
Goytre Park Recreation Equipment Consultation! 

GFCC is pleased to present two options for recreation equipment improvements within Goytre Park. Residents and park users are asked to consider and vote for their preferred option. You can vote online using the anonymous form below. The online vote closes 13th July at 23:45. 

There will also be a face-to-face engagement in Goytre Village Hall on 5th July (11:00 - 16:30) if you'd like to provide feedback and/or vote in person. 

The options being consulted on have been selected following extensive engagement with Monmouthshire County Council. The equipment will be paid for with Section 106 funding, secured for the purposes of improving recreational facilities in the village for young persons. 

We look forward to receiving your votes and feedback.

Plesae use the folowing link if you would like to view the options and cast your vote.



Affordable Housing 

Updated 10th June 2024

Residents may wish to be aware of the new affordable housing development in Little Mill (Greenmeadow Crescent and Melyn Bach). The development consists of 8 properties, 6 x 1 bedroom and 2 x 2 bedroom houses, which are expected to be ready in early August.  As these properties are re-builds, the Rural Allocation Policy does not apply, which means residents who have a connection to the Goetre Fawr Community Council area are not given priority over applicants who live elsewhere.

However, in rural locations, there tends to be less applicants than in urban areas, so it is still an opportunity for local residents who need an affordable home to submit a bid for one of the new properties. The 8 new homes are likely to be advertised very soon (mid-June) so interested residents should keep an eye on Monmouthshire Homesearch for the adverts over the next week or so at https://www.monmouthshirehomesearch.co.uk/choice/



Help with Your Council Tax

If you need help with paying your council tax. please click here for advice on MCC's Council Tax Reduction Scheme. 

Engagement Survey

Please find below the outcomes of the engagement survey undertaken by the Community Council during October and November 2023.

Full Community Engagement Report

Summary Community Engagement Report







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