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Alloa Central Community Council went to the Continental Market with something different on their mind other than to buy products at the market.

At the recent Council Budget meeting, the elected members of Clackmannanshire Council decided to close all Public Conveniences within Clackmannanshire. 

This means that the main town of Alloa will have no Public Toilets and members of the public will have to ask local traders if they can use their loos.

Anna Forbes collecting signatures.


Members of the public were crowding round to sign the petition set up by Alloa Central Community Council and lots of the public had a lot to say regarding Clackmannanshire Council.

Here are a few of the comments recorded.

“I am now 87 years of age and this is the worst council I have ever experienced”.

 “This is absolutely ridiculous.  Where is our money going.  It’s not on providing service to the public, that’s for sure”.

 “We’re spending all this money doing up the town centre to attract visitors to our town.  Really, with all the empty shops and now no toilets.  Your having as joke.  In fact, Clackmannanshire Council is a joke”.

“I am from the US and we would never stand for this.  What happens to kids or elderly people who are desperate for the toilet.  There’s no wooded area so do they do it in public”.

“Absolutely shocking!  It’s about time the Scottish Government sent the inspectors into Clackmannanshire Council to see what the blazes is going on.  First of all, they overcounted money, then the Staff get their wages cut, now, we got to find a tree to do the loo.”

 "This local authority is a joke.  They forget who they are working for.  All they do is line their own pockets and mess the public around."

 "Oh, are the public toilets closed.  Not that I am surprised with this council.  Well, in future I'll just drop my pants in public and use the pavement."

 "WHAT!  My husband is in a wheelchair and even he couldn't use a portaloo.  I won't be able to bring him back into Alloa.  Ah well, need to shop in Falkirk in future."

 "Really!  The toilets have been closed.  I've just been up to Dollar and saw these super loos or whatever there called.  They were filthy and stinking.  You won't catch me in another one nor in Alloa doing shopping." 

In fact, a few members of the public took boards away with them shouting “Sign to save our toilets” getting many more signatures for the petition raised by Alloa Central Community Council.  A few of the shops were also taking petition sheets getting customers to sign the petition.”

 The Wee County News was on hand giving Anna Forbes and Gary Robertson an interview along with members of the public.  While the reporter was there, she was amazed that 6 boards were being passed out and crowds were still crowding around us to sign.

Alloa Central have collected 1700 signatures so far and are planning another blitz at the Continental Market on Saturday 10 April 2010.

Local traders were also on the scene to take some of the petition papers for their own customers to sign.  Alloa Central reckon that they will have over 2000 signatures and hope to force the councils mind.

Some big names were also in Alloa who signed the petition such as Annabel Ewing and Keith Brown.  Labour kept well away from the town centre the three days.


Above, a picture of the Public Toilets at Maple Court with the shutters down.  These toilets were spotless and the staff were fantastic giving the community a first class service.  We say to Clackmannanshire Council



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