • Weets Road Bus Shelter: Councillor Ross to speak to Ralph Singleton
  • WW1 Medals Peter to check with Gartly school if they have a spare medal as we require one for a new pupil at Kennethmont school

Finance Report:

Business Account: £6101.24

Legacy/ Mosswoods Account: £4825.14

Investment Account: £7614.99


  • Natasha Pawlukeiewicz Marr Development Officer Various (noted)
  • Clashindarroch Community Fund: Members agreed that £500 should be the ceiling for the fund to be administered by the Community Council Secretary will advise Foundation Scotland of the decision
  • Gordon Schools Health Hub: Application for help to fund a room in the Gordon Schools to provide a safe haven for vulnerable pupils and to allow them to access advice on drugs, alcohol and sexual health etc

      The members thought this a good idea and suggested that the applican  could approach other Community Councils in the area to ask ifthey would also contribute towards this worthwhile cause Final decision to be  made at the next meeting. Applicant informed and will report back

  • Karen Macvey Community Council E-Learning       Registration spreadsheet has been completed and returned
  • Glens Wind Farm Trust: Peter Johnston will represent Tap O Noth Community Council
  • Gartly Vacancy:  Andrew Stuart made an enquiry regarding the Gartly vacancy. Gartly members were made aware that Andrew may approach them regarding this
  • Thank you letter from Donald Boyd for supporting their bid to the Sustainable Community Sports Fund Their application was successful and they have up to £25,000 available to spend on financing development work on an overall Sports Vision and Community Sports Hub for the AB54 Community

Planning Applications: Cairnmore Solar Arrays noted


Individual Area Reports


1.Potholes on the carriageway from Richmond Court to Noth Parish Church The Square Rhynie

2. 20mph school warning lights at Rhynie Primary School are flashing continuously

3. Pavements at Essie Crescent and at the cul de sac off the A941 leading to Headlands, Kenlea, The Bungalow and Cosyneuk are not being gritted.


1.Potholes on the carriageway on the U72S at Kirkney Gartly

2. Broken drain on the C79S near Westseat Gartly

3. Blocked drain on the A97 near the Gartly bus shelter


1.Potholes on the carriageway C75S at West Lodge

2 Blocked drain at on the U745 C56S near Hillhead Clatt


  • WW1 Commemorative Trip:

Two inquiries have been received from boys interested in the commemorative trip      

The secretary spoke to Mr Davidson history teacher at the Gordon Schools and he passed on details of the trip to Sibylle Mcleod who is arranging a similar trip for pupils from the Gordon Schools 5th– 11th June. She suggested two pupils who may wish to take up the offer of sponsorship and said they would be willing to arrange for other interested parties to join the school trip, after discussion David said he wished to speak to someone from Kennethmont who had expressed an interest but had not yet applied. Final arrangements will be made at the next meeting

· 306 Bus Service

This service will cease on the 16th August 2015 due to insufficient use and overall cost an A to B dial a bus will replace this service and details will be announced in the New Year

Next Meeting

Rannes Hall Kennethmont

Monday 2nd February









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