02 November 2014

Minutes of meeting held at

Rhynie Community Centre

On Monday 29th September 2014

Councillor Joanna Strathdee presented trophies to winners of the Garden Competition before the meeting commenced.


Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), James Matthew (Vice Chairman), Lynne Staples-Scott, David Grant, Neil Muiry, George McIntosh, Colin Mumford, Peter Johnston, Alistair Rennie. Duncan Connon, Kate Hunter (Secretary)

In Attendance: Councillor Joanna Strathdee

Apologies: George Beverly, Councillor Moira Ingleby and Councillor John Latham

Minutes of Previous Meeting:

Proposed by David Grant

Seconded by Alistair Rennie

Matters Arising:

  • Planning Application Check List

Colin brought his draft guidelines to the meeting and the committee agreed to adopt this but with a few minor changes.

Colin will make the necessary adjustments and bring them to the next meeting for approval. We were advised by Councillor Strathdee to ask Marr Area Manager Janelle Clark to approve them before publishing.

We would then ask members of the public who wish to make a representation to complete the form and return to the Community Council so that we are all familiar with the reasons for or against The form will be made available on the website

Clare Newman and Emma Plumpton advised of this.

  • Destruction of Roadside Reflectors. Councillor Ross raised this with Iain Welsh who will speak to his colleagues in Landscape Services and Roads to see how best to prevent this happening in the future
  • Roadside Boulders at Suie Summit: Councillor Ross contacted Ralph Singleton outlining the dangers these boulders cause during the winter months when they are covered by snow and suggested that the boulders could be replaced with reflective markers. (Awaiting reply from Ralph Singleton)
  • Reply from Councillor Latham regarding Rhynie cemetery wall: The prohibitive cost of repairs is due not only to the length but the depth of the wall which is in effect a retaining wall 
  • Town taxis reluctant to go into rural roads: Councillor Latham spoke to Legal Services who handle licensing and was informed that it would have to be a substantially deep scratch along the length of the vehicle or damage bodywork had sustained from hitting a deer badger or similar to fail

Further information can be found on the Aberdeenshire Council website

under Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982

Licensing of Taxis and Private Hire Cars booklet

Police Report:

A reminder of our priority crimes:



Theft by Housebreaking

Theft of Motor Vehicles

Domestic crimes

Hate crimes


Over the last month there has been a very small number of crimes reported to the Police within the Tap O' Noth Community Council area, all of minor nature. There has been no serious acquisitive crime.

Speed checks are continuing to be carried out in order to discourage drivers from speeding through the town.

Two issues were brought to the attention of the Officers:

Speeding near Kennethmont School and car parking at Merlebank/ Hamilton Hall Kennethmont

Finance Report:

Business Account;                     £6715.55

Legacy/ Mosswoods Account:   £4830.14

Investment Account:                £7614.99


  • Rhynie Clatt and Lumsden Oil Club- a meeting was held on Thursday 25th September aimed at reducing oil bills for local residents. Aberdeenshire Council set this up in conjunction with Highland Fuels and NESCU
  • Planning Aid Scotland: Two councillors have registered to attend this workshop
  • Huntly Development Trust AGM Tuesday 30th September
  • Leader Programme a representative from Marr area will sit on this committee, which delivers support for rural development through implementing Local Development Strategies.
  • Supporting Communities Event (noted)
  • Oliver Giles Room to Roam Green Travel Hub Project Manager - setting up a Huntly and District Car Club will be invited to the next meeting.

In the meantime an online survey can be completed on www.surveymonkey.com/c/huntlycc

  • Model Scheme of Establishment for Community Councils This was discussed and the committee decided that the area and numbers of councillors should stay the same
  • B9002 road closure from junction at A97 to Sled Bridge Gartly commencing 27th October for two weeks.

Planning Applications: No comments

Individual Area Reports


  • Hedges at Kirkton Clatt
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award - Councillor Strathdee will find out who organises the activities as youngsters have been camping on land in the Clatt area without the farmers permission

Gartly: No Issues


  • Bench at the bus stop has not been replaced - contact Sandy Grant
  • Auldtown Wardhouse Parents are enquiring if the council will make a hard standing area for children waiting for the school bus (information only)


  • Flashing 20mph school signs at the Square are flashing out with the normal times

Public Question Time:

  • Mr and Mrs Reid commented that the secretary had omitted to minute that during the discussion regarding the planning application guidelines Peter had commented that the committee had dismissed the concerns raised by a member of the public who had come along to an earlier meeting to express her objections regarding an application for more wind turbines in the area.


  • Commemorating WW1:

  Three schools have replied and wish to participate.

  Peter will speak to the Head teacher at Gartly School

  35mm Stamped Coin WW1 Soldier Design Antique Finish and wallet will be ordered

The area councillors will present them to the pupils during armistice week.

  • WW1 Commemorative Trip:

The Community Council would like to sponsor four young people from

the Parishes of Clatt, Gartly, Kennethmont and Rhynie on a four-day visit to  Bruges, Ypres and the battlefields to mark the 100th anniversary of WW1

 Fares and accommodation along with a two day guided tour would be included in the sponsorship, which would take place in June or October 2015

Anyone 25years and under who are interested or would like further information should make inquires by letter to the secretary.

Under 18’s would have to be accompanied by a parent/guardian

Secretary will contact Pat Scott asking if she can include an article in the Huntly Express

Gardening Competition: Vouchers will be purchased for the judges

Armistice Sunday 9th November wreath laying

 Clatt: Duncan Connon

Gartly: Peter Johnston

Kennethmont: James Grant/ David Grant

Rhynie: Sandy Forbes

Vattenfall Clashindarroch Community Fund Memorandum of Understanding

Peter gave each member a copy to read before the next meeting and if members approve he can then get it signed off

Next Meeting

Clatt Village Hall

Monday 10th November  2014









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