10 November 2021
Minutes from 27th September 2021

Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting

Minutes of meeting at Number 14, The Square, Rhynie

Monday 27th September 2021 at 7.30pm

(remote access trialled)

Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), Janice Smith (Secretary/Treasurer), Peter Johnston, David Grant, Sharon Stoneman, Vicky Briggs, James Grant, Morven Muirden, Tony Smith, George Beverly (online)

In Attendance: Cllrs Latham and Petrie ( both online)
Apologies: Cllr Ingleby, Diane Ord
Minutes of Previous Meeting: Approved: James Grant; Seconded: Tony Smith.

Matters Arising:


The Community Council insurance has been re-established with Zurich. Discussion followed about the possibility of additional cover being required against legal action against the Community Council and/or individual Community Councillors. Janice to contact Zurich to make enquiries. Another option would be to arrange payment for legal representation should the situation require it.


Funds held by Aberdeenshire Council amount to £21,546.34 along with £540 20/21 Admin grant. Some of these funds are for specific purposes:
£4,641.13 Foundation Scotland Microgrant Scheme
£1,595.18 Rhynie Defibrillator Fund

£4,900.56 Dr Lyon’s Legacy/Mosswood

There are also some outstanding payments due:

£500 microgrant for Rannes Hall, Kennethmont

£600 Secretary’s Honorarium for 20/21

Toilet invoices (to be looked into)

There will be ongoing expenses also for the Gartly, Kennethmont and Clatt defibrillators.

        Community Council Contact Details

There are still some outstanding contact details to be supplied by some Community Councillors. The Community Councillors decided that name, phone number/s, email and parish should be published on the website.

        Foundation Scotland Microgrant scheme

Peter and David are TONCC representatives. Peter introduced the scheme and how it works. He reported as follows:
“Foundation Scotland is Scotland’s leading charity trust based in Edinburgh.
When the Clashindarroch Wind Farm became live they put aside funds for annual distribution by Foundation Scotland to local groups in the Tap O’Noth, Huntly, Strathbogie and Cabrach areas.

In the first year of its existence £185,000 was allocated.
As I speak, the annual payment now stands at £220,000. A portion is set aside for the repair or upgrade of village halls, the remainder being for community projects.
Currently Tap O’Noth also receive in the region of £3,000 per annum for our local area. Applications for this fund should be sent to our secretary.
If you need further information please check the website Foundation Scotland Clashindarroch for all details and application deadlines or contact me by email and hopefully I can point you in the right direction.”

        Tap O’Noth Community Council Website and Facebook/Social Media


Vicky has looked into and set up a new Tap O’Noth Community Council Website with a view to replacing the old difficult to use site. Discussion followed about who decides what will go on the website and who should be able to access the site to make changes. The decision was made that the office bearers or full Community Council decision would decide the content of the site. At the moment the site is solely managed by Vicky. It was agreed that arrangements would be made to allow both Janice and Vicky to make changes.

Vicky suggested that a link could be made diverting the old website to the new meaning that the material on the old website could stay as is.

Facebook/Social Media

Discussion as to the advantage or disadvantages of a TONCC Facebook group or page, compared to publishing on the website and sharing links on the existing local community groups. A vote was held and by a majority the Community Council voted against a specific TONCC Facebook presence at the current time.

        Mosswood Area

There has been little progress made regarding this. Possibly a meeting could be arranged with Rhynie Charitable Trust and representatives from the Community Council and Aberdeenshire Council to see the best way forward on this. The area is large and planning is needed. Paul and George to contact Mike from RCT in the first instance to see what progress has been made.

        Community Council Meeting Dates

8th November and 20th December with meetings moving around the halls.

Dog attacks in Rhynie

Paul and Sharon have been involved in discussions regarding these dog attacks. Reports have been made to the dog warden and this is being dealt with formally. Any members of the community should report any dog on dog attacks to the dog warden or contact the police if they feel that they or their families are personally being threatened by dogs.


David reported that he had been in discussion with local residents regarding the poor state of upkeep of the local graveyards. Quite a number of kirkyards have been left to grow wild by Aberdeenshire Council with a view that it helps wildlife. People are now not able to access the gravesides. Many of these are war graves. There is a great deal of disappointment and distress that this has happened and with no discussion locally.

Cllr Petrie has contacted Landscape Services and is waiting for a report back. The Community Council will also send a letter to see what can be done to resolve the issues.

Forest Plan Scoping: 2 Woodlands near Gartly

Peter to look into this.

        Individual Area Reports


The kirkyard wall is unsafe and in need of repair. This has been reported before. Vicky/Morven to supply photos. Janice to contact Landscape Services.
Cllr Petrie will request the police to do a speed survey for the village.


Distillery footpath to Kennethmont School. Cllr Latham will ask for an update. James reported that there are now a large proportion of Kennethmont School’s pupils attending from the distillery side. Cllr Latham reported that there is now some progress with Mansefield Cottages.


Peter reported that the debrillator would be relocated in the village in the next 6-8 weeks. He raised concerns about vandalism and whether or not the cctv was working now that the school had closed. Cllr Latham said he would look into what will happen in the future now the school is closed.


Nothing further to report

Benches for Kennethmont School

David and James to arrange.


All the villages in need of upgrade/additional noticeboards. Paul to speak to George about this.

Community Council Connectivity and Communication Pilot

Tony to correspond about this.

Armistice wreaths

Cllr Latham confirmed that these would be supplied as normal. He will contact Aberdeenshire Council regarding guidance about the service for this year.

Next Meeting: Monday 8th November 2021

Venue to be confirmed.

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