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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 18/09/2010.

Tweedbank Community Council

2015 AGM held in the Community Centre on 10th June 2015.


Regional Councillors       Jim Torrance; David Parker.

Community Councillors  Andrew Bramhall, Maureen Buchan, John Cavaroli; Mike Clayton; Rodelle & Derek Purvis; Diane Ramage; Stephen Thompson.

Apologies    Alister Paul.


The Chairman presented his report for the past year expressing thanks to all who had contributed to the work of the Community Council. Commented on the upset caused by the reintroduction of the railway but all were looking forward to its opening in September.

Speeding and dog fouling were highlighted as ongoing problems for the village. The chairman expressed a wish that these could be deal with through our regional councillors and police.

Projects to be tackled in the coming session are the Memorial Garden and Christmas lights.

Comment made to the proposal for housing the Great Tapestry of Scotland in Tweedbank.

The chairman said he was prepared to serve for another year then wished to step down.

The treasurer presented his report indicating a healthy balance in the Treasurers account at £2,162.96 and in the Project Fund £1367.73. Treasurer indicated that for the project account a constitution was a requirement from SBC and Funding Bodies.

The meeting approved payments to cover the expenses of the office bearers amounting to £210.

The Secretary intimated that he wished to step down as secretary after a lengthy period of service to the community but wished to remain a member of the community council.

Regional Councillor Jim Torrance then conducted the Community Council Elections.

Chairman: John Cavaroli proposed by Andrew Bramhall seconded by Maureen Buchan.

Vice Chairman: Derek Purvis proposed by Andrew Bramhall seconded by Rodelle Purvis.

Secretary: Rodelle Purvis proposed by Mike Clayton seconded by Maureen Buchan.

Treasurer: Mike Clayton proposed by John Cavaroli and seconded by Stephen Thompson.

The election of ordinary members would not take place until 2016 AGM.
















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