03 February 2020
Minutes from 27th January 2020

Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting

Minutes of meeting held at The Tin Hut Gartly

Monday 27th January 2020

Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), George Beverly (Vice Chairman), Janice Smith (Secretary/Treasurer), Alistair Rennie, Peter Johnston, David Grant, Verona Groves, Max Wallace, James Matthew.

In Attendance: Cllr Latham

Apologies: Duncan Connon

Minutes of Previous Meeting: Approved: James Matthew; Seconded: Alistair Rennie.

Matters Arising:

        Gartly School Closure.

A further Community Meeting has been arranged for Mon 3rd February 2020 at Clatt Village Hall 6.30-8.30pm

        Roads Dept Meeting and Safe Path to School Kennethmont.

Paul attended a meeting with the Roads Dept. New issues were raised and a progress report was given regarding outstanding issues. The meetings seem to be working well and several outstanding jobs have been completed.
The issue regarding provision of a safe path from the distillery to Kennethmont school is now with the transport department. Cllr Latham is now in discussion with Martin Hall looking into the provision of a community path. The speed limit discussion is still ongoing.

        Tap O Noth Community Council Website.

This is still work in progress. Max suggested that we may need to seek professional web design services.

        Garden Competition and School Garden Competition.

After discussion it was decided that the garden competition should be a similar format to last year. Advertising the event should start earlier and there should be online application forms available in Feb/March. One category to be removed is the Sunflower growing category.

Posters and application forms will be made available at Leith Hall. George will contact Rhynie Medical Centre and the Corner Shop to see if forms and information can be left there.
Verona suggested that there be a separate event for the Scottish National Trust and Tap O Noth Community Council Schools Garden Competition. 4 raised beds at Leith Hall can be made available (1 for each school in the area). A theme will be picked such as wildlife or vegetables and a shield and prizes will be given out at a suitable time- perhaps the end of June. The winning school would receive £100 and the runners up £50 each.
Microgrants may be available for resources. A leaflet drop was suggested to advertise the event.


Letter of thanks from Tap O Noth Trampers re Microgrant- kindly noted.        Community Council Police Report December 2019 noted.
Max reported that the Police Survey had been completed. Some information required was not relevant and he has also reported this.

Planning Applications:
APP/2020/0049 Clashindarroch 2 Windfarm

Concerns were raised regarding the large height (180m) of the wind turbines and the overall lack of information received by the Community Council about the planning application. Paul confirmed that information had recently been received and would be made available shortly. A representative from Vattenfall would be asked to attend a future meeting if further information was required.

Individual Area Reports:


The waste bin in the Tap O Noth Car park has been removed. Janice to contact Aberdeenshire Council to get it reinstated.
George confirmed that one of the community benches had been placed part way up Tap O Noth.


Peter reported that houses are still lying empty in Gartly. Janice to find out when these will be refurbished and available for families to move into. No 11 Gartly and also 5 Bogie Road Rhynie.


No new issues.


Verona reported that requests had been made for picnic benches in the park area. Paul to look into the purchase of 3.


Invitation to be made for Donald Boyd to attend the next meeting to advise about the work HDDT is able to do.

Bedding plant survey: Janice to contact Ken Regan to arrange all correspondence for Clatt, Gartly, Rhynie and Kennethmont to be sent to Tap O Noth Community Council so that total costs can be reviewed.

Next Meeting:
Monday 16th March 2020

Rannes Hall Kennethmont at 8pm

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